1860 Free Inhabitants Creek Nation Page 1

1860 Census West of Arkansas – Creek Nation

Last Updated on January 20, 2015 by Dennis

Page 7 September 24, 1860 Israel G. Vine, Micco Post Office

76. 			Carolina 35, f, MS (B) Stock Raiser
			Edmond 12, m, Choctaw Nation (B)
			Babe 10, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Jeddick 8, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Henry 6, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Albert 4, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Simee 2, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Wilson 11/12, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Harry 27, m, AL (B) Merchants Interpreter
			Betty 20, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Thomas 2, m, Creek Nation (B)

78. 			John 30, m, AL (B) Laborer
			Malinda 25, f, AL (B)
			Judy 4, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Tamar 3, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Rosella 2, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Noah 1/12, m, Creek Nation (B)

79. 			Margeret 29, f, AL (B) Farmer
			Katey 6, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Angeline 11, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Boston 2, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Ned 2, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Billy 5/12, Creek Nation (B)
			Henry 28, m, AL (B) Laborer

     			Mary 50, f, AL (B) Farmer
			Abram 24, m, Creek Nation (B) Laborer
			Henry 20, m, Creek Nation (B) Laborer
			Billy 18, m, Creek Nation (B) Laborer
			Phillip 16, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Ned 14, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Miley 12, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Hannah 24, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Gitty 6, f, Creek Nation (B)
			Monday 4, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Peter 12,m, Creek Nation (B)

80. 			Lucy 50, f, TN (B)
			Charles 35, m, AL (B) Laborer
			Ginny 25, f, AL (B) Cook
			Theodore 4, m, Creek Nation (B)
			Duckin 30, m, AL Laborer

* Married natives, but not admitted to citizenship.

1860 Free Inhabitants Creek Nation page 7
1860 Free Inhabitants Creek Nation page 7

Adams, Aird, Allen, Ames, Armstead, Armstrong, Atkins, Barnett, Barns, Barnsvell, Barrows, Beams, Belcher, Bertold, Blackburn, Blue, Boling, Borgeaud, Broadnax, Brown, Bruner, Buckner, Butler, Callahan, Carruth, Cassdida, Cates, Childers, Clinton, Cloud, Colven, Cook, Cooney, Cooper, Cornell, Cozen, Crayson, Crowell, Dailey, Davis, Diar, Dixon, Downing, Dunsey, Dusaur, Eaton, Eby, Edmonds, Eliason, Emory, Esbivell, Essex, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Floyd, Fry, Gaines, Garrett, Gentry, Gibson, Glazebrook, Gooding, Goodman, Goody, Gordon, Grayson, Grigory, Hall, Hamersley, Hamiel, Hamilton, Hampton, Hanks, harken, Harvey, Hawkins, Hayes, Haynes, Helterbrand, Henry, Hockstetler, Hodge, Holmes, Hopkins, Hopwood, Illiskarpan, Jeuda, Job, Johnson, Kemp, Lamkin, Lance, Land, Landivere, Larne, Laughridge, Lawson, Lemore, Lewis, Lick, Lilley, Livingston, Logan, Lucas, Lunsford, Lynch, Maltby, Manly, Marsh, Mathews, Maul, Maxwell, McCullough, McKean, Miller, Millett, Mills, Moniac, Murrow, Neeley, Nero, Nevin, Noble, Patterson, Patton, Pearson, Pensins, Percival, Perry, Perryman, Porter, Posely, Powell, Preston, Ridgeway, Riley, Robertson, Robison, Roe, Rogers, Rop, Safley, Sancho, Sanger, Scarborough, Scheriff, Sem, Seminole, Severs, Shaw, Shepard, Shields, Shortess, Singer, Smith, Spaniard, Steel, Stewart, Stidham, Stryker, Taylor, Thompson, Thornsbury, Thorrip, Tuckaparche, Turner, Warfield, Watley, Wells, Wetzell, Whipple, Whitlow, Whitmore, Williams, Wining, Wiresman, Woodruff, Woods, Yonger,

Arkansas Census Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Arkansas Census records. See also United States Census Records for census records on all of the United States.

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