Vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts

Last Updated on January 27, 2024 by Dennis

The list of vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts, comprised in this volume includes all which were entered in the Town Books during the period from the earliest date there found to the end of the year 1849. Some additions and corrections of names and dates have been made from the records of the First Church, these being indicated in each instance by proper reference. There are a total of 6,297 births, marriages, and deaths recorded. This book is free to read or download.

All of the records are condensed in print as much as is consistent with intelligibility, accuracy, and completeness of information. Differences in duplicates, and explanatory or other matter which seemed necessary or desirable, appear in brackets.

Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties, but the full’ information concerning each person is given only under his or her name. An asterisk after a marriage indicates that the intention was not found recorded, and in most cases this is accounted for by the fact that neither party belonged in Southborough, and consequently publishment was made elsewhere.

When places other than Southborough and Massachusetts are named in the original records they are given in the printed copy.

Vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Southborough was a part of the original township of Marlborough, and was incorporated under its present name on the 6th of July, 1727. March 7, 1786, a part of Framingham was annexed, and on March 24, 1843, a portion of its territory was set off to Marlborough.

The age given in the Deaths is in years unless otherwise indicated.


a. — age
abt. — about
b. — born
ch. — child
chn. — children
CO. — county
C.R. — church record
d. — daughter ; day ; died
Dea. — deacon
dup. — duplicate entry
f. — female
h. — husband
inf. — infant
int. — publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. — junior
m. — male ; married ; month
P.R. — private record
rec. — recorded
s. — son
Sr. — senior
w. — wife
wid. — widow
widr. — widower
y. — year
2d. — second


Adams, Aingier, Alden, Ames, Amsden, Angier, Annets, Arnold, Bacon, Baker, Balcom, Ball, Banister, Barber, Barney, Barns, Bartlett, Beals, Beamas, Beelles, Bellows, Belnup, Bemis, Bigelow, Blair, Blanden, Blandin, Bond, Boyd, Brawbrook, Brewer, Bridges, Brigham, Brittain, Britton, Bruce, Buck, Bullard, Burdett, Burdette, Burnap, Burnett, Butterfield, Capen, Carlton, Chaffin, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Champney, Chase, Cheney, Chickering, Claflin, Clammans, Cleamons, Clemmans, Clifford, Collins, Comings, Commings, Conroy, Cotting, Cowhay, Crosby, Crouch, Cumings, Cummings, Davis, Dewired, Dillingham, Draper, Drury, Dudley, Dunton, Eames, Emerson, este, Fairbank, Fairbanks, Fales, Farr, Fay, Fisher, Flagg, Follett, Forbush, Frederick, Gardner, Garfield, Gay, Gibbs, Gibbes, Goodale, Goodnow, Graves, Greenwood, Grout, Hall, Harrington, Harvey, Harvy, Harwood, Haskell, Hatch, Hayden, Haynes, Hemenway, hide, Hill, Holden, Horn, Horne, How, Howe, Hubbard, Budson, Hunt, Hunting, Hyde, James, Jenison, Jennison, Jinerson, Jineson, Johnson, Joslen, Joslin, Kavenah, King, Kingsbury, Leach, Leland, Lenard, Lennard, Leonard, Lewis, Libby, Littlefield, Lock, Loomis, Lyscom, McDermot, McNulty, Mahan, Maaanson, marble, Marritt, Marsh, Marshall, Mathews, Mathis, Mayhew, Maynard, Millen, Miller, Mixer, Montague, Moor, Moore, More, Morse, Muchemore, Mulligen, Murry, Newton, Nichols, North, Nourse, Noyes, O’Grady, Onthank, Pannell, Parker, Parmenter, Peirce, Phillips, Phipps, Pike, Prentice, Priest, Prusha, Psalter, Rawson, Read, Rice, Richards, Rider, Ritchards, Rivers, Roach, Robbins, Robertson, Robinson, Roche, Rockwood, Ruge, Rugg, Sanger, Savage, Sawin, Shattuck, Sherman, Shirtleff, Shurtliff, Sibley, Smith, Snow, Standford, Stiles, Stone, Stow, Stowe, Taplin, Taylor, Temple, Thomson, Thornton, Tower, Tozer, Trowbridge, Tuttle, Upham, Vickery, Vorce, Walker, Ward, Ware, Warfield, Warner, Webb, Wendall, Wendell, Wesson, Wetherbee, Wheeler, Wheelor, Whipple, White, Whiting, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Winchester, Windell, Witherbe, Witherbee, Witherby, Witt, Wood, Woodbury, Woods, and Works.


Abbott, Adams, Ainnger, Allard, Allen, Ames, Amsden, Angier, Annets, Annetts, Arnold, Bacon, Baily, Baker, Balcom, Baldin, Ball, Bancroft, Bangs, Banister, Bannister, Bates, Barber, Barnard, Barns, Barret, Bartlet, Bartlett, Barton, Batchellor, Batherick, Batte, Bayley, Beamas, Beary, Belknap, Belknup, Belnap, Bellers, Bellows, Belows, Beman, Bemis, Bent, Berry, Bigelow, Biglow, Bines, Bird, Bixby, Blair, Blanden, Bond, Boutelle, Bowen, Boynton, Bradford, Bradish, Brewer, Brick, Bride, Bridges, Briggs, Brigham, Britton, Brown, Bruce, Bubeir, Buck, Buckminster, Bullard, Burdett, Burlingame, Burnap, Burnett, Butler, Byam, Capen, Capon, Carter, Carlton, Cary, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Champney, Chase, Cheney, Chickering, Chubuck, Claflin, Clemans, Clemmons, Coburn, Collings, Collins, Comings, Conner, Cook, Corbett, Corbin, Corey, Cotting, Cowdin, Crouch, Cummins, Damon, Dana, Daniels, Darling, Davis, Deamon, Dench, Dickey, Dickman, Dillingham, Doge, Donton, Dowal, Drake, Draper, Drury, Dudley, Dunton, Dutton, Dwella, Eames, Eams, Earl, Eastabrook, Eaten, Eaton, Dee, Ellis, Emerson, Este, Ewell, Fairbank, Fairbanks, Fales, Farr, Farriel, Farwell, Fay, Felton, Fish, Fisher, Flagg, Flint, Floyd, Forbes, Forbs, Forbush, Forrister, Freeland, Fredrick, Frizzel, Frost, Fuller, Gadsby, Gale, Gamage, Gardner, Garfield, Gates, Gerry, Gibbs, Gilmore, Gleason, Goodenow, Goodnow, Gould, Gowing, Graves, Gray, Green, Grout, Haden, Hager, Haines, Hall, Hamblin, Hanes, Hapgood, Hardy, Harrington, Harris, Harvay, Harvey, Harvy, Harwood, Hastings, Haynes, Hayden, Hemenway, Hemingway, Heminway, Hemmenway, Hervey, Hide, Hill, Holden, Hollis, Holt, Homes, Hopping, Horn, Horne, Houghton, How, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hudson, Hunt, Hunting, Hyde, Ingraham, Jackson, James, Jarvis, Jenison, Jennison, Jewel, Jewett, Jineson, Jinnings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joslin, Kavenah, Kendall, Kidder, Kindall, King, Knap, Lackey, Lamb, Lane, Laurance, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lealand, Lee, Leland, Lenard, Lennard, Leonard, Lewis, Libby, Littlefield, Lock, Lomos, Loomis, Longley, Lord, Lyscom, lyscum, McGlauflin, McIntire, Mahan, Mainard, Manson, Marcy, Marret, Marritt, Marsh, Marshall, Mathews, Mathis, Matthews, Maynard, Mellon, Meriam, Meriel, Meriot, Metcalf, Millen, Miller, Millin, Mills, Mixer, Montigue, Moor, Moore, Morchant, More, Mores, Morris, Morse, Muchemore, Newell, Newhell, Newton, Nichols, Nixon, North, Nourse, Noyes, Nurse, Ockinton, Onthank, Orion, Pannell, Park, Parker, Parks, Parmenter, Parminter, Partridge, Patch, Peas, Peirce, Penniman, Perce, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pike, Plimton, Plymton, Pond, Potter, Prat, Prentice, Prescot, Priest, Printer, Putnam, Rainger, Rawson, Read, Reed, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rider, Ritchards, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rolf, Rolff, Root, Rowel, Rugg, Ruggles, Russel, Russell, Salter, Samson, Sanger, Savage, Sawin, Sawing, Sawyer, Seaver, Sebens, Shattuck, Shepard, Sherman, Shirtlif, Sibley, Sibly, Smith, Spaulden, Spaulding, Spellasy, Stacy, Stearns, Sterns, Stevens, Stewart, Stiles, Stockwell, Stone, Stow, Stowell, Sumner, Swain, Symmes, Taft, Taplin, Tarbell, Tayler, Taylor, Temple, Tenney, Thomas, Thurston, Thompson, Titus, Townsend, Tozer, Trask, Treadway, Trowbridge, Tuttle, Twitchel, Underwood, Upham, Valentine, Wait, Wales, Walker, Walkup, Walrond, Ward, Wark, Warner, Warren, Wendell, Wesson, Wetherbee, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whipple, White, Whiting, Whiteing, Whitney, Whittemore, Wilkison, Williams, Wilson, Winch, Winchester, Wiser, Witherbe, Witherbee, Witherby, Withington, Witt, Wood, Woodbury, Woods, Woolson, Works, and Wyman.


Adams, Alden, Ames, Amsden, Angier, Annets, Annetts, Arnold, Bacon, Baker, Balcom, Ball, Banister, Barney, Barret, Bartlett, Beals, Bellows, Bemis, Bent, Bigelow, Blanden, Bond, Brewer, Bridges, Brigham, Brittain, Britten, Bruce, Bullard, Burknap, Burnett, Burnum, Capen, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Champney, Chase, Cheney, Chickering, Childs, Claflin, Clark, Collins, Cooke, Comings, Cotting, Crouch, Cummings, Cutler, Davis, Dickey, Dickman, Dowell, Draper, Drury, Dunton, Eames, Eaton, Emerson, Este, Estes, Fairbank, Fairbanks, Fales, Farr, Fay, Fisher, Flagg, Frederick, Fredrick, Gardner, Gibbs, Gill, Goodnow, Gordon, Gould, Granger, Graves, Green, Greenwood, Grout, Hardy, Harvey, Harrington, Haskel, Hayden, Higgins, Hill, Holden, Horn, Horne, Houghton, Howe, Hudson, Hyde, Jenison, Johnson, Joslen, Joslin, Lee, Leighton, Leland, Lennard, Leonard, Lewis, Libby, Lock, Loomis, Lyscom, Macpherson, Mahan, Marsh, Mathews, Mathis, Mixer, Mixter, Montague, Moor, Moore, More, Mores, Morse, Murdock, Murrer, Newton, Nicholes, Nichols, Nixon, O’Grady, Onthank, Pannill, Parker, Parmenter, Pease, Pearce, Peirce, Perry, Phillips, Pierce, Pike, Priest, Putnam, Rawson, Rice, Richards, Richmond, Sabin, Salter, Sanger, Savage, Sawin, Shattuck, Sherman, Sibley, Smith, Snow, Spear, Stearns, Stone, Stow, Tayler, Taylor, Temple, Thompson, Tower, Tozer, Trowbridge, Upum, Vickry, Vorce, Walker, Ward, Ware, Warfield, Warner, Weatherby, Wendell, Wetherbee, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Whiting, Williams, Wilson, Winchester, Windell, Witherbe, Witherbee, Withington, Woodbury, Woods, Woolson, Work, Works, Wyman.


Southborough, Mass. Vital records of Southborough, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, Worcester: F. P. Rice, 1903.

Abbott, Adams, Aingier, Ainnger, Alden, Allard, Allen, Ames, Amsden, Angier, Annets, Annetts, Arnold, Bacon, Baily, Baker, Balcom, Baldin, Ball, Bancroft, Bangs, Banister, Bannister, Barber, Barnard, Barney, Barns, Barret, Bartlet, Bartlett, Barton, Batchellor, Bates, Batherick, Batte, Bayley, Beals, Beamas, Beary, Beelles, Belknap, Belknup, Bellers, Bellows, Belnap, Belnup, Belows, Beman, Bemis, Bent, Berry, Bigelow, Biglow, Bines, Bird, Bixby, Blair, Blanden, Blandin, Bond, Boutelle, Bowen, Boyd, Boynton, Bradford, Bradish, Brawbrook, Brewer, Brick, Bride, Bridges, Briggs, Brigham, Brittain, Britten, Britton, Brown, Bruce, Bubeir, Buck, Buckminster, Budson, Bullard, Burdett, Burdette, Burknap, Burlingame, Burnap, Burnett, Burnum, Butler, Butterfield, Byam, Capen, Capon, Carlton, Carter, Cary, Chaffin, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Champney, Chase, Cheney, Chickering, Childs, Chubuck, Claflin, Clammans, Clark, Cleamons, Clemans, Clemmans, Clemmons, Clifford, Coburn, Collings, Collins, Comings, Commings, Conner, Conroy, Cook, Cooke, Corbett, Corbin, Corey, Cotting, Cowdin, Cowhay, Crosby, Crouch, Cumings, Cummings, Cummins, Cutler, Damon, Dana, Daniels, Darling, Davis, Deamon, Dee, Dench, Dewired, Dickey, Dickman, Dillingham, Doge, Donton, Dowal, Dowell, Drake, Draper, Drury, Dudley, Dunton, Dutton, Dwella, Eames, Eams, Earl, Eastabrook, Eaten, Eaton, Ellis, Emerson, este, Estes, Ewell, Fairbank, Fairbanks, Fales, Farr, Farriel, Farwell, Fay, Felton, Fish, Fisher, Flagg, Flint, Floyd, Follett, Forbes, Forbs, Forbush, Forrister, Frederick, Fredrick, Freeland, Frizzel, Frost, Fuller, Gadsby, Gale, Gamage, Gardner, Garfield, Gates, Gay, Gerry, Gibbes, Gibbs, Gill, Gilmore, Gleason, Goodale, Goodenow, Goodnow, Gordon, Gould, Gowing, Granger, Graves, Gray, Green, Greenwood, Grout, Haden, Hager, Haines, Hall, Hamblin, Hanes, Hapgood, Hardy, Harrington, Harris, Harvay, Harvey, Harvy, Harwood, Haskel, Haskell, Hastings, Hatch, Hayden, Haynes, Hemenway, Hemingway, Heminway, Hemmenway, Hervey, Hide, Higgins, Hill, Holden, Hollis, Holt, Homes, Hopping, Horn, Horne, Houghton, How, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hudson, Hunt, Hunting, Hyde, Ingraham, Jackson, James, Jarvis, Jenison, Jennison, Jewel, Jewett, Jinerson, Jineson, Jinnings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joslen, Joslin, Kavenah, Kendall, Kidder, Kindall, King, Kingsbury, Knap, Lackey, Lamb, Lane, Laurance, Lawrance, Lawrence, Leach, Lealand, Lee, Leighton, Leland, Lenard, Lennard, Leonard, Lewis, Libby, Littlefield, Lock, Lomos, Longley, Loomis, Lord, Lyscom, lyscum, Maaanson, Macpherson, Mahan, Mainard, Manson, Marble, Marcy, Marret, Marritt, Marsh, Marshall, Mathews, Mathis, Matthews, Mayhew, Maynard, McDermot, McGlauflin, McIntire, McNulty, Mellon, Meriam, Meriel, Meriot, Metcalf, Millen, Miller, Millin, Mills, Mixer, Mixter, Montague, Montigue, Moor, Moore, Morchant, More, Mores, Morris, Morse, Muchemore, Mulligen, Murdock, Murrer, Murry, Newell, Newhell, Newton, Nicholes, Nichols, Nixon, North, Nourse, Noyes, Nurse, O'Grady, Ockinton, Onthank, Orion, Pannell, Pannill, Park, Parker, Parks, Parmenter, Parminter, Partridge, Patch, Pearce, Peas, Pease, Peirce, Penniman, Perce, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Pierce, Pike, Plimton, Plymton, Pond, Potter, Prat, Prentice, Prescot, Priest, Printer, Prusha, Psalter, Putnam, Rainger, Rawson, Read, Reed, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Rider, Ritchards, Rivers, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roche, Rockwood, Rolf, Rolff, Root, Rowel, Ruge, Rugg, Ruggles, Russel, Russell, Sabin, Salter, Samson, Sanger, Savage, Sawin, Sawing, Sawyer, Seaver, Sebens, Shattuck, Shepard, Sherman, Shirtleff, Shirtlif, Shurtliff, Sibley, Sibly, Smith, Snow, Spaulden, Spaulding, Spear, Spellasy, Stacy, Standford, Stearns, Sterns, Stevens, Stewart, Stiles, Stockwell, Stone, Stow, Stowe, Stowell, Sumner, Swain, Symmes, Taft, Taplin, Tarbell, Tayler, Taylor, Temple, Tenney, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thornton, Thurston, Titus, Tower, Townsend, Tozer, Trask, Treadway, Trowbridge, Tuttle, Twitchel, Underwood, Upham, Upum, Valentine, Vickery, Vickry, Vorce, Wait, Wales, Walker, Walkup, Walrond, Ward, Ware, Warfield, Wark, Warner, Warren, Weatherby, Webb, Wendall, Wendell, Wesson, Wetherbee, Wheeler, Wheelock, Wheelor, Whipple, White, Whiteing, Whiting, Whitney, Whittemore, Wilkison, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Winch, Winchester, Windell, Wiser, Witherbe, Witherbee, Witherby, Withington, Witt, Wood, Woodbury, Woods, Woolson, Work, Works, Wyman,


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