Biography of Edward E. Lyst

Last Updated on August 29, 2012 by

EDWARD E. LYST, The architectural beauty of the city of Anderson, Indiana, has been brought about by a group of men of ability and artistic training who have possessed the public spirit necessary to cause them to labor faithfully and assiduously in transforming an ungainly, half- formed municipality into a business and residence center of which its citizens may well be proud, Years of experience and a wealth of ideas have been brought into this work, and the services of a number of the most able contractors in the state have been enlisted, Prominent among them is Edward E. Lyst, of the well-known contracting firm of Daniels, Lyst & Douglas, who has lived in this city all of his life, and who, during the past decade, has risen to a high place in his chosen vocation. Mr. Lyst was born in Anderson, Indiana, October 10, 1870, and is a son of Thomas J. and Ellen (Smith) Lyst.

Thomas J. Lyst was born in Butler County, Ohio, in 1833, and there passed his youth, receiving a common school education and early engaging in general contracting work, At the outbreak of the Civil war, he enlisted for service in the Union army as a member of Company M. Seventy-fifth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and continued to serve with that organization for three and one-half years, participating in numerous hard-fought battles and taking part in what is known as “Sherman’s March to the Sea,” Receiving his honorable discharge with a record for gallantry and faithful service, he returned to his contracting operations, and became one of the leading contractors in various kinds of street work and paving, and continued to follow this same line of endeavor until his death in 1900. His widow still survives him and makes her home in the city of Anderson.

Edward E. Lyst acquired his education in the public and high schools of Anderson, and on leaving school received his introduction to the contracting business as an employee of his father, continuing with him in cement and concrete paving work until the older man’s death, He then remained alone until 1904, when he joined the firm of Daniels & Lyst and five years later Mr. 0, W. Douglas became connected, making the firm of Daniels, Lyst & Douglas, one of the largest concerns of its kind in the state, The business has enjoyed a gratifying growth, and carries on extensive operations in street work, paving, concrete construction of all kinds, not only in Anderson, but in all parts of the United States, and during the busy season a small army of men are employed, It has been the policy of the firm from the start to purchase only the best of materials from the most reliable of firms and factories, thus assuring their customers of the finest materials, while they themselves furnish the best of work that can be done. To this method of doing business may be given the credit for the success the firm enjoys, and the high reputation it maintains among the contractors of this State, Among his associates Mr. Lyst is known as a capable, energetic and thoroughly qualified man, whose wide and varied experience makes him a valuable asset to the firm in matters of importance, He is an enthusiast in his work, and has the power of enthusing others. He has been an investor in much city realty, and owns a modern residence at No. 916 West Seventh street, together with other valuable property in the city.

In 1905 Mr. Lyst was united in marriage with Miss Josephine Banks, of Anderson, Indiana, daughter of John Banks, who was at one time a well known business man of Richmond, Indiana, Mr. Lyst has interested himself in fraternal work to the extent of securing membership in Anderson Lodge of Odd Fellows and Lodge No, 209, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, as well as the Modern Woodmen of America and other organizations, but while he has always treasured the privileges of membership, he has never held office. He has never aspired to position in the political field, although he supports Republican candidates and principles.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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