Biographical Sketch of Walter R. Horning
Horning, Walter R.; electric engineer and mfg.; born, Allegheny, Pa., Sept. 2, 1882; son of Charles F. and Anna M. Walter Horning; educated, common schools, Howe Military Academy (Military degree), Case School Applied Science, special and electrical course; married. Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1908, Leoy May Oakley; Sergt. Maj. 5th Regiment, O. N. G., 1910-1912; first technical position held as electrical engineer The Williams Telephone & Mfg. Co.; afterwards road erector for Electric Controller & Mfg. Co., and in 1906, started the business of which he is now the pres., The Horning Electric & Mfg. Co.; pres. and treas. member American … Read more