Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, PA

Title Page for Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, Pennsylvania – comprising a historical sketch of the county, by Samuel T. Wiley, together with more than five hundred biographical sketches of the prominent men and leading citizens of the county.

Biography of William E. Robb

William E. Robb. The thriving and prosperous Town of Neal in Greenwood County stands on land which a number of years ago William E. Robb plowed and cultivated and ranged his stock over. From his farm he furnished the townsite, and while he had still extensive farming interests in that locality his main business is as a merchant in the Town of Neal. More than any other individual he had had a direct influence upon the growth and development of the community. Mr. Robb had an unusually interesting family history. From the data he had collected from time to time … Read more

Upper Otorara Presbyterian Church Records, Chester County PA

Upper Octorara Church, Erected in 1840

Provides records for the Upper Otorara Presbyterian Church in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Many early members are mentioned by names. Includes many drawings of the church, as well as the history of the church. Includes transcriptions of both cemeteries for the church.

Biography of William Wesley Robb

William Wesley Robb, who is superintendent of the electric light plant at Chanute, began his career as a locomotive fireman and had filled many positions of responsibility, chiefly as a manager of machinery and plants, and much of his service had been rendered in the State of Kansas. He is of Scotch ancestry. His great-grandfather came from Scotland and was an early settler in Ohio. His grandfather, James Warren Robb, was born in the State of Illinois, in 1824, and died in Mercer County in that state in 1902. By profession he was an attorney, but many years ago he … Read more

Choctaws and their Beliefs about the Great Flood

The Choctaws, at the time of their earliest acquaintance with the European races, possessed, in conjunction with all their race of the North American Continent, a vague, but to a great extent, correct knowledge of the Oka Falama, “The returning waters,” as they termed it The Flood. The Rev. Cyrus Byington related a little incident, as one out of many interesting and pleasing ones that frequently occurred when traveling through their country from one point to another in the discharge of his ministerial duties, over seventy years ago. At one time he found night fast approaching without any visible prospect of … Read more

Robb, Charles V. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Engineer Killed Charles V. Robb O.W. engineer of La Grande, was instantly killed Thursday night when his engine left the rails and turned over east of Lime. Lee Connor the fireman, was also seriously injured as was Marshal Smith a call boy, who was riding on the engine. Young Smith badly burned abut the face and arms, ran back along the track a half mile and flagged train 24 which was following the light engine which was wrecked. North Powder News Saturday, June 12, 1920

Biography of A. W. Robb

A. W. Robb was born January, 1840, in Vera County, Pennsylvania, the fourth son of William A. Robb, of Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Young Robb attended neighborhood schools until thirteen years of age, when he went to Washington College, Iowa, where he remained one year. Most of his time was spent upon a farm until he arrived at twenty years of age. In the fall of 1860 he went to Kansas, and in the following year entered the Federal service (militia force). Soon, however, he joined the regulars, and in July 1862, became a first lieutenant, Company F, Third Indiana Horse … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Calvin Robb

One of the progressive and influential citizens of the first township is Jesse Robb of Millbrae, manager of the Millbrae Dairy and superintendent of the D O. Mills estate for the past twenty-seven years. Mr. Robb was born at Bonaparte, Iowa, on September 9, 1885 and came to California thirty-nine years ago. After passing ten years in San Francisco he became connected with the country estate of D. O. Mills at Millbrae. Under his supervision this has become one of the show places of California. Although busily engaged looking after this large tract of land, Mr. Robb found time to … Read more

Obituary of Craig LaVerne Carey

Craig LaVerne Carey, 55, of Baker City died Aug. 10, 2008, at St. Elizabeth Health Services with Tenee, his dearest love present. Visitation will be held today from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel. A memorial service will be held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the McEwen Bible Fellowship Church near Sumpter. Craig was born on April 18, 1953, at the Mountain Home Air Base in Mountain Home, Idaho, to Marion and Marian Carey. He grew up in Grangeville, Idaho, where he attended school and received his GED. After high school, he joined the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robb, J. W.

Robb, J. W. physician and surgeon, came here in September 1879, where he has since continued the practice of medicine. He was born in Shelby County, Ky., in 1839, and got a common school education in his native place. He then attended the Shelbyville, Ky., Academy, under Prof. J. W. Dodd, graduating in 1858. Began to study medicine in the same year, and after a year or two, attended the University at Louisville, Ky., and graduated from the medical department of that college in 1862. Began the practice of medicine at Shelbyville, Ky., where he continued until 1875. He then … Read more