William Wilson, the pioneer ancestor of this family, emigrated from Stewardstown, County of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1732, when 19 years of age. The Town of Stewardstown is in the parish of Donagheny in the province of Ulster and eighty-two miles northwest of Dublin, long noted for its very superior linen cloth.
William Wilson followed the trade of weaver after his arrival in this country, which he no doubt learned in Stewardstown.
Two traditions exist as to the parentage of the pioneer William Wilson.
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The number preceding the name, refers to this person in the text. The number following the name, refers to his or her parentage.
An asterisk * indicates a marriage.
b. born.
d. died,
m. married,
bapt. baptized,
pr. proved or probated.
Adams, Adelbertus, Agnes, Agnew, Allerton, Alsop, Altdorf, Andros, Anne, Applegate, Armitage, Armstrong, Atkinson, Azo, Bacon, Baker, Bangs, Barclay, Barnes, Barns, Barrett, Barton, Bartram, Bastian, Bayles, Bayly, Beach, Beacroft, Beausant, Bennett, Bentyne, Bergen, Berkeley, Berryhill, Bias, Biddle, Billew, Bishop, Blake, Blanchan, Blilie, Blose, Bogart, Boileau, Boileau, Boisleau, Boniface, Boone, Boswell, Boucquet, Bower, Bowne, Boyer, Bradford, Brandt, Brazier, Brittain, Brittayne, Britton, Brock, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Bultell, Burch, Burnham, Canby, Carl, Carpenter, Carson, Carter, Cary, Casier, Cason, Cassel, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chambers, Charlemagne, Charlton, Chase, Child, Christopher, Clarke, Claypoole, Clemens, Clerk, Clever, Clotterbuck, Cock, Coddington, Codricke, Coe, Cole, Comes, Cooke, Coon, Cooper, Cordeljan, Cornelissen, Cornell, Corteljou, Corwin, Cottin, Couwenhoven, Cowperthwait, Cox, Crane, Crary, Craven, Creighton, Crewse, Crispin, Crocheron, Crocker, Croft, Cromwell, Crosse, Cunrads, Cupitt, Curtis, D’Etamps, Daillie, Damon, Daniel, Dannehower, Davies, Davis, De Benneville, De Bonrepos, De Meyer, De Witt, Dean, Delavall, Delp, Dennis, Derdeman, Detwiler, Deyo, Dickinson, Diefenderfer, Dillwyn, Dixon, Doane, Dobson, Doldridge, Donahoe, Dongan, Donham, Donohoe, doris, Dorland, Doud, Drummey, Du Bois, Du Boise, Du Peyster, Duchan, Duchesne, Duffield, DujcIc, Dungan, Dyer, East, Edie, Edwards, Egerton, Elstone, Elten, Ely, Emans, Emlen, Emmons, Evans, Farrow, Ferguson, Fernley, Findlay, Fitch, Fletcher, Flounroy, Folwell, Forsyth, Foster, Fountain, Fowler, Freeborn, French, Frere, Friscobald, Fruit, Fulton, Gable, Gamewell, Garber, Gardner, Garrison, Garritts, Gaujot, Gerhard, Germend, Gerriage, Gerritsen, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gillam, Godbe, Goedecke, Gomminger, Gooser, Gouverneur, Governor, Gowan, Graeme, Gragon, Graham, Grasset, Green, Gregoire, Griffith, Grub, Guelph, Hall, Halwel, Hamilton, Harman, Harper, Harrison, Hart, Hasbrouck, Hatch, Hawk, Hawkins, Hayden, Head, Heim, Heim,, Helmick, Helviston, Henderson, Hendricks, Hendrie, Hertes, Hertz, Hewlett, Hibbs, Hicks, Hide, Hill, Hinkle, Hobensack, Hoffecker, Hogeland, Holgate, Holme, Holmes, Hopper, Houck, Hough, Houghty, Houlgate, Howard, Howell, Hubbard, Hubbell, Hughes, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Hursh, Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Huyberts, Hyde, Ingoldsby, Inslee, Jackson, Jamison, Jandens, Janney, Jans, Janse, Jansen, Jaquiss, Jenner, Jennings, Jermyn, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jurne, Justice, Justis, Juwel, Kehrer, Kemmerer, Kieft, Kile, Kimball, Kirk, Kirkbride, Knight, Kregier, Krieger, Kueffner, La Rue, Lacey, Lacy, Lagg, Lake, Lamb, Langshaw, Lanoy, Largellier, Larzalere, Latourette, Laurence, Le Compt, Le Count, Le Counte, Le Turcq, Leech, Leedom, Leich, Leisenring, Leislar, Levering, Lewis, Light, Litts, Lodt, Logan, Loller, Lomison, Longaker, Longford, Longshore, Longstreth, Longueville, Love, Lovelace, Lubberts, Lubbertse, Lubrecht, Lyle, Lyns, Mackenzie, Madera, Magaw, Mapledoram, Maray, Marlet, Martlings, Mason, Matelyne, Mather, Matilda, Matox, Mattheysen, Maximillian, Mayor, McAlpine, McCartney, McCay, McClain, McClean, McGill, McGuigan, McKeachie, McKean, McLachland, McLear, McNair, McNeill, McVeagh, Mears, Mechler, Medary, Megargee, Meyer, Michaud, Miller, Millican, Mitchell, Moffat, Moffatt, Monier, Moog, Moore, Moores, Morford, Morgan, Morral, Morris, Morton, Moss, Mott, Murphy, Mutchler, Nair, Nelson, Nevel, Nevels, Nichols, Nissepat, Noakes, Norcross, Northrop, Nyssen, O’Neal, Oglevie, Ognies, Osbourne, Osburne, Otbert, Page, Pancoast, papers, Pardee, Parker, Parle, Paschall, Pastorius, Paxon, Peake, Peakey, Pearson, Penn, Penrose, Perine, Peters, Petriken, Pharo, Phillpot, Pieterse, Pietersey, Pigot, Pike, Pinkerton, Pintard, Pinyard, Ploffecker, Poillon, Polhemus, Pomeroy, Pope, Potter, Potts, Powell, Powers, Praal, Prismall, Rambout, Ramsay, Rapelje, Redd, Reed, Reinmiller, Renel, Reser, Rhoads, Richards, Riche, Richie, Righter, Risley, Ristine, Riter, Rittenhouse, Ritts, Roads, Robins, Robinson, Roeloffs, Rogers, Rolfe, Roney, Roop, Rorer, Rose, Ross, Rowan, Russel, Satterfield, Saunders, Scarborough, Schepmos, Schoute, Scott, Scout, Seagraves, Sebering, Sebring, Seddon, Segisfrede, Selwyn, Seyfer, Shallcross, Sharpe, Sharpless, Shelleman, Shelmire, Sherman, Shoemaker, Sibthorp, Simcock, Simcocks, Sisom, Skelton, Slater, Slive, Smalwood, Smith, Snedicker, Snyder, Sole, Soubanick, Sowers, Spencer, Spicer, Stackhouse, Stafford, Stager, stands, Stanley, Stevens, Stevense, Stewart, Stillwell, Stilwell, Stokes, Stone, Stoothoff, Strachan, Strawbridge, Strycker, Stryker, Stuyvesant, Suebering, Sutherland, Swain, Swartout, Sykes, Sylvester, Taylor, Teunis, Thomas, Thompson, Tilton, Tingley, Tomson, Too, Townsend, Tredwell, Trotter, Truy, Tunnicliff, Turner, Uthoft, Van Buskirk, Van der Kreest, Van der Wyck, Van Derveer, Van Horn, Van Pelt, Van Ruyven, Van Vorhees, Van Werven, Vance, Vanhorn, Vansandt, Vansant, Varnoye, Vaughan, Vernon, Volkert, Von Dincklage, Wain, Walker, Wallace, Wallis, Walton, Watts, Weaver, Webster, Weir, Wentz, West, Westphalen, Wever, Wharton, Wheelwright, White, Whitehead, Whitman, wick, Wiess, Wilcox, Wildman, Wiley, Wilhelm, Wilkeson, Wilkins, William, Williams, Wilson, Winram, Wolfardus, Wolfe, Wollard, Wood, Woolverton, Worrell, Wright, Yard, Yearwood, York, Yost, Young, Youngman.
Justice, Alfred Rudulph. Wilson and allied families: Billew, Britton, Du Bois, Longshore, Polhemus, Stillwell, Suebering. Philadelphia: Seld- Published, 1929.