Sevier County 1830 Tennessee Census

1830 Sevier County Census transcription

Published in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1956 and distributed by the Genealogical Publishing Company of Baltimore, Maryland, Sevier County, Tennessee: Population Schedule of the United States Census of 1830 (Fifth Census) provides a transcription of the often difficult to read, 1830 Sevier County Tennessee census. Authored by Blanche C. McMahon and Pollyanna Creekmore, this meticulous reproduction of the original census record sheds light on the people of Sevier County in 1830.

Biographical Sketch of Walter S. Agnew

(See Grant, Foreman and Cordery) Walter Scott Agnew was born May 16, 1842. Served the Confederacy in Company B, First Cherokee Mounted Rifles and Company E, Second Cherokee Mounted Volunteers. He married in December, 1866, Sarah Seabolt nee Riley, daughter of Felix and Susie (Bigby) Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew had one child, Laura Agnew, who married William H. Robinson. Mrs. Sarah Agnew died and Mr. Agenew married in July, 1870, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Jackson and Lucy (Vickory) Cobb, born May 19, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew are residents of Muskogee. They are the parents of: Ellen, John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Agnew

Agnew, William; attorney-at-law; born, Glasgow, Scotland, May 30, 1870; son of John and Elizabeth Black Agnew; educated, Cleveland public schools and Cleveland Law School, LL. B., Baldwin University; married, Cleveland, June 20, 1899, Anna B. Coville; Chief Deputy Clerk of Courts, 1903-11; admitted to the Bar, June, 1906; member Cleveland and Ohio State Bar Ass’ns; trustee Broadway Y. M. C. A.; member Masonic (Knights Templars and Scottish Rites) and Knights of Pythias; member City and Athletic Clubs; recreations, travel, curling and bowling; (vice pres. American Bowling Congress).

Rough Riders

Rough Riders

Compiled military service records for 1,235 Rough Riders, including Teddy Roosevelt have been digitized. The records include individual jackets which give the name, organization, and rank of each soldier. They contain cards on which information from original records relating to the military service of the individual has been copied. Included in the main jacket are carded medical records, other documents which give personal information, and the description of the record from which the information was obtained.

Pioneer Women of Lake County, Indiana 1834 – 1850

Pioneer Women of Lake County, Indiana 1834 - 1850

This small manuscript features biographical sketches of pioneer women of Lake County, Indiana who lived within the county in 1834-1850. These 45 sketches were written by their direct descendants and compiled by historians Avis Bryant Brown of Crown Point, Indiana, and Ethel Alice Vinnedge of Creston, Indiana. These biographies will provide insight for the genealogist into the lives of the women and are listed below the digital book.