Biography of Silas R. Mauzy

SILAS R. MAUZY. The career of Silas R. Mauzy, of Adams Township, is illustrative of what may be accomplished by the man of energy and industry, for from small beginnings he has built up a business that has grown to such proportions as to give him the distinction of being the largest shipper of livestock in Madison County. Not only has he gained prestige in the business world, but in public life and social circles he has won equal prominence, and no man in his section stands higher in general public esteem. Mr. Mauzy was born on a farm in Rush County, Indiana, May 30, 1846, and is a son of Cornelius C. and Sarah (Garretson) Mauzy.

Silas V. Mauzy, the grandfather of Silas R. Of this sketch, was born in Kentucky, and in young manhood came to Indiana with his first wife, Rebecca Mauzy. After her death he returned to his native state and there married a Miss Barnes, and once more came to Indiana, settling in Rush County, where both passed away. Cornelius C. Mauzy was born in Kentucky, and was eight years of age when his mother died, he being reared by his step-mother in Rush County. After his marriage, which occurred in Rush County, he came to Madison County in 1852, – and settled on a farm in Adams Township, there spending the remainder of his life in agricultural pursuits. He became one of the substantial men of his community, engaged in general farming and stock dealing, and at the time of his death was the owner of 192 acres of good land.

Silas R. Mauzy was six years of age when he accompanied his parents to Adams Township, and here he secured his education in the district schools during the short winter months, his summers being given to the work on the home farm. Thus he became a thoroughly practical agriculturist and expert stock dealer, and the latter occupation he has made his life work. When he commenced his operations were carried on a modest scale, but gradually his business expanded, each year seeing him widen the scope of his dealings, until he is now justly acknowledged to be the largest handler of stock in Madison County, buying cattle in St. Louis, Kansas City and Chicago, feeding them, and shipping them to the various markets all over the country. An idea of the extent of this enterprise may be gained from the fact that his business has run as high as $384,000 per annum. Mr. Mauzy is known as a skillful man of business, quick to grasp an opportunity, ever ready and alert, but always fair and above-board in all his dealings. He has won the confidence of his ass0ciates and those who have had transactions with him, and his reputation is that of a man of business integrity and personal probity. He has invested his means wisely in land, owning 300 acres in Adams Township, 140 acres being in the home farm. This has been developed into one of the valuable properties of Adams Township and shows the care and good management which are expended upon it.

Mr. Mauzy was married first to Miss Lou Ann Gilmore, who died leaving one child: Fay, who became the wife of Woody Cooper, and is a graduate of the Township schools. On July 3, 1892, Mr. Mauzy was married to Jerusha Biddle, who was born in Adams Township, Madison County, Indiana, and is a sister of the Hon. Charles Biddle. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mauzy; Cophine, who is a graduate of the Township schools and is now in her third year in the Pendleton High school.

Mr. Mauzy has taken a prominent part in fraternal work, and at this time is a popular member. Of Mechanicsburg Lodge Free and Accepted Masons, Pendleton Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, No. 51, and Pendleton Council, R. & S. M. He also belongs to the Improved Order of Red Men, the Haymakers’ Lodge, Active Lodge No. 846, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he is past noble grand, Banner Lodge No. 416, Knights of Pythias, at Anderson, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in which he carries an insurance policy of $2,000. In his political belief he was a Republican until the campaign, when he cast his fortunes with the new Progress party. His interest in politics, however, is only that taken by every good citizen, as he has been too busy with his private affairs to enter the public arena. Good men and measures receive his hearty support, and he is justly considered one of his section’s representative, public-spirited citizens.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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