Statement No. 10 – Samuel Mallet of Bay Center

Statement No 10, part 1

This document is a communication from the acting commissioner of Indian Affairs that details the rolls of certain Indian Tribes in Oregon and Washington, specifically in reference to an agreement made in August 1851. This particular statement, No. 10, is given by Samuel Mallet of Bay Center, a 76-year-old member of the Waukikum tribe of Chinook Indians, to Charles E. McChesney, supervisor of Indian schools, in 1906. In his sworn statement, Mallet provides a detailed account of various Lower Chinook Indians who signed the 1851 treaty, including their descendants and their fates.

Biography of Otis G. Hawk

Otis G. Hawk, a native son of Champaign County, long identified with the agricultural enterprise of this section, has directed his efforts with such good purpose that now, at the age of fifty, he is able to retire and enjoy the comforts of a good town home in the village of St. Joseph. Mr. Hawk was born southeast of Urbana, May 5, 1867, a son of Isaac and Mary F. (Hiett) Hawk. His parents were born and married in Ohio, and they came to Champaign County in the early days, where they endured many of the hardships incident to pioneer … Read more

Slave Narrative of George Fortman

Interviewer: Lauana Creel Person Interviewed: George Fortman Location: Evansville, Indiana Place of Residence: Cor. Bellemeade Ave. and Garvin St. Evansville, Indiana Occupation: Professor of faith in Christ, Janitor Ex-Slave Stories District 5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel INDIANS MADE SLAVES AMONG THE NEGROES. INTERVIEWS WITH GEORGE FORTMAN Cor. Bellemeade Ave. and Garvin St. Evansville, Indiana, and other interested citizens “The story of my life, I will tell to you with sincerest respect to all and love to many, although reviewing the dark trail of my childhood and early youth causes me great pain.” So spoke George Fortman, an aged man and … Read more

St. Charles County’s Participation in the World War

St. Charles County's Participation in the World War

Soon after World War 1 localities across the country wished to honor the men and women who had served the Nation from their locality. St. Charles County, Missouri, is one of these counties. This manuscript isn’t limited to just the men who fought overseas, it also includes the women who had participated via Red Cross and the men who had actively served in the various campaigns backing the War here at home.