Wisconsin Gold Star List -Bayfield County

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Bayfield County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Arseneau, Fred E., 25, Washburn; 8prvnlbn; dd (pneu) on U. S. transport, Oct 6, ’18.

Bear, John, Jr., 26, Red Cliffs; pvt rctco, Columbus Barracks, 0.; dd (pneu) Jan 9, ’21.

Bodin, August, 27, Washburn; pvt 107hqtn∓ kia Aug 31, ’18.

Bolin, Edwin A., 26, Washburn; pvt 317salv&repco tkc; dd (pneu) Oct 4, ’18.

Bonney, Harvey E., 30, Bayfield; pvt rctco, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; dd (pneu) Oct 15,’18.

Carlson, Francis, 22, Bark Point; pvt mgtngcntr, Camp Hancock, Ga.; dd (pneu) Oct 2,’18.

Degelmans, Adam, 30, Iron River; pvt 161depbrig; U.S.; dd (pneu) Oct 5, ’18.

Dodge, Lyle, 26, Brule; rct unasgnd; U. S.; dd (hem) May 9, ’18.

Finstad, Carl Knudson, 38, Washburn; WNG; pvt Icl 107hqtn& MP; kia Aug 6, ’18.

Jacobson, Byron, 23, Washburn; WNG; pvt 128inf ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dee 17, ’17.

Lancer, James J., 25, Washburn; pvt 306inf ; dw Aug 13, ’18.

Larson, Wilmer J., 22, Mason; pvt 312inf ; kia Oct 18, ’18.

McRae, Kenneth Morrison, 20, Washburn ; pvt 107MP ; Belfort sec, Aisne-Marne, Fismes, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne; dd (pneu) Feb 1, ’19.

Madsen, Peter Andrew, 22, Iron River; pvt 107MP; Fortiers; dw Aug 31, ’18.

Michelson, Helmer Arthur, 24, Drummond; hs 107MP; kia Aug 2, ’18.

Murchland, Everett, 31, Drummond ; pvt 28inf ; dw Jy 22, ’18.

Ottman, Merton R., 24, Moquah; pvt 341inf; kia Nov 1,’18.

Peck, William R., 28, m, Washburn; sgt 354inf; Argonne-Meuse; kia Nov 1,’18.

Pederson, Walter John, 29, Mason; WNG; pvt 26inf; Cantigny, Soissons; kia Aug 1,’18.

Peterson, Fritz, 27, Grand View; b Sweden; pvt 1cl 343inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 16,’18.

Rice, Peter P., 30, Grand View; b Norway; pvt 1cl 310engnrs; Thiacourt, Champignelles; kia Oct 19,’18.

Rogers, Samuel Nelson, 30, Iron River; WNG; pvt 128inf; Alsace, Marne, Juvigny, Romagne, Brandeville; kia Nov 7,’18.

Smith, Carl John, 23, Washburn; pvt 128inf; kia Jy 20,’18.

Stein, Evard F., 21, Drummond; WNG;pvt 6inf; U. S.; drowned Jy 18, ’17.

Swanson, Richard, 25, Mason; pvt 6suptn; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 17, ’18.

Toutloff, Fred, 23, Bayfield; WNG; pvt 28inf. Cantigny; kia May 29, ’18.

Wasmuth, Arthur, 26, Bayfield; pvt 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 6,’18.


Boutin, Alonzo T., 24, Bayfield; chf yeoman; dd (pneu) Naval Parade Grounds, Indian Head, Md., Oct 27, ’18.

Yderstad, Nels, 26, Mason; fireman 1cl; dd Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va., Apr 24, ’17.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Bayfield County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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