DANIEL F. MUSTARD, The president of the Citizens Bank of Anderson, Daniel F. Mustard, is an old-time resident of Madison County, having lived within the boundaries of this civil division of Indiana all of his life, He belongs to a family whose name has been borne with honor and usefulness in this County for practically all the years since the pioneer epoch, and his own career has been one of exceptional service, beginning with the time of his part in the Civil war as a soldier of the Union and continuing with distinguished positions in the public affairs of the County and with over thirty years of active connection with banking in Anderson.
Daniel F. Mustard Was born in Lafayette Township, Madison County, on the 20th of October, 1844, In 1850 his father, William Mustard, who was an early settler of this County, moved from Fayette Township to Anderson. Daniel, or Dan, as he is more familiarly known among his friends and associates, entered the public schools of tbis city and there remained, working at intervals in his father’s shoe shop, learning the shoemaker’s trade, until he reached the age of seventeen, He was a good student, and also diligently applied himself to acquiring a trade as a basis for his subsequent work in life, soon becoming an expert and skilled workman.
When the Civil war came on he was sixteen years old. About two years went by, and then his patriotic enthusiasm would no longer allow him to stay at home, and 0n the 6th of April, 1863, he enlisted in the Thirty-fourth Indiana Infantry as a private in Company I. After about fifteen months of service he was detached, and until the close of the rebellion was a musician in the regimental band. He was with his command during the memorable siege of Vicksburg in the summer of 1863 until the very last battle of the war at Palmetto Ranch in Texas, a small skirmish fought on the 13th of May, 1865, fully a month after the surrender of Lee to Grant at Appomattox, Owing to conditions existing with Mexico at that time the regiment was retained in Texas until February, 1866, when it was discharged, this regiment having the honor of being the last one discharged from the service, Returning then to Anderson, Mr. Mustard once more became associated with his father in the boot and shoe business, remaining with him until March, 1868. He was then given the appointment of deputy auditor under James M. Dickson, a position which he filled with credit to himself and with fidelity to the interests entrusted to his charge for two and a half years. On leaving the auditor’s office he was employed by Dr. Joseph Pugh, at that time treasurer of the County, as a clerk in his 0ffice, remaining there for a number of months, Later for six months he was employed in the recorder’s office, This was followed by service as deputy clerk under Thomas J. Fleming, On leaving the clerk’s office in 1871, Mr. Mustard took a position as bookkeeper in the First National Bank of Anderson, and in that way gained his first detailed experience of banking, He remained with the First National until August, 1873.
When Weems Heagy was elected to the office of County treasurer Mr. Mustard was again appointed deputy treasurer, and fulfilled the functions of that position while Mr. Heagy was treasurer, a period of four years, The fine business qualifications of the deputy treasurer, together with his long experience in that and other County offices and his thorough integrity both in public and private life, caused his many friends in the party and County to present his name for nomination in the office of County treasurer, They carried their point successfully, and he was nominated on the first ballot and in the election was chosen by a vote which was in the nature of the highest possible personal compliment, for he ran two hundred votes ahead of his ticket, His name was on the ticket that elected “Blue Jeans” Williams for governor of Indiana, in the memorable campaign of 1876, When his term of office expired Mr. Mustard was again placed in nomination by his party and re-elected by a majority of over nine hundred, He thus served two terms in that important office, and since then has been closely connected with the business affairs of Anderson.
Politically Mr. Mustard is a stalwart Democrat, and since arriving at the age of majority has been an ardent worker for the success of his party, He is an Odd Fellow, and has received all the honors that a subordinate lodge can bestow. He has been treasurer of Anderson Lodge, No, 131, and of Star Encampment, No, 84, for more than twenty-seven years.
In 1871 Mr. Mustard was married, and h children (as he calls them), six in number are: Fred E. Mustard, his only son, and his wife Nelda and daughter Janet; Mrs. Ethel M. Cline, his only daughter, her husband, Frank C. Cline, and their daughter Adelaide Johana, all of whom live near his home in Anderson, and this is an exceptionally happy and devoted family.
Industrious to a fault, temperate at all times and under all circumstances, frugal and cautious in the disposition of his means, Daniel F. Mustard has for a number of years been honorably accumulating for himself and family a handsome competence. In his public as well as private relations with his fellow citizens it can be truthfully said that his honesty has never been questioned or brought into question, Strong in his attachments and quick to appreciate a generous act, he can appeal confidently to his generation and to those who have known him from childhood, in sunshine and shade, to say that he has not been ungrateful.