Biographical Sketch of W. A. L. Thompson

More than ordinary interest always attaches to the man who builds up a business, whether it be a farm, a store is factory or whatsoever establishment that serves the peeple in its line and had the usefulness of an institution. Forty years of careful and painetaking merchandising have been behind the well known Topeka house of W. A. L. Thompson Hardware Company, one of the oldest and most standard mercantile firms of the state. Born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 18, 1848, W. A. L. Thompson was reared in his native state, and lived in Philadelphia from 1866 until he came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert James Boggis

Boggis, Herbert James; mfr.; born, Lock Haven, Pa., March 22, 1862; son of Robert H. and Helen Taylor Boggis; educated, Yale, 1885; married, Philadelphia, Feb. 18, 1886, Sarah W. Parsons; issue, Mrs. R. H. Wright, Oct. 20, 1888, Henry P., May 21, 1895, Mildred, Feb. 9, 1900; began work with McIntosh-Huntington Co.; entered employ of the Taylor & Boggis Foundry Co. in 1886, be-coming sec ‘y of company in the fall of 1887; took charge of No. 2 foundry in 1890, and in 1910, upon death of Mr. Boggis, Sr., took charge of foundry; vice pres. the Taylor & Boggis … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Archibald W. Thomson

Thomson, Archibald W.; vessel transportation; born, Philadelphia, 1872; son of William and Isabella Wilson Thomson; educated High School, Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania, but did not graduate; former member Troop A; nine years Pacific Coast agt. American Steel Barge Co., San Francisco and Puget Sound; in 1899, came back to Cleveland, and associated himself with The Wilson Transit Co.; pres. and mgr. The Wilson Transit Co.; director and treas. The Volunteers Transit Co., and The Thomas Wilson Land Co.; member Union, and Country Clubs.

Biography of Henry Martyn Chase

HENRY MARTYN CHASE. – This gentleman was born March 28, 1831, in Philadelphia, from whence he moved to Newburyport, Massachusetts, in 1844. He is a descendant of Aquila Chase, one of the early settlers of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and also directly descended from the famous Hannah Dustin, who killed her Indian captors in the Indian war of 1689. Mr. Chase sailed from Boston for California January 11, 1849, in the brig Forest, and arrived in San Francisco July 6th of the same year. He earned his first money there by painting a ship. In August, 1849, he sailed for Oregon in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. A. Campbell

S. A. Campbell, surgeon dentist; Mattoon; was born in Mercer Co., Penn., Aug. 16, 1848; his father came with his family in October, 1854, to Mercer Co., Ill., and there settled on a farm; six days after coining, he sickened and died; at the age of 11 years, Dr. Campbell went into the office of Dr. E. B. Hamill, of Philadelphia, and at 12, began the study of dentistry; here he remained under instruction about two and a half years; he then entered the Baltimore Dental College, the oldest dental institution in the world; in 1868, having completed the course … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Ralph Owens

Owens, John Ralph; dentist; born, Burlington, Ia., May 15, 1853; son of John James and Martha Ann Yocum Owens; educated, public schools, Burlington, Ia.; graduated from High School in 1870, salutatorian of class; received degree of D. D. S. from Philadelphia Dental College, 1875; vice pres. of the class; married, Cleveland, May 15, 1889, Louise Benton; issue, three daughters, Beatrice, Theodora, and Louise; enlisted in the Cleveland first troop of Cavalry, 1880; served twelve years, having risen to 3rd sergt.; member Municipal Ass’n; trustee Y. M. C. A., 1884; charter member Cleveland Dental Society, its third pres. and fourth treas., … Read more

Biography of Frank Lyman Gold

FRANK LYMAN GOLD-A man of wide and varied activities, each of which he has carried on successfully after he had gained full knowledge of the field of business into which he was entering, the story of Frank Lyman Gold is full of interest. (I) He belongs to a notable old New England family, whose founder was Joseph Gold, born in London, England, who came to America when he was nineteen years old. According to family records, he served for seven years in the Revolutionary War, lived for a time in Northbury, Connecticut, and died in Roxbury, Vermont, in 1829. He … Read more

Biography of David Knox

David Knox was born in Ireland, in 1700. He had a son named Andrew, who was born in 1728. In 1732 Mr. Knox came to America, bringing his little son with him, and settled in Philadelphia County, Pa. Andrew married Isabella White, of Pennsylvania, and they had-Robert, David, Martha, James, John, William, Mary, and Andrew, Jr. Mr. Knox was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and having taken an active part in the events of the day, a reward was offered for him, dead or alive, by the British authorities. On the night of the 14th of February, 1778, he … Read more

Biography of Lewis Fleischner

Fleischner, Lewis, one of the leading merchants of Portland was born in the village of Vogelgesang, Bohemia, in 1829. He was educated in his native village and at Tissan a small town near his home. At the age of fifteen years he came to America, and for a short time remained in New York City. He then went to Philadelphia, where he was employed for five years by a dealer in horses and cattle. At the end of this period, in 1849, he came to Drakeville, Davis County, Iowa, and for three years was engaged in merchandising. In 1852 he … Read more

Biography of Andrew H. Reeder, Governor

Pennsylvania had long been noted for her distingnished men in all walks of life. This is particalarly true of the Pennsylvania bar, and the current and popular phrase “a Philadelphia lawyer,” denoting unusual ability and intellectual acumen, illustrates the fact that it was thoroughly recognized both in and out of Pennsylvania that the lawyers of this commonwealth were worthy of the pre-eminence claimed for them. The bar of Northampton County shared this preeminence, and for more than a century it had maintained its prestige in the front rank of the profession in the commonwealth. Its roll contains the names of … Read more

In Possession Of The “Promised Land”

Monday, Nov. 22, 1819.–This day breakfasted with Mr. R. Morrison and dined with Mr. W. Morrison. These gentlemen are wealthy and live in very comfortable style. Mrs. R. Morrison is one of the most intelligent women that I have conversed with, and possesses a lady’s privilege, while Mrs. W. Morrison might rank, in point of beauty with some of the belles of Philadelphia. Dr. Hill having accomplished his business, we set out from Kaskia at 2 o’clock, after bidding a friendly farewell to many new friends made in this place. I must confess I found a few possessing so much … Read more

Pennsylvania German Pioneers

Pennsylvania German pioneers vol 1 title page

This set of manuscripts was compiled in the 1930s by Strassburger and Hinke in order to provide the descendants of Pennsylvania German pioneers a publication of the most accurate of original lists of arrivals. In order to do this they transcribed the hard-to-read German and American script of the passenger lists, oaths of allegiance to the Crown, and oaths of abjuration and fidelity to the proprietors. These three types of records form the basis for the Pennsylvania German Pioneers.

Biography of Thomas Newman

In the veins of this gentleman flowed sturdy English blood, for in Dorchester, England, he first saw the light of day. In his boyhood he was brought to this country by his father, John Newman, and with him settled in Philadelphia, Pa., where the latter followed the calling of a mechanic, and eventually died. Thomas Newman attained manhood in the East and then embarked in the battle of life as a railroad engineer, but in 1858 or’59 turned his attention to newspaper work in Kansas, and through its pages advocated the cause of Abolition. After a short time he moved … Read more

Biography of Dr. N. C. Berry

DR. N. C. BERRY. Our subject, a prominent and leading physician of West Plains, Missouri, was born April 5, 1838, in Union County, Kentucky, of which State his father, Dr. J. T. Berry, was also a native. The elder Berry was born in Fayette County in 1810, and was the son of John Berry, who was a native Virginian and an early settler of Kentucky. Dr. J. T. Berry took up the practice of medicine nearly sixty years ago in Kentucky, and came to Missouri in 1869. He located in Camden County, but subsequently moved to Carthage, where he is … Read more

Biography of R. C. Holderness

Dr. R. C. Holderness was born in the state of North Carolina in the year 1827. In the year 1850 he graduated in medicine from the University of Pennsylvania, and subsequently moved to the state of Arkansas, Calhoun County, where he began the successful practice he has always enjoyed. In the year 1863 he migrated to Hopkins County, where he has lived since in the enjoyment of a lucrative practice. The doctor married Miss Virginia Thomas, an old Carolina lady, in the state of Arkansas. They both came from the same county in North Carolina and migrated to the same … Read more

Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Census Records

1790 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at USGenWeb Census Project Southern District: File 1 of 4 Southern District: File 1 of 4 Southern District: File 1 of 4 Southern District: File 1 of 4 Philadelphia City Middle 1 of 7 Philadelphia City Middle 2 of 7 Philadelphia City Middle 3 of 7 Philadelphia City Middle 4 of 7 Philadelphia City Middle 5 of 7 Philadelphia City Middle 6 of 7 Philadelphia City Middle 7 of 7 Philadelphia City Northern District 2 of 2 Philadelphia City … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Harper

The subject of this sketch needs no introduction to the older generation of Rock Island County, the larger enterprises of which he was intimately associated with throughout the many years of his residence here. Benjamin Harper was born February 12, 1817, in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and died April 3, 1887, in the City of Rock Island, Illinois. When about fourteen years of age his parents removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he served his apprenticeship to the wagon-maker’s trade, upon completion of which, that spirit of bold initiative and energy which characterized his whole after life, asserted itself in … Read more

Biography of Edwin C. Baxter

EDWIN C. BAXTER THE subject of our sketch, Dr. Edwin C. Baxter, is of A New England ancestry, born at Kenduskeag, ME., February 1, 1845. He is a son of Dr. Hiram C. Baxter, of Kenduskeag, a prominent physician, who, for nearly sixty years, has devoted himself to the practice of his profession. His grandfather, Dr. Elihu Baxter, also an eminent physician of Maine, was born in Norwich, VT., in 1781. He practiced his profession over sixty years, a considerable portion of the time in the city of Portland, where his character as a citizen and skill as a physician … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. L. Silverthorn, M. D.

L. L. Silverthorn, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Stroudsburg, Monroe, Co., Penn., Oct. 21, 1830; his early life was passed upon a farm; he was the youngest of a family of twelve children, and his father being in moderate circumstances, he was thrown upon his own resources, and obtained only such an education as the common schools afforded; in 1850, he began teaching school, which he continued at intervals for three years; in 1852, he entered upon the study of medicine, in Fond du Lac, Wis.; in 1854, he came to Charleston and continued his studies … Read more

Biography of William M. Bryan, M. D.

The medical profession in St. Louis has many distinguished and capable representatives, men who are most conscientious and faithful in the discharge of all professional duties and who are continually striving to promote knowledge and efficiency by broad reading and comprehensive study. To this class belongs Dr. Bryan who was born in St. Louis November 25, 1875. His father, W. J. S. Bryan, also a native of St. Louis is a son of William and Martha Alice (How) Bryan. W.J.S. Bryan is now connected with the board of education of this city. His father, William Bryan, served as vice president … Read more