Biography of David O. Orr

Though for a number of years a resident of Topeka, David O. Orr is most widely known in Kansas as a successful stock farmer. He first came to the West more than forty years ago, and his early experiences were largely those of the stock ranch when by far the greater part of the western country was an unlimited and unfenced range. He was born in Wayne County, Ohio, March 26, 1853. His parents were Smith and Elizabeth (Anderson) Orr. Reared in Ohio, his early environment was a farm, and his education came from district schools. He started out on … Read more

Chandler Family of Boston and East Bridgewater MA

This Boston – East Bridgewater Chandler family, the head of which was the late Hon. Peleg Whitman Chandler, long one of the leading counselors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and one of a family of lawyers, comes of a Massachusetts-Maine branch of the ancient Duxbury family whose progenitor was Edmund Chandler. The branch just alluded to for several generations at New Gloucester and Bangor, Maine, and at Boston in this Commonwealth, has been one of liberal education, college-bred men, men who have adorned the legal profession, and it has allied itself through generations with a number of the ancient and first families of the Old Colony. There follows in chronological order from Edmund Chandler, the first American ancestor of this branch of American Chandlers, and in detail the family history and genealogy.

History of Bentleysville, Pennsylvania

Bentleysville title page

This book is a collection of stories, letters, and historical records detailing the brief history of Bentleysville, a rural community in southwestern Pennsylvania. Established around a mill operated by Sheshbazzar Bentley Sr. and Jr. on Pigeon Creek in 1816, the town grew to a population of 300 by 1868. The author traces the origins of Bentleysville back to the 1770s to document the earliest settlers, while also providing context through significant national events like the Whiskey Rebellion and the Civil War. Although Bentleysville’s history as a village ended before 1900, this work preserves its legacy for future generations.

Handbook of Historical Data Concerning Leicester, Massachusetts

The John King House

This post contains a brief outline of the history of the town of Leicester, Massachusetts. However, at the bottom of the page, it provides extensive additional free material on historical and genealogical research within Leicester Massachusetts. If you have ancestors in Leicester, do not miss this!

1923 Historical and Pictorial Directory of Angola Indiana

1923 Angola Indiana Directory Book Cover

Luedders’ historical and pictorial city directory of Angola, Indiana for the year 1923, containing an historical compilation of items of local interest, a complete canvass of names in the city, which includes every member of the family, college students, families on rural lines, directory of officers of county, city, lodges, churches, societies, a directory of streets, and a classified business directory.

Descendants of Elder Nutter of Dover, MA

Isaac Newton Nutter

The family bearing this name in East Bridgewater, whose head was the late Hon. Isaac Newton Nutter, descends from an ancient and honorable family of early New Hampshire, and is connected by marriage in later generations with a number of the old and highly respected families of Plymouth Colony, among them descendants of the “Mayflower” Pilgrims. The emigrant ancestor,

Elder Hatevil Nutter, was born in England in 1603. He was one of those of good estate and of “some account for religion” who were induced to leave England with Captain Wiggins in 1633, and to found a town in New England on Dover Neck, in New Hampshire. His wife, Annie, and son, Anthony, accompanied him. He received several grants of land, and became a large holder of real estate. He was a ruling elder in the first church at Dover, and sometimes filled its pulpit. He filled various offices in church and state, was highly respectable, and possessed of a good share of this world’s goods. He died before June 28, 1675 (when his will was proved), at the age of seventy-one years, leaving a “present wife, Ann,” and three children.

Descendants of Edmund Hobart

Residence of Benjamin Hobart in South Abington

The East Bridgewater family bearing this name, the head of which was the late Hon. Aaron Hobart, long one of the town’s leading citizens and substantial men, and whose father before Him, Hon. Aaron Hobart, was an eminent lawyer and efficient public servant, holding many positions of trust and responsibility, State senator, member of the United States Congress, etc., is a branch of the older Abington Hobart family, in which town the Hobarts were long prominent, and that a branch of the still older Hingham family of the name. It is the purpose here to consider the East Bridgewater Hobart … Read more

Records of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1829-1894

Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1953

This is a copy of a record book of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in Washington Township, Guernsey County, Ohio. The front portion of this manuscript contains the history of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, which we provide here, and biographies of their pastors up to 1953. Starting on page 18 you will find the Membership Record for the church beginning in 1829 and through January of 1894.

Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Early Life in Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

Walter Merryman of Harpswell, Maine, and his descendants

Walter Merryman of Harpswell, Maine, and his descendants - FM

Walter Merryman was kidnapped in an Irish port in 1700 and brought to Boston, Massachusetts, where he was indentured to a shipbuilder in Portland, Maine. He married Elizabeth Potter and settled in Harpswell, Maine. Descendants and relatives lived in Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Idaho and elsewhere. Includes Alexander, Curtiss, Hamilton, McManus, Stover, Webber and related families.

Gallery of Western Nebraska’s People

William Maupin and Family

143 full page photographs of families, couples, group photographs, individual people, and homesteads found within the manuscript History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People, Volume 3.

Harris Family Genealogy of East Bridgewater Massachusetts

B. W. Harris

The Harris family here briefly considered — that of some of the descendants of the late Deacon and Hon. William Harris, of East Bridgewater, who for a quarter of a century was town clerk, for several years town treasurer, and a representative in the Massachusetts General Court — is one of the ancient and honorable families of the Bridgewaters. Deacon Harris’s son, the late Hon. Benjamin Winslow Harris, lawyer, statesman and judge through nearly sixty years, had a long, useful and honored public career; and his son, Hon. Robert Orr Harris, has for thirty years held a high place at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Orr

James Orr was born in Pennsylvania in 1750. He early espoused the cause of freedom, and first entered the service in a company of riflemen, commanded by Captain Robert Mebane; marched to Cross Creek (now Fayetteville), and thence to Wilmington, to the assistance of Generals Ashe and Moore. In 1776, he volunteered under Captain Thomas Polk, in Colonel Charles’ corps of cavalry, General Rutherford commanding, and marched against a body of Tories assembled at Cross Creek, but they were dispersed before the expedition reached that place. Again, in 1776, he volunteered under Captain Mebane, and marched from Charlotte to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Orr

Orr, Charles; investments; born, Xenia, O., 1862; son of John and Henriette Kiloh Orr; married, Xenia, O., Emily L. Currie; book business, Xenia, 1880-1886; same New York, 1886-1889; librarian, Case Library, Cleveland, 1889-1905; director of schools, Cleveland, 1905-1912 (member Board of Education, 1902-1905); investment, 1912 to date; pres. Ohio Library Ass’n, 1897-1899; member State Library Commission, 1898-1911; member American Library Ass’n, American Historical Ass’n, Rowfant Club; pres. Glen Valley Club.

Obituary of Donald R. Orr

Donald R. Orr, 64, of Baker City, died July 19, 2008, at Boise. His memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Keith Chadwell will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at Community Connection, 2810 Cedar St. Donald was born on Aug. 14, 1943, at Torrance, Calif., to Joe and Ina McNeal Orr. He graduated from high school at Bakersfield, Calif. He married Sharron Kohl in June of 1974 at Weiser, Idaho. Don spent the majority of his working career outside doing various types of logging. Over a 30-year … Read more

1899 Directory for Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts

1899 Middleboro and Lakeville Massachusetts Directory Cover

Resident and business directory of Middleboro’ and Lakeville, Massachusetts, for 1899. Containing a complete resident, street and business directory, town officers, schools, societies, churches, post offices, notable events in American history, etc. Compiled and published by A. E. Foss & Co., Needham, Massachusetts. The following is an example of what you will find within the images of the directory: Sheedy John, laborer, bds. J. G. Norris’, 35 West Sheehan John B., grocery and variety store, 38 West, h. do. Sheehan Lizzie O., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main Sheehan Lucy G. B., bds. T. B. Sheehan’s, 16 East Main … Read more

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more