Rough Riders

Rough Riders

Compiled military service records for 1,235 Rough Riders, including Teddy Roosevelt have been digitized. The records include individual jackets which give the name, organization, and rank of each soldier. They contain cards on which information from original records relating to the military service of the individual has been copied. Included in the main jacket are carded medical records, other documents which give personal information, and the description of the record from which the information was obtained.

Dewees, Rebecca Ellen Freels – Obituary

Death came to Mrs. Rebecca Ellen DeWees, 71, at her home at 210 South Sampson Street this morning [February 14, 1940] after a two weeks’ illness. Her death follows that of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. George DeWees by just one week Mrs. DeWees was born in Havensville, Kentucky, March 17, 1858, and came to the Kittitas Valley in 1902. She has lived in her present home for 17 years. She was a member of the Miriam Rebekah Lodge here Mrs. DeWees is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Robert Kirk of Coldwater, Kansas, Mrs. Emma Sherman of Wichita, Mrs. Ina Davis and … Read more

Dewees, George W. – Obituary

George W. Dewees, Valley Pioneer, taken by death widely known Ellensburg resident dies here today George William DeWees, 78, an Ellensburg resident for the past 56 years, died at the Ellensburg General Hospital this morning. In failing health for several years, he suffered a stroke Wednesday [October 6, 1945] morning and failed to rally The son of the late William and Valinda DeWees, he was born April 14, 1867, near Leitchfield, KY. When he was six years old his parents moved to the Middle West, where he spent his boyhood. He came to Ellensburg February 28, 1889, and went to … Read more

Dewees, Almira Jane Swett – Obituary

Mrs. George DeWees, resident of Ellensburg and a native daughter of the Pacific Coast, died at the family residence, 306 South Sprague Street this morning [February 7, 1940], after an illness that has lasted nearly four years. No arrangements have been made for the funeral, pending the arrival of members of the family Mrs. Almira Swett DeWees was born in Clackamas County, Oregon and came to the Kittitas Valley as a girl in 1885, and was married here to George DeWees, pioneer milling and grain and feed man, who also served for several years on the city council and was … Read more

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, PA

Title Page for Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County Pennsylvania

Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Chester County, Pennsylvania – comprising a historical sketch of the county, by Samuel T. Wiley, together with more than five hundred biographical sketches of the prominent men and leading citizens of the county.

Dewees, William S. – Obituary

Prominent Resident dies at home here. William S. Dewees came her 14 years ago. He was born in Kentucky and was 77 years of age. Leaves Large Family. William Shaw DeWees, aged 77 years, a resident of Ellensburg and the Kittitas Valley for the past fourteen years, died yesterday afternoon at his home on South Sprague Street after a lingering illness of six months’ duration. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home under the direction of M. L. Bridgham. Rev. Mr. Sharp will conduct the services. Interment will take place in the Odd Fellows … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Dickinson County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Dickinson County. Breen Township. – William Allen, William H. Morris, George Fugal, Thomas Reiley. Breitung Township. – Philip Schell, James Durand, John L. Buell, Jerome Dakota, George P. Shaver. Felch Township. – Moses Brisk, Henry Duffy, Thomas Reiley, Thomas Quaid. Norway Township. – Robert Fisher, Michael Mullen. Sagola Township. – John Paranto, Richard Cleveland. Waucedah Township. – Salmon P. Saxton, Enos Renier, Henry G. Rothwell. Iron Mountain City, Second Ward. – W. T. Carpenter, Samuel Bassett. Iron Mountain … Read more