Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810

Last Updated on March 23, 2024 by Dennis

Catherine Lindsay Knorr’s Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810 stands as a pivotal work for genealogists and historians delving into the rich tapestry of Virginia’s past. Published in 1959, this meticulously compiled volume sheds light on the matrimonial alliances formed within Orange County, Virginia, during a period that was crucial to the shaping of both local and national histories. The absence of a contemporary marriage register presented a formidable challenge, yet through exhaustive examination of marriage bonds, ministers’ returns, and ancillary records, Knorr has reconstructed a reliable record of these unions.

Orange County which was named for William, Prince of Orange, and later King William III of England, was a melting pot of German, English, Scottish, and Irish settlers, among others. These early settlers, including a group of German artisans brought over by Governor Alexander Spotswood in 1714, laid the foundations for a community that would contribute significantly to the development of over three dozen counties in Virginia alone.

Knorr’s dedication to accuracy and detail is evident in her handling of the source material. Despite challenges such as the deterioration of original documents and variations in name spellings, her work stands as a testament to the importance of preserving history through diligent research. The discovery of discrepancies and missing records in the existing marriage register highlights the critical nature of her efforts to provide a trustworthy account of Orange County’s marital history.

This book not only serves as a vital tool for those tracing their lineage back to early Virginia settlers but also offers a glimpse into the lives of the people who formed the backbone of this community.

In summary, Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810 is a cornerstone work for understanding the genealogical history of Orange County, Virginia. Catherine Lindsay Knorr’s contribution through this and her other compilations has enriched our knowledge of the past, offering a bridge to the lives of those who walked the lands of Orange County in bygone days.

Note: The book is in alphabetical order by last name of the man in the marriage record. You will, unfortunately, need to conduct a search for the name of female ancestors. Use CTRL+F to search if on a Windows Computer.


Abell, Acre, Acree, Acry, Adams, Addison, Adkins, Adkisson, Ahart, Aheart, Alcock, Alexander, Allen, Alsop, Ancell, Anderson, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkins, Ayheart, Backman, Ballard, Balye, Barbage, Barbour, Barnett, Barrett, Baugher, Baughon, Beadles, Beale, Beasley, Beckham, Beecon, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bickers, Biggers, Bingham, Birt, Blackwell, Blair, Bledsoe, Blunt, Bohon, Boston, Boswell, Bourn, Bourne, Bradley, Braham, Branham, Breadwell, Breeding, Briant, Britt, Brock, Brockman, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Bryson, Buckner, Burbidge, Burgess, Burnley, Burras, Burroughs, Burrows, Burrus, Burton, Camike, Campbell, Canterbury, Carleton, Carnes, Cartee, Carter, Cartey, Cash, Cassen, Catterton, Cave, Chamberlane, Chambers, Chancellor, Chandler, Chapman, Chew, Chiles, Chisham, Chisholm, Chism, Chissam, Chissom, Christopher, Christy, Clark, Clarke, Clee, Clemens, Clemmons, Cleveland, Cofer, Coffery, Coleman, Collins, Conner, Connor, Conway, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Coursey, Cowhard, Cox, Craig, Crash, Crawford, Cressom, Crew, Crow, Cudden, Cudding, Curtis, Dade, Daniel, Darnel, Darnell, Darnold, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deane, Dear, Deare, Debord, Dedman, Deering, Delaney, Dodd, Dohoney, Dollins, Douglas, Dovell, Dumsey, Duncome, Durrett, Duvall, Earles, Early, Eastin, Easton, Eastridge, Eaton, Eaves, Edmondson, Ehart, Ellis, Eluck, Embry, Estes, Estis, Eve, Evins, Farguson, Farmer, Farneyhough, Faulconer, Fearneaugh, Fearney, Feen, Felix, Fennell, Ferrell, Finnell, Finny, Fitzhugh, Fitzjarrell, Fleck, Fleek, Floyd, Foord, Ford, Foster, Franklin, Franklyn, Freeman, Gaar, Gaer, Gaines, Gardner, Garner, Garnett, Garton, Gear, Geer, George, Gerrell, Gibbs, Gibson, Gillock, Golden, Golding, Goodall, Goodrich, Goodridge, Gorden, Gordon, Grace, Grady, Grasty, Graves, Gresham, Griffith, Grigry, Grinnels, Grunter, Grymes, Hackley, Hall, Ham, Hambleton, Hames, Hamm, Hancock, Hansford, Harner, Harris, Harrison, Harrod, Harvey, Harvie, Hawkins, Hayna, Haynes, Head, Hearen, Henderson, Henry, Henseley, Hering, Herndon, herring, Hiatt, Hicks, Highlander, Hilman, Hobbs, Holladay, Holliday, Howe, Hubbert, Hubert, Huckstep, Hughes, Hughs, Hume, Humphries, Hunt, Jackson, Jamason, James, Jarrell, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Jollet, Jollett, Jones, Kamp, Kavanaugh, Kavenner, Kendall, Kendel, Key, Kibinger, Kiblinger, Kindoll, King, Kirk, Kirtley, Knight, Lamb, Lancaster, Land, Landrum, Lane, Lantor, Lavit, Leak, Leathers, Lee, Leonard, Lewis, Lindsay, Lintor, Long, Lower, Lowry, Loyd, Lucas, Mackelaney, Madison, Maiden, Major, Mallory, Mally, Mankspoil, Manning, Mansfield, Manspoile, Marquess, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Maury, May, Mayhugh, Mays, Maze, McCauley, McClamroch, McCully, McDaniel, McKinney, McMullan, McNeal, Melone, Merry, Middlebrook, Milburn, Miller, Mills, Minor, Minton, Mitchell, Modiset, Montacue, Montague, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moseley, Mowbry, Mullican, Murphy, Nailey, Neale, Neil, Nelson, Neuman, Newman, Nickings, Nixon, Norwell, Nutty, Oakes, Oaks, Ogg, Olive, Oliver, Olliver, Osborne, Overton, Page, Pain, Pannill, Parish, Parrett, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Pearson, Pence, Pendleton, Pereson, Perry, Petros, Pettis, Pettus, Petty, Pettys, Picker, Pickett, Pierce, Pierson, Pigg, Piglen, Pines, Pitcher, Plunkett, Poe, Pollard, Pollock, Porter, Powell, Price, Proctor, Quisenberry, Rains, Randall, Randel, Ranes, Ransdell, Rawson, Rector, Reddish, Reed, Rennolds, Reynolds, Rhoads, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Riddell, Riddle, Rippetoe, Rippito, Roach, Robbards, Robinson, Rodgers, Rogers, Ross, Roszel, Routt, Row, Rowzee, Rucker, Rumsey, Russell, sampson, Sams, Samuel, Sandage, Sanders, Sanford, Saunders, Sawyer, Schenk, Scott, Seal, Sebree, Self, Shadrack, Shadrick, Shavers, Shelton, Shepherd, Shifflet, Shiflett, Shropshire, Silk, Sillivan, Silvey, Simcoe, Sims, Sinath, Singleton, Sinker, Sisk, Sisson, Slaughter, Sleet, Smatts, Smith, Smither, Smoot, Snell, Snow, Speers, Spencer, Spotswood, Spradling, Stanton, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stockdell, Stocks, Stowers, Straghan, Strother, Strow, Stubbling, Suggatt, Sulling, Surry, Sutherland, Sutton, Swann, Sylvie, Taliaferro, Tandy, Tate, Taylor, Teale, Terman, Terrell, Terrill, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thonrton, Thornhill, Thorpe, Throckwell, Thruston, Thurston, Tinder, Tinsley, Tippett, Tomlinson, Townsend, True, Turner, Twentyman, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vawter, Verdier, Vivion, Wait, Waits, Walker, Wallace, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warker, Warren, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Waugh, Wayland, Wayt, Webb, Webster, Welch, Wells, Wharton, White, Whitelaw, Williams, Willis, Winslow, Wisdom, Witherspoon, Wolf, Wolfengerger, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolfolk, Wright, Wye, Yager, Yates, York, Young,


Knorr, Catherine Lindsay, Marriages of Orange County, Virginia, 1747-1810, Pine Bluff, Ark. : Catherine L. Knorr, 1959.

Abell, Acre, Acree, Acry, Adams, Addison, Adkins, Adkisson, Ahart, Aheart, Alcock, Alexander, Allen, Alsop, Ancell, Anderson, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkins, Ayheart, Backman, Ballard, Balye, Barbage, Barbour, Barnett, Barrett, Baugher, Baughon, Beadles, Beale, Beasley, Beckham, Beecon, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bickers, Biggers, Bingham, Birt, Blackwell, Blair, Bledsoe, Blunt, Bohon, Boston, Boswell, Bourn, Bourne, Bradley, Braham, Branham, Breadwell, Breeding, Briant, Britt, Brock, Brockman, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Bryson, Buckner, Burbidge, Burgess, Burnley, Burras, Burroughs, Burrows, Burrus, Burton, Camike, Campbell, Canterbury, Carleton, Carnes, Cartee, Carter, Cartey, Cash, Cassen, Catterton, Cave, Chamberlane, Chambers, Chancellor, Chandler, Chapman, Chew, Chiles, Chisham, Chisholm, Chism, Chissam, Chissom, Christopher, Christy, Clark, Clarke, Clee, Clemens, Clemmons, Cleveland, Cofer, Coffery, Coleman, Collins, Conner, Connor, Conway, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Coursey, Cowhard, Cox, Craig, Crash, Crawford, Cressom, Crew, Crow, Cudden, Cudding, Curtis, Dade, Daniel, Darnel, Darnell, Darnold, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deane, Dear, Deare, Debord, Dedman, Deering, Delaney, Dodd, Dohoney, Dollins, Douglas, Dovell, Dumsey, Duncome, Durrett, Duvall, Earles, Early, Eastin, Easton, Eastridge, Eaton, Eaves, Edmondson, Ehart, Ellis, Eluck, Embry, Estes, Estis, Eve, Evins, Farguson, Farmer, Farneyhough, Faulconer, Fearneaugh, Fearney, Feen, Felix, Fennell, Ferrell, Finnell, Finny, Fitzhugh, Fitzjarrell, Fleck, Fleek, Floyd, Foord, Ford, Foster, Franklin, Franklyn, Freeman, Gaar, Gaer, Gaines, Gardner, Garner, Garnett, Garton, Gear, Geer, George, Gerrell, Gibbs, Gibson, Gillock, Golden, Golding, Goodall, Goodrich, Goodridge, Gorden, Gordon, Grace, Grady, Grasty, Graves, Gresham, Griffith, Grigry, Grinnels, Grunter, Grymes, Hackley, Hall, Ham, Hambleton, Hames, Hamm, Hancock, Hansford, Harner, Harris, Harrison, Harrod, Harvey, Harvie, Hawkins, Hayna, Haynes, Head, Hearen, Henderson, Henry, Henseley, Hering, Herndon, Herring, Hiatt, Hicks, Highlander, Hilman, Hobbs, Holladay, Holliday, Howe, Hubbert, Hubert, Huckstep, Hughes, Hughs, Hume, Humphries, Hunt, Jackson, Jamason, James, Jarrell, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Jollet, Jollett, Jones, Kamp, Kavanaugh, Kavenner, Kendall, Kendel, Key, Kibinger, Kiblinger, Kindoll, King, Kirk, Kirtley, Knight, Lamb, Lancaster, Land, Landrum, Lane, Lantor, Lavit, Leak, Leathers, Lee, Leonard, Lewis, Lindsay, Lintor, Long, Lower, Lowry, Loyd, Lucas, Mackelaney, Madison, Maiden, Major, Mallory, Mally, Mankspoil, Manning, Mansfield, Manspoile, Marquess, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Maury, May, Mayhugh, Mays, Maze, McCauley, McClamroch, McCully, McDaniel, McKinney, McMullan, McNeal, Melone, Merry, Middlebrook, Milburn, Miller, Mills, Minor, Minton, Mitchell, Modiset, Montacue, Montague, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moseley, Mowbry, Mullican, Murphy, Nailey, Neale, Neil, Nelson, Neuman, Newman, Nickings, Nixon, Norwell, Nutty, Oakes, Oaks, Ogg, Olive, Oliver, Olliver, Osborne, Overton, Page, Pain, Pannill, Parish, Parrett, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Pearson, Pence, Pendleton, Pereson, Perry, Petros, Pettis, Pettus, Petty, Pettys, Picker, Pickett, Pierce, Pierson, Pigg, Piglen, Pines, Pitcher, Plunkett, Poe, Pollard, Pollock, Porter, Powell, Price, Proctor, Quisenberry, Rains, Randall, Randel, Ranes, Ransdell, Rawson, Rector, Reddish, Reed, Rennolds, Reynolds, Rhoads, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Riddell, Riddle, Rippetoe, Rippito, Roach, Robbards, Robinson, Rodgers, Rogers, Ross, Roszel, Routt, Row, Rowzee, Rucker, Rumsey, Russell, Sampson, Sams, Samuel, Sandage, Sanders, Sanford, Saunders, Sawyer, Schenk, Scott, Seal, Sebree, Self, Shadrack, Shadrick, Shavers, Shelton, Shepherd, Shifflet, Shiflett, Shropshire, Silk, Sillivan, Silvey, Simcoe, Sims, Sinath, Singleton, Sinker, Sisk, Sisson, Slaughter, Sleet, Smatts, Smith, Smither, Smoot, Snell, Snow, Speers, Spencer, Spotswood, Spradling, Stanton, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stockdell, Stocks, Stowers, Straghan, Strother, Strow, Stubbling, Suggatt, Sulling, Surry, Sutherland, Sutton, Swann, Sylvie, Taliaferro, Tandy, Tate, Taylor, Teale, Terman, Terrell, Terrill, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thonrton, Thornhill, Thorpe, Throckwell, Thruston, Thurston, Tinder, Tinsley, Tippett, Tomlinson, Townsend, True, Turner, Twentyman, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vawter, Verdier, Vivion, Wait, Waits, Walker, Wallace, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warker, Warren, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Waugh, Wayland, Wayt, Webb, Webster, Welch, Wells, Wharton, White, Whitelaw, Williams, Willis, Winslow, Wisdom, Witherspoon, Wolf, Wolfengerger, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Woolfolk, Wright, Wye, Yager, Yates, York, Young,

Orange County VA,


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