1860 Census West of Arkansas – Creek Nation

Page 2 August 20, 1860 Israel G. Vine, Micco Post Office

18.  Neeley,		Joseph W. 34, m, TN Well Digger
			Nelly 32, f, IN
			Jesse P. 13, m, IN
			Thomas G. 11, m, IN
			Mary  6, f, IN
			William 1, m, Creek Nation
     Hopkins,		William W. 35, m, OH Well Digger

19.  Miller,		Jacob Sr. 62, m, KY Blacksmith
			Nancy 59, f, IL
			John 28, m, AR Wagon Maker
			Jacob Jr. 21, m, AR Farm Laborer
			Martha 17, f, AR
			Nancy Jr. 15, f, AR
			Isaac 10, m, AR
			William J. 8, m, AR
			Permin?a 6, f, AR

20.  Williams, 		George 28, m, LA Blacksmith

21.  Cloud,		James 32, m, AL Farm Laborer

22.  Scarborough, 	Jane 20, f, TX

23.* Illiskarpar,	Mary A. 28, f, TX

24.  Powell,		Charles 21, m, TX Laborer
   * Fisher,		Sarah 19, f, TN

25.* Gentry,		Caroline 47, f, GA

26.* Fisher,		Mary 40, f, TN
     Lamkin,		Mary L. 15, f, TN
			Amanda M. 12, f, MO

27.* Gordon,		John 36, m, TN Farmer

28.* Boling,		Alexander 55, m, PA Farmer

29.  Eby,		Joseph 56, m, PA Blacksmith

30.  Sanger,		Stephen S. Jr. 21, m, VA Merchant
       			Emma L. 18, f, AR
     Robison,		Elisha C. 24, m, TN Laborer

31.  Patterson,		Lycurgus A. 40, m, TN Physician

32.* Whitlow,		David B. 38, m, NC Farmer

33.  Atkins,		Jahue G. 26, m, GA Farmer
			Mary J. 25, f, Creek Nation
			Harriett A. 6, f, TX
			Loueza A. 4, f, TX
			Texana 2, f, TX

* Married natives, but not admitted to citizenship.

1860 Free Inhabitants Creek Nation page 2
1860 Free Inhabitants Creek Nation page 2

Adams, Aird, Allen, Ames, Armstead, Armstrong, Atkins, Barnett, Barns, Barnsvell, Barrows, Beams, Belcher, Bertold, Blackburn, Blue, Boling, Borgeaud, Broadnax, Brown, Bruner, Buckner, Butler, Callahan, Carruth, Cassdida, Cates, Childers, Clinton, Cloud, Colven, Cook, Cooney, Cooper, Cornell, Cozen, Crayson, Crowell, Dailey, Davis, Diar, Dixon, Downing, Dunsey, Dusaur, Eaton, Eby, Edmonds, Eliason, Emory, Esbivell, Essex, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Floyd, Fry, Gaines, Garrett, Gentry, Gibson, Glazebrook, Gooding, Goodman, Goody, Gordon, Grayson, Grigory, Hall, Hamersley, Hamiel, Hamilton, Hampton, Hanks, harken, Harvey, Hawkins, Hayes, Haynes, Helterbrand, Henry, Hockstetler, Hodge, Holmes, Hopkins, Hopwood, Illiskarpan, Jeuda, Job, Johnson, Kemp, Lamkin, Lance, Land, Landivere, Larne, Laughridge, Lawson, Lemore, Lewis, Lick, Lilley, Livingston, Logan, Lucas, Lunsford, Lynch, Maltby, Manly, Marsh, Mathews, Maul, Maxwell, McCullough, McKean, Miller, Millett, Mills, Moniac, Murrow, Neeley, Nero, Nevin, Noble, Patterson, Patton, Pearson, Pensins, Percival, Perry, Perryman, Porter, Posely, Powell, Preston, Ridgeway, Riley, Robertson, Robison, Roe, Rogers, Rop, Safley, Sancho, Sanger, Scarborough, Scheriff, Sem, Seminole, Severs, Shaw, Shepard, Shields, Shortess, Singer, Smith, Spaniard, Steel, Stewart, Stidham, Stryker, Taylor, Thompson, Thornsbury, Thorrip, Tuckaparche, Turner, Warfield, Watley, Wells, Wetzell, Whipple, Whitlow, Whitmore, Williams, Wining, Wiresman, Woodruff, Woods, Yonger,

Arkansas Census Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Arkansas Census records. See also United States Census Records for census records on all of the United States.

1 thought on “1860 Census West of Arkansas – Creek Nation”

  1. Wow! Research is a difficult task If anyone have information on Marie Clark ‘Mother’ Lauderdale County, MS shown living in her grandmother Letha Addy household 1930


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