Wahmaskie, A Lower Chinook Indian Genealogy

Clyde Chenois and unidentified man

This provides the descendants of Wahmaskie, a Lower Chinook Indian who married James Huckquist, a white man. Using census and vital records, as well as Native American specific records, this research provides several generations of her descendants through her son, Dixie James, who was the only surviving heir.

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, PA

Title Page for Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, Pennsylvania – comprising a historical sketch of the county, by Samuel T. Wiley, together with more than five hundred biographical sketches of the prominent men and leading citizens of the county.

Yerkes, Inez M. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Inez M. Yerkes died of cancer on Feb. 21, 2000, at Providence Hospital in Portland. Mrs. Yerkes was born Feb. 14, 1924, in Slade, Ky. Her maiden name was Brown. Prior to living in Wallowa County, she resided in Dayton, Ohio. She moved to Enterprise in 1970. She was a licensed practical nurse and worked for Wallowa County Memorial Hospital, retiring in 1992. Prior to marrying Roland Yerkes on Feb. 21, 1975, she was married to Otha Morrison on Oct. 12, 1946. She was preceded in death by her husband Otha Morrison, who died in 1972, … Read more

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, NY

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties New York

In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, … Read more