The manuscript presently being added is volume 2 of John Forkner’s “History of Madison County, Indiana.” This volume contains the biographies submitted by “subscribers” to the manuscript prior to its publication. Generally, most county biographical volumes of history provide a rich view of the life of inhabitants in said county.
- Biography of Dr. Lot Edward Alexander
- Biography of Charles H. Allman
- Biography of Archie C. Anderson
- Biography of Charles L. Armington, M. D.
- Biography of Paul Armstrong, M. D.
- Biography of Curran “Jack” Beall
- Biography of George T. Beebe
- Biography of Martin M. Beeson
- Biography of Joel B. Benefiel
- Biography of Spencer Gorland Bevilhimer
- Biography of George W. Bickford
- Biography of Hon. Charles W. Biddle
- Biography of Rev. Balthasar Biegel
- Biography of Daniel L. Boland
- Biography of Arthur Wolfe Brady
- Biography of Joseph E. Bradley
- Biography of Patrick S. Bradley
- Biography of Ransom Bronnenberg
- Biography of Weems Bronnenberg
- Biography of Jonathan A. Busby
- Biography of William Butler Bronnenberg
- Biography of George W. Brown
- Biography of Henry Clay Brown
- Biography of Levi P. Brown
- Biography of Richard H. Brunt
- Biography of Newton Burke
- Biography of Lafe J. Burr
- Biography of Enoch E. Byrum
- Biography of Joseph R. Cain
- Biography of Bartlett H. Campbell
- Biography of Wallace B. Campbell
- Biography of David R. Carlton
- Biography of Joseph Chambers
- Biography of Seneca Chambers
- Biography of Ralph B. Clark
- Biography of Ernest M. Conrad, M. D.
- Biography of A. W. Cook
- Biography of Benjamin H. Cook, M. D.
- Biography of Wilson Cory
- Biography of Clinton M. Cotterman
- Biography of John B. Cragen
- Biography of Martin L. Cromer
- Biography of O. B. Custer
- Biography of Arthur Davis
- Biography of Doctor Ball Davis
- Biography of John E. Davis
- Biography of Thomas E. Day
- Biography of Purl Dean
- Biography of Thomas Jenkins Doty
- Biography of Otho W. Douglas
- Biography of Henry Drach
- Biography of Joseph Draper
- Biography of Ivan C. Dunlap
- Biography of Augustus T. Dye
- Biography of Joseph H. Elliott
- Biography of Andrew Ellis
- Biography of David Eshelman
- Biography of Will G. Evans
- Biography of Edgar W. Farmer
- Biography of Eugene L. Ford
- Biography of James Marion Forkner
- Biography of Hon. John Larue Forkner
- Biography of Elmer Ellsworth Fornshell
- Biography of Fred B. Fornshell
- Biography of Hon. Frank P. Foster
- Biography of William Fountain
- Biography of Wade H. Free
- Biographical Sketch of Jesse D. Garr, M. D.
- Biography of John L. Givens
- Biography of Martin Luther Goodykoontz
- Biography of Weldon B. Gorden
- Biography of William H. Gossett
- Biography of Frank M. Greathouse
- Biography of James W. Griffin
- Biography of Elmer A. Guy
- Biography of Garland Hancock
- Biography of Edward C. Handy
- Biography of Henry P. Hardie
- Biography of Thomas Morris Hardy
- Biography of Lewis Heffner
- Biography of Charles A. Henderson
- Biography of Joseph E. Hennings
- Biography of Charles H. Herring
- Biography of Forrest J. Hill
- Biography of John George Hinderer
- Biography of Orlando D. Hinshaw
- Biography of Clement Warren Hooven
- Biography of Rufus Albert Hoover, M. D.
- Biography of Homer E. Howard
- Biography of Owen Huffman
- Biography of James C. Hull
- Biography of James M. Hundley
- Biography of Mason V. Hunt, M. D.
- Biography of George W. Hupp
- Biography of Walter Isanogel
- Biography of Cassius C. Jacobs
- Biography of Daniel Marcus Johnson
- Biography of Horace E. Jones, M. D.
- Biography of Joel M. Jones
- Biography of John Willits Jones
- Biography of John C. Johnson
- Biography of Lewis Johnson
- Biography of George W. Judd
- Biography of Andrew F. Kaufman
- Biography of Sanford M. Keltner
- Biography of Lewis D. Kinnard
- Biography of William R. Kinnard
- Biography of Hon. William A. Kittinger
- Biography of Frank Knight
- Biography of George W. Koons
- Biography of John H. Koons
- Biography of John H. Lail, M. D.
- Biography of John M. Lamey
- Biography of John W. Lambert
- Biography of Frederick Lantz
- Biographical Sketch of James H. Larmore
- Biography of John W. Lewark
- Biography of George Lilly
- Biography of Emereth E. Luse
- Biography of Edward E. Lyst
- Biographical Sketch of Emerson Manger
- Biography of Bert Mann
- Biography of George Grant Manning
- Biography of Samuel Quincy Markle
- Biography of Walter Maul
- Biography of Silas R. Mauzy
- Biography of Isaac E. May
- Biography of Oliver E. McClintock
- Biography of Carroll K. McCullough
- Biography of Neel M. McCullough
- Biography of George B. McDermit
- Biography of James D. McKenzie
- Biography of Elijah Posey McMahan
- Biography of W. Frank McVaugh
- Biography of John Meckel
- Biography of William P. Meyer
- Biography of Andrew Milburn
- Biography of Oscar F. Mingle, D. V. S.
- Biography of Lewis F. Mobley, M. D.
- Biography of Samuel Douglas Montgomery
- Biography of John A. Moon
- Biography of Thomas Morris
- Biography of William A. Morris
- Biography of Frederick Mosiman
- Biography of Sanford R. Moss
- Biography of Daniel F. Mustard
- Biography of James J. Netterville
- Biography of Hon. George Nichol
- Biography of Alonzo D. Norris
- Biography of Martin C. Norton
- Biography of Charles L. Oldham
- Biography of James A. Van Osdol
- Biography of George M. Overman
- Biography of James M. Parsons
- Biography of Frank D. Pence
- Biography of C. B. Pendleton, M. D.
- Biography of Allen Peters
- Biography of George W. Pettigrew
- Biography of William C. Pettigrew
- Biography of George A. Phipps
- Biography of Charles Poindexter
- Biography of James W. Potts
- Biography of John B. Pritchard
- Biographical Sketch of C. S. Raymer
- Biography of John H. Raymer
- Biography of Miron G. Reynolds
- Biography of J. C. Rodger, V. S.
- Biography of Jesse Rothrock
- Biography of Charles J. Rozelle
- Biography of Neils P. Sailing
- Biography of William Savage
- Biography of Adam Schuster
- Biography of Bushrod W. Scott
- Biography of Chester F. Scott
- Biography of W. C. Scott
- Biography of Rev. Robert Sellers
- Biography of Winfield Shaul
- Biography of Robert C. Shepherd
- Biography of Andrew J. Shetterly
- Biography of George W. Showers
- Biography of John A. Smethers
- Biography of Bertan E. Sneed
- Biography of Verling Stanley
- Biography of John T. Starr
- Biography of Jonas Stewart, M. D.
- Biography of Michael Striker
- Biography of Charles C. Studley
- Biography of Samuel Swain
- Biography of Edward E. Thomas
- Biography of Willard H. Thomas
- Biography of William E. Thompson
- Biography of Alva Thorn
- Biography of George F. Thurston
- Biographical Sketch of Robert W. Thurston
- Biography of Wilson T. Trueblood
- Biography of Amos Underwood
- Biography of Chancey Vermillion
- Biography of Herbert D. Webb
- Biography of Herbert D. Webb
- Biography of Robert E. Webster
- Biography of Wesley White Jr.
- Biography of Emmor Williams
- Biography of Ira Williams
- Biography of Alvin B. Williamson
- Biography of Mark E. Winings
- Biography of Frank W. Witter
- Biography of Fred D. Wright
- Biography of Edwin Watson Yule
- Biography of John C. Yule
- Biography of Hon. William G. Zerface