Biography of Mason V. Hunt, M. D.

Last Updated on August 29, 2012 by

MASON V. HUNT, M. D. The roster of medical men of Madison County who have attained distinction in their profession would be decidedly incomplete did it not contain the name of Dr. Mason V. Hunt, one of the oldest practitioners of the city of Anderson, and a man widely known and highly respected not alone in the ranks of his profession, but in business, social and fraternal circles. For nearly a quarter of a century he has been ministering to the ills of the people of Anderson, and his unquestioned talent and sympathetic nature have drawn to him a large and representative practice. Dr. Hunt was born in the city of Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, January 27, 1848, and is a son of Dr W. A. and Sarah (Wright) Hunt.

Dr. W. A. Hunt was born in North Carolina, and became an ear. y settler of Darke County, Ohio, where as a youth he began reading medicine. Subsequently, he entered the Starling Medical College, Columbus, and after his graduation therefrom was engaged in practice in Greenville for some time. Later, he came to Indiana and settled on a farm in Madison County, not far from Anderson, and while engaging in tilling the soil continued to practice medicine and surgery. Dr. Hunt disposed of his farm in 1867 and came to Anderson, to devote his whole attention to his profession, and continued in active practice up to the time of his death, which occurred February 20, 1889. He was a Quaker by religion, as were his father and his grandfather, yet they came of a line of fighting men who participated in the various wars of this country down to the struggle between the North and South, and many of the name held high rank in the Union army during the last-named war. Dr. Hunt married Miss Sarah Wright, who was born in Maryland, and was taken to Ohio by her father, William Wright, an early settler of Darke County, who was also of Quaker stock.

Mason V. Hunt received his early education in the public and high schools of Anderson, this being supplemented by an attendance of two years at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. Early exhibiting a predilection for medicine, doubtless inherited from his father, he began his medical studies under the preceptorship of the elder man, and after some preparation entered what is now known as the Cincinnati Medical University, where he was graduated after a very creditable examination in 1874. He at once entered practice at Janesville, Minnesota, where he remained one year, subsequently moving to Waseca, Minnesota, where he passed some eighteen years in a successful practice, and in 1890 made his advent into Anderson, which has since been his field of endeavor. He was not long in attracting a clientele, those who had known his father being ready to trust their health in the hands of the younger man, but he soon demonstrated such ability that he was able to build up a practice entirely apart from any influence that might be reflected upon him on account of the achievements of his sire. He is now known as an able practitioner, a steady-handed surgeon, and a close and assiduous student, and his standing among his professional brethren is deservedly high. In 1900, Dr. Hunt became medical director of the Liberal Life Assurance Company, with which he has been connected in the same capacity to the present time.

In 1887, Dr. Hunt was united in marriage (first) with Miss Adda Andrews, of Sherwood, Minnesota, and to this union was born one son: Volney M., an electrical engineer. Dr. Hunt’s first wife died in 1900, and he was later married to Mrs. Elizabeth J. Ross, a widow, daughter of G. W. Kidwell.

Dr. Hunt is a prominent Mason, being a member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 77, F. & A. M., Anderson Chapter No. 52, R. A. M., Anderson Commandery No. 22, K. T., Murat Temple, A. A. 0. N. M. S., Indianapolis, and has attained to the thirty-second degree. During his long residence in Anderson, he has formed a wide acquaintance, and in this he numbers many sincere friends. The Doctor’s comfortable modern residence is situated at No. 1225 Jackson street.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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