Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, PA

Comprising a historical sketch of the county, by Samuel T. Wiley, together with more than five hundred biographical sketches of the prominent men and leading citizens of the county.

On August 24, 1682 William Penn created the three counties which would originally comprise Pennsylvania: Bucks, Chester and Philadelphia. Chester County was drawn up from the land which had originally comprised the Pennsylvania portion of New Netherland and it’s borders at that time stretched east to west from Delaware River to approximately the Susquenhanna River. Philadelphia County lay to the North, while the states of Delaware and Maryland lay to the South. From Chester County came the land which would later comprise Lancaster County and part of Berks County.

The manuscript contains 513 biographies of prominent men and leading citizens of Chester County.

Biographical Sketches of Chester County, PA

Title Page for Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania
Title Page for Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania

Abraham, Ackenbach, Acker, Aiken, Alison, Allen, Anderson, Armor, Armstrong, Ashbridge, Baldwin, Baltz, Barker, Barnard, Bartram, Batholomew, Beale, Bean, Beaumont, Beaver, Beck, Beitler, Bell, Benjamin, Benner, Bennett, Bingham, Bizallion, Bliss, Bolmar, Bonzano, Boyer, Branson, Bremerman, Brinton, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Brownback, Buckwalter, Bull, Burling, Burns, Buzzerd, Cardwell, Carpenter, Catanach, Chandler, Christman, Cleaver, Clemson, Clower, Cochran, Cogan, Cohen, Colket, Cook, Cornog, Cornwell, Coryell, Cowan, Cox, Croskey, Cummiskey, Cutler, Darlington, Davies, Davis, Deery, DeHaven, Denithorne, Derr, Detwiler, Dewees, Dickey, Diehl, Dobson, Dotterer, Downing, Dunn, Dutton, Dyer, Eaches, Eachus, Eastwood, Egolf, Eicholtz, Eldridge, Ellicott, Ellis, Emack, Emery, Entriken, Eppehimer, Evans, Everhart, Farley, Fetters, Finkbiner, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flint, Floyd, Francis, Frederick, Frick, Friday, Fritz, Fronefield, Fulton, Funk, Futhey, Gallagher, Garrett, Gause, Geiger, Gheen, Gilbert, Gilfillan, Gilkyson, Gilligan, Good, Green, Griffen, Griffith, Grover, Gunkle, Guss, Gyger, Haddaway, Haines, Halderman, Hallman, Halteman, Hamill, Hannum, Harlan, Harley, Harris, Harry, Hart, Hartman, Hartshorne, Hastings, Hause, Hawley, Heckel, Heistand, Hemphill, Henderson, Henniss, Heron, Hibberd, Hickman, High, Highley, Hills, Himes, Hodgson, Hogue, Holman, Hoopes, Hooton, Horning, Hoskins, Howell, Hoy, Hurford, Ingram, Ivison, Jacobs, Janeway, Johnson, Jones, Kaler, Kauffman, Keech, Keeley, Keim, Kelton, Kephart, Kepner, Kerr, Knauer, Koller, Kulp, Kurtz, Lafayette, Lamborn, Lancaster, Landis, Latshaw, Latta, Leary, Leopold, Lewis, Lippert, Little, Lobb, Long, Ludwick, Macdonald, MacElree, MacFarland, MacFeat, Mackelduff, Manger, March, Margerum, Marshall, Massey, Masters, Matlack, Matson, Maxwell, May., McCauley, McClure, McClurg, McCullough, McDowell, McKean, Menkins, Mercer, Meredith, Mewhinney, Michener, Miller, Mintzer, Mock, Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Moses, Mosteller, Mowrey, Mowry, Moyer, Mullen, Mullin, Myer, Needham, Newlin, Oberholtzer, Opperman, Owen, Painter, Parke, Parker, Paschal, Patrick, Patterson, Paxson, Pearson, Pechin, Pennock, Pennypacker, Peters, Philips, Phipps, Piersol, Potter, Pratt, Price, Prizer, Pugh, Ralston, Ramsey, Randall, Rapp, Raynor, Read, Reavey, Reel, Rees, Reese, Reid, Reiff, Reinhart, Rennard, Rhoads, Richard, Rickabaugh, Rinehart, Ringwalt, Robb, Roberts, Rothrock, Rupert, Russell, Ruth, Savage, Saylor, Schofield, Sellers, Shaffer, Sharpless, Shoemaker, Sigman, Sleichter, Sloyer, Smale, Smedley, Smith, Snyder, Soule, Spackman, Spratt, Stauffer, Steen, Stem, Sterrett, Stiteler, Stockton, Stout, Stubbs, Supplee, Sweney, Talbot, Taylor, Templeton, Tencate, Thomas, Thompson, Torbert, Townsend, Tripp, Tustin, Tutton, Urner, Waddel, Waddell, Wagoner, Waitneight, Walker, Walters, Walton, Warner, Warrington, Watson, Way, Wayne, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weidal, Weigel, Weldin, Wells, Wersler, West, Whann, Wheeler, White, Whitson, Wickersham, Wilds, Williams, Wilson, Windle, Wintzer, Woodward, Worrall, Worthington, Wynne, Yarnall, Yeager, Yerkes, Young,


Chester County PA,


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