Rev. John Corbly’s Narrative – Indian Captivities

If, after perusing the annexed melancholy narrative, you deem it worthy a place in your publication, it is at your service. Such communications, founded on fact, have a tendency on one hand to make us feel for the persons afflicted, and on the other to impress our hearts with gratitude to the Sovereign Disposer of all events for that emancipation which the United States have experienced from the haughty claims of Britain a power, at that time, so lost to every human affection, that, rather than not subdue and make us slaves, they basely chose to encourage, patronize and reward, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leon Brooks Bacon

Bacon, Leon Brooks; lawyer; born, Taberg, Oneida County, N. Y., July 24, 1870; son of Sidney Brooks and Esther D. (Munger) Bacon; grandson of Rufus Bacon, graduate of Harvard College, 1810, and Ann Tucker (Dalton) Bacon, of Boston, Mass.; B. A., Williams College, 1893; LL. B., Syracuse University, 1899, admitted to the bar in New York, 1898, and in Ohio, 1903; Publishers Weekly office 1894-1895, in business London, England, 1895-1896; married at Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1900, Anna Osborne Anthony, niece of Susan B. Anthony; children, Harriet Anthony, Ann Dalton and Susan Anthony; compiled History of Descendants of Michael Bacon … Read more

Biography of William Clinton Bardo

William Clinton Bardo, vice president of the Security National Bank of Arkansas City, was a pioneer in the Cherokee Strip of Oklahoma, was a homesteader and farmer there for a number of years, but finally moved across the line to Arkansas City, where he had become prominent in financial and business affairs. Mr. Bardo is of an old Pennsylvania family. The lineage goes back originally to France. Four brothers of the name during the turbulent times that led to the French Revolution came from France and landed in Pennsylvania, and from there their families became widely scattered. One of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther C. Challis

Perhaps Luther C. Challis, nearly forty years a citizen of Atchison, is best known as a pioneer railroad man. He was born in New Jersey January 26, 1829, and for some years before moving West was engaged in business in Philadelphia and Boonville, Missouri. In 1855 he located in Atchison and joined his brother as one of the first merchants of that town. He afterward became a banker, and maintained a profitable ferry across the Missouri River until the building of the bridge in 1875. Mr. Challis was elected to a seat in the Territorial Council of 1857-58, made vacant … Read more

Biography of Joseph Rosenblum

JOSEPH ROSENBLUM is one of the most extensive onion operators in the United States, a man who has established the onion market, who has brought order to certain commercial conditions, and who has brought success not only to himself but to the scores of producers who are most vitally concerned. He is a power to be reckoned with in American commercial and financial circles, and has achieved this high position solely through his own ability, probity and perseverance. The State of Massachusetts, looking to her men of agricultural industries for the most favorable reports that she is accustomed to pass … Read more

Biography of Hiram Rutherford

Hiram Rutherford, retired physician and surgeon, Oakland; one of the early settlers of Coles Co.; was born in Lancaster Co., Penn., Dec. 27, 1815; his great-grandfather emigrated from Ireland in 1729, and settled in Lancaster Co., Penn., upon a branch of the Susquehanna, where, with his wife, he lived until 1755, when he removed to Great Limestone Springs, two miles east of where the city of Harrisburg now stands, and near which place a large portion of his descendants now live; this grand old patriarch died 100 years ago, and lies buried in the Paxton Church-yard, the oldest burial-place in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. Louis Meade

Meade, G. Louis; treas. The Tell Co. and vice pres. Cleveland Salt Co.; born, Camden, N. J., Jan. 8, 1870; son of William T. and Maria N. Stetser Meade; educated, public schools, Camden, N. J.; married, Camden, N. J., June 10, 1897, Emma Sommers Iszard; one son, Parker W. Meade, born March 19, 1898; in jobbing business in salt in Philadelphia from 1892 to 1899; went into salt combine in 1898; from 1898 to 1901, worked in confidential capacity with trust in New York; 1902, sec’y Cleveland Salt Co., 1909, treas. and vice pres.; member Chamber of Commerce, and Athletic … Read more

Biography of Harlan P. Ustick, A. M., M. D.

The medical profession in Boise is ably represented by Dr. Harlan Page Ustick, a prominent homeopathic physician, who was born in Fayette county, Ohio, on the 26th of November, 1848. His paternal grandfather was a Baptist minister, who, leaving his home in France, crossed the Atlantic to New York City, where he passed the residue of his days. His son, William Arnold Ustick, the father of the Doctor, was born in Orange County. New York, in the year 1800, and when seventeen years of age removed to Ohio, where he resided until he laid down the burdens of life, in … Read more

Biography of Philip Wing Hathaway

Philip Wing Hathaway, a pioneer of Iowa and the Cherokee Indian Neutral Lands, was born on a farm near Wareham, Massachusetts. His early life was little unlike that of most boys of his day–spent in farm work with few school advantages, intermingled with pleasures and griefs. He stayed at home until 1832, when his father died, which parent left surviving him a wife and six children–two daughters, Adline and Sophia; four boys, Albert, Andrew, Philip and Mathias. Young Philip, tiring of the farm, sought other pursuits more in keeping with his endowed talent as a mechanic. At the age of … Read more

Biography of R. C. Holderness

Dr. R. C. Holderness was born in the state of North Carolina in the year 1827. In the year 1850 he graduated in medicine from the University of Pennsylvania, and subsequently moved to the state of Arkansas, Calhoun County, where he began the successful practice he has always enjoyed. In the year 1863 he migrated to Hopkins County, where he has lived since in the enjoyment of a lucrative practice. The doctor married Miss Virginia Thomas, an old Carolina lady, in the state of Arkansas. They both came from the same county in North Carolina and migrated to the same … Read more

The Delaware Indians

Treaty of Penn with Indians

Associated with the early history of the Delawares are thoughts of William Penn, and of his peaceful intercourse with, and powerful influence over, the wild natives with whom he treated. At the first settlement of the country by Europeans, the tribes of this nation occupied no small portion of the present state of Pennsylvania, but their principal settlements lay between the Potomac and the Hudson. Situated between the great northern and southern confederacies, they were in turn at enmity and engaged in wars with either party; but, at an early day, they were in a measure subdued and reduced to … Read more

Biography of George Birch

George Birch, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born near Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, March 25, 1815; he is a son of William Birch, a farmer who, in 1833, came to America with his family, and lived for three years near Philadelphia, occupying an old house, once the residence of William Penn, on the bank of the Schuylkill, near Fairmount Park; in 1836, they removed to Illinois, and settled near Hitesville, Coles Co., where his father died April 15, 1864, at the age of 88 years; Mr. Birch spent the first few years of his residence in this county in working at … Read more

Biography of John William Kenney, D.D.S.

JOHN WILLIAM KENNEY, D. D. S. – The profession of dentistry has a thorough and capable exponent at Northampton in Dr. Kenney who with his present-day methods and valued experience is accounted one of the foremost men in his line in this part of the State, where he has been in successful practice since 1902. He has the highest regard of the public in their appreciation of his skill, as well as of dental offices and laboratory that are unrivaled in the excellence of their equipment. Four generations of this branch of the family have now resided in Massachusetts, his … Read more

Ormsby, Mary Miller – Obituary

In Modesto, May 20th, Mary A. Ormsby, mother of Mrs. Grace Taylor and Morris Ormsby, grandmother of Milton Warden, sister of Mrs. C. E. Owen and John Miller, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., aged 62 years. A member of Orange Grove Rebekah Lodge No. 84, and the Woodcraft Lodge of Oroville, the E. F. Society of the Presbyterian Church, the Woman’s Relief Corps, Women’s Improvement Club, and the WCTU of Modesto. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services to be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock a the Shannon Funeral Chapel, 921 – 12th Street. Rev. J. K. Pitman … Read more

Biography of John Zurcher

That stanch little republic whose spirit has made her presence felt in all of the countries of Europe, has furnished many enterprising citizens of this country, and among them we wish to mention the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has demonstrated his loyalty and sterling qualities in that, when the call came for the sons of liberty to defend the flag, he at once left the walks of domestic life and plunged into the carnage of battle, where for the entire term of the Civil war he was foremost and at the post of duty, both … Read more

Slave Narrative of Rev. Silas Jackson

Interviewer: Rogers Person Interviewed: Rev. Silas Jackson Location: Baltimore, Maryland Place of Birth: Virginia Date of Birth: 1846 or 47 Place of Residence: 1630 N. Gilmor St., Baltimore, Maryland Age: (about) 90 Reference: Personal interview with Rev. Silas Jackson, ex-slave, at his home, 1630 N. Gilmor St., Baltimore. “I was born at or near Ashbie’s Gap in Virginia, either in the year of 1846 or 47. I do not know which, but I will say I am 90 years of age. My father’s name was Sling and mother’s Sarah Louis. They were purchased by my master from a slave trader … Read more

Biography of Emil Kuder, M. D.

Dr. Emil Kuder (b. 1851, Stuttgart, Germany) was a distinguished physician and surgeon who practiced in Kansas for over thirty years. Educated at Tübingen University, he graduated in 1876 with a top medical degree after a rigorous seven-year program. He served in the Franco-Prussian War before moving to the United States in 1879, where he practiced in Pennsylvania before settling in Kansas in 1883. Dr. Kuder was highly respected in Coffeyville, where he established a successful practice. He was married to Elizabeth Wagner in 1881 and had six children. His contributions to medicine and community life were widely recognized.

Biography of William MacFerran

William MacFerran. If a record were kept of the daily trials, of adverse circumstances overcome and responsibilities faithfully discharged in the life of every financier, it would form not only a surpassing record of human experience but also a splendid index to human character. It is the man who can shoulder the everyday burdens, discharge multitudinous duties acceptably, and emerge successfully who is deserving of the esteem and admiration of his fellows. Banking serves to develop many of this class and in their hands is placed the responsibility for much of the community welfare. They build the foundation of their … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. B. F. Watrons

R. B. F. Watrons. – No man in Redlands is more worthy of mention in a work of this kind than is B. F. Watrons, M. D. He came to Redlands with $350, with which he bought a team and went to work. He had previously contracted for ten acres of land for $1,000, and had paid $250 down. He began improving it the second year and put up a $400 house. He afterward bought ten acres more for $1,500 and borrowed money for the first payment. In five years he had bought and paid for thirty-one acres in Redlands … Read more

Narrative of Robert Eastburn – Indian Captivities

A Faithful Narrative of the Many Dangers and Sufferings, as well as wonderful and surprising deliverances, of Robert Eastburn, during his late captivity among the Indians. Written by Himself. Published at the earnest request of many persons, for the benefit of the Public. With a recommendatory Preface by the Rev. Gilbert Tennent. Psalms 24, 6, 7, and 193, 2, 4. Philadelphia: Printed. Boston: Reprinted and sold by Green & Russell, opposite the Probate Office in Queen street, 1753. Preface Candid Reader: The author (and subject) of the ensuing narrative (who is a deacon of our church, and has been so … Read more