Biography of James Frederick McFadden, M. D.

Dr. James Frederick McFadden, who in keeping with the tendency of the age toward specialization has become a successful neurologist, was born in Belmont, Missouri, September 22, 1888. His father, James McFadden, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was an enterprising merchant of Belmont until a few years prior to his death, when he removed to St. Louis and retired from active business, passing away in 1907, at the age of fifty-three years. His wife, who in her maidenhood was Josephine L. Klinge, was born in Wabasha, Minnesota, and came to St. Louis with her parents when very young and … Read more

Biography of J. B. Congle

J.B. CONGLE. – Mr. Congle was one of the men of wealth who contributed largely to the early growth and prosperity of our state, and especially of Portland. He was born December 9, 1817, in Chester county, Pennsylvania. In the year 1832 he went to Philadelphia to learn the harness and saddlery trade, and in the spring of 1838 removed to Virginia, thence to Missouri, and in the year 1841 was at Lafayette, Indiana, where he resided ten years thereafter. On May 21, 1844, he was married to Miss Ellen H. Gray, of the place last named. He came as … Read more

Biography of John Quincy Smith

John Quincy Smith. The career of J. Quincy Smith, of Fredonia, had been an expression of well directed and diversified industry and in its development had invaded various fields of human activity, in each of which J. Q. Smith had won a full measure of material success and satisfying reputation. He had had experience in both professional and business labors, and while he is now retired from the activities of life, having approached the Psalmist’s three-score-and-ten years, is still an influence for good in his community and a citizen whose help and support continue to be factors for the development … Read more

Descendants of Philip Taber of New Bedford, MA

The Taber family of Dartmouth and New Bedford is descended from (I) Philip Taber, who, according to Savage, was born in 1605, and died in 1672. He was at Watertown in 1634, and he contributed toward building the galley for the security of the harbor. He was made a freeman at Plymouth in that same year. In 1639-40 he was a deputy from Yarmouth, and was afterward at Martha’s Vineyard, and from 1647 to 1655 was at Edgartown, going from there to New London in 1651, but probably returning soon. He was an inhabitant of Portsmouth in February, 1655, and was a representative in Providence in 1661, the commissioners being Roger Williams, William Field, Thomas Olney, Joseph Torrey, Philip Taber and John Anthony. Later he settled in Tiverton, where his death occurred. He married Lydia Masters, of Watertown, Mass., daughter of John and Jane Masters, and his second wife, Jane, born in 1605, died in 1669.

Baxendale Family of Brockton, Massachusetts

thos a baxendale

Thomas Albert Baxendale, late of Brockton, was for a number of years successfully and prominently identified with industrial interests as a manufacturer of box toes for men’s boots and shoes. He won distinction in business circles as the founder of that branch of the shoe business in which he made his chief success – the manufacture of box toes – and was a substantial and respected citizen of the city in which his success was achieved. Mr. Baxendale was of English birth and parentage, born Feb. 29, 1840, in Blackburn, Lancashire, England, youngest child of the late Robert and Hannah (Dawson) Baxendale.

Biography of Oscar B. Steely, M. D.

Oscar B. Steely, M. D., is a prominent resident and physician living at Pocatello, Idaho, and is surgeon of the Idaho and Montana division of the Oregon Short Line Railroad. Dr. Steely was born in Belleville, Pennsylvania, August 22, 1862, and is descended from English and German ancestry. His forefathers in both lines were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania, and his maternal grandfather (Baker) did patriotic service as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His parents were William and Sarah (Baker) Steely, both natives of Pennsylvania. His father, who for many years was a successful dealer in meats, died … Read more

Choctaw Nation and the Greer County Dispute

1818 Melish Map of the United States

The Dispute In The Right Of Ownership Of Greer County Between The United States And Texas. The petition of the Attorney General of the United States affirms that according to the treaty of Feb. 22, 1819 made by the United States and the King of Spain, which was ratified two years later, and so proclaimed by both the United States and Spain, and that by the third article of the treaty it was provided and agreed that the boundary line between the two countries west of the Mississippi River shall begin on the Gulf of Mexico at the mouth of … Read more

Biography of Richard Johnson Payne, M. D.

Making his advent into professional circles in St. Louis in 1913 as an interne in Bethesda Hospital, Dr. Richard Johnson Payne has continuously engaged in practice in this city save for the period of his service in charge of the ear, nose and throat department of Base Hospital, No. 20, in France during the World war. Thorough study, earnest purpose and close adherence to the highest standards of the profession have gained for him a creditable place and large practice. Missouri numbers him among her native sons, his birth having occurred in Fayette on the 14th of April, 1888. He is … Read more

Biography of Henry Sheppard

Henry Sheppard, among the early people of Greene county, was the man who made and left the best impression. He was born in Cumberland county, New Jersey, on November 8th, 1821, of the seventh generation from the original settler of his name. His father was a quiet man of moderate means who gave to his sons what education he could in schools and at home taught them, by precept and by example, industry, self-reliance and truth. The mother was a deeply religious woman. Henry, the oldest son, an ambitious and independent boy supported himself from the age of fifteen. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. Miller France

France, E. Miller; insurance; born, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 30, 1866; son of A. J. and Annie Ainsworth France; educated, Philadelphia public schools, and Pierce School; after entering business, took full course in telegraphy and shorthand at night school; married, Roslyn, Long Island, July 7, 1891, Alice H. Leys; one son, Leys, and one daughter, Helen; from 18 to 42, was telegraph operator New York Division of The Pennsylvania R. R.; three years stenographer and private sec’y, four years as see’y and treas. the Standard Wheel Co. (the Vehicle Wheel Trust), of Indiana; 1897, entered the life insurance business, spending two … Read more

Biography of William M. Bryan, M. D.

The medical profession in St. Louis has many distinguished and capable representatives, men who are most conscientious and faithful in the discharge of all professional duties and who are continually striving to promote knowledge and efficiency by broad reading and comprehensive study. To this class belongs Dr. Bryan who was born in St. Louis November 25, 1875. His father, W. J. S. Bryan, also a native of St. Louis is a son of William and Martha Alice (How) Bryan. W.J.S. Bryan is now connected with the board of education of this city. His father, William Bryan, served as vice president … Read more

Biography of George B. Markle

Among the young business men of Portland none have exerted a more powerful influence toward advancing the material progress of the city during the past few years than George B. Markle. The various projects he has been largely instrumental in creating and successfully carrying out, have been far reaching in their wholesome effect upon the prosperity of Portland, and justly entitle him to a prominent place in the commercial and financial history of the city. He is a native of Pennsylvania, having been born in Hazleton, Lucerne county, on the 7th of October, 1857. Until the age of twelve he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas P. Ballard

Ballard, Thomas P.; real estate; born, Canton, O., Apr. 27, 1854; son of Martin and Sophia Ball Ballard; educated, A. B. Amherst College, 1876 and A. M. 1879; married, Columbus, O., Jan. 20, 1886, Isabella Clerk (deceased) ; one son, Clifford B. Ballard; married, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1907, Frances Anne Keay; one son, Hyde Whitcomb Ballard; 1877-79, supt. schools Navarre, O.; 1879-80, prin. Unadilla N. Y. Academy; 1880-90, agt. for Ginn & Co. of Boston at Columbus, O.; 1890, admitted as partner of Ginn & Co., 1892-99, Chicago office of Ginn & Co.; 1899-1906, social and settlement worker, Philadelphia; … Read more

William Davis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

c154 WILLIAM DAVIS: b. near Philadelphia, 1756; had two brothers, Henry and Jonas; served in the Revolutionary War for four yrs.; in 1784 m. Isabella Scott; had with other issue (1) Henry: b. 1787; d. 1860; m. Jane Johnston; was a sergeant in Capt. Leiper’s Company in War of 1812. One of the founders of New Sheffield, Pa., and was a surveyor, an astronomer and a driller of salt wells. (A) Isabella: b. 1814; d. 1862; m. Johnston Calhoun. (B) James S.: b. 1815, d. 1897; m. Maria Flanegin, 1840. Ch. incd: (a) Francis F.: b. 1845; m. Abbie Stout. … Read more

Biography of James R. Daniel

JAMES R. DANIEL. – The subject of this sketch was born in 1826, and has lived a life that might well be described in poetry as succinct as that in which Othello related his own. The son of a machinist and shipbuilder of Philadelphia, Mr. Daniel early learned naval craft on the schoolship North Carolina in New York harbor, and on the brig Washington of the Coast Survey, and was then transferred to the Independence and Potomac. After his honorable discharge from the United States navy, he made voyages as able seaman to Havre and Liverpool, and to the West … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ellis Jones Chesbro

Chesbro, Ellis Jones; dentist; born, Cleveland, Dec. 25, 1868; son of George W. and Miss Boyce Chesbro; educated, Willoughby High School, Allegheny College, A. B.; University of Pennsylvania, D. D. S.; married, Washington, D. C., May 9, 1906, Eugenna C. Davis; one son; member Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n and Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.

Biography of Thomas Newman

In the veins of this gentleman flowed sturdy English blood, for in Dorchester, England, he first saw the light of day. In his boyhood he was brought to this country by his father, John Newman, and with him settled in Philadelphia, Pa., where the latter followed the calling of a mechanic, and eventually died. Thomas Newman attained manhood in the East and then embarked in the battle of life as a railroad engineer, but in 1858 or’59 turned his attention to newspaper work in Kansas, and through its pages advocated the cause of Abolition. After a short time he moved … Read more

Biography of Harlan P. Ustick, A. M., M. D.

The medical profession in Boise is ably represented by Dr. Harlan Page Ustick, a prominent homeopathic physician, who was born in Fayette county, Ohio, on the 26th of November, 1848. His paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister, who, leaving his home in France, crossed the Atlantic to New York City, where he passed the residue of his days. His son, William Arnold Ustick, the father of the Doctor, was born in Orange County. New York, in the year 1800, and when seventeen years of age removed to Ohio, where he resided until he laid down the burdens of life, in … Read more

Biography of John Zurcher

That stanch little republic whose spirit has made her presence felt in all of the countries of Europe, has furnished many enterprising citizens of this country, and among them we wish to mention the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has demonstrated his loyalty and sterling qualities in that, when the call came for the sons of liberty to defend the flag, he at once left the walks of domestic life and plunged into the carnage of battle, where for the entire term of the Civil war he was foremost and at the post of duty, both … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Ralph Owens

Owens, John Ralph; dentist; born, Burlington, Ia., May 15, 1853; son of John James and Martha Ann Yocum Owens; educated, public schools, Burlington, Ia.; graduated from High School in 1870, salutatorian of class; received degree of D. D. S. from Philadelphia Dental College, 1875; vice pres. of the class; married, Cleveland, May 15, 1889, Louise Benton; issue, three daughters, Beatrice, Theodora, and Louise; enlisted in the Cleveland first troop of Cavalry, 1880; served twelve years, having risen to 3rd sergt.; member Municipal Ass’n; trustee Y. M. C. A., 1884; charter member Cleveland Dental Society, its third pres. and fourth treas., … Read more