Biography of George B. McDermit

GEORGE B. MCDERMIT. One of the independent and progressive farmers of Boone Township is George B. McDermit, who has in his home place, located on the rural free delivery route No. 28 out of Elwood, one hundred and twenty acres of fine and well improved land, his mother’s place, and he also owns and operates other land in the same Township aggregating more than two hundred acres, He conducts his fanning on businesslike principles and after looking over his farm and understanding somewhat of the man it is not difficult to understand his reasons for success.

George B. McDermit was born on the McDermit farm which he now occupies, the date of his birth having been December 28, 1871. He is a son of Samuel and Julia (Minnick) McDermit, Samuel McDermit came from Mason County, West Virginia, and bought land in Boone Township of Madison County, comprising a portion of the estate now owned by his son George. The Minnick family also came from Mason County, West Virginia, and Mr. McDermit’s mother had one sister, Sarah Over- shiner, who lives in Boone Township. Mr. McDermit’s father was buried at Forestville cemetery, The children in the family of Samuel McDermit and wife were eight in number, mentioned as follows: Margaret, deceased; Martha Minnick; John D.; Edward; Charles E.; Samuel H.; one that died in infancy; and Mr. McDermit of this review.

George B. McDermit as a boy grew up on the old homestead in Boone Township, and during the winter seasons attended the Red Oak schoolhouse, He finished his education in the Marion Normal College, but did not prepare for teaching, and has followed agricultural activities all his life, While attending school he also worked on the farm, and is a thoroughly experienced man in farming and stock raising, He began by renting land, and from the gradual accumulations of his industry and thrift saved enough to increase his landed property from time to time, and now the McDermits have one of the best estates in Boone Township.

Mr. McDermit is unmarried. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Improved Order of Red Men, the Neoskaleta Tribe, No. 149, and the Haymakers at Alexandria, Indiana.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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