Biography of Oliver E. McClintock

OLIVER E. MCCLINTOCK. The roster of agriculturists of Madison County who have participated prominently in the movement which have served to bring about the great progress and advancement of this section of the State during the past half a century would be incomplete indeed did it not contain the name of Oliver E. McClintock, of Stony Creek Township, who, although now a resident of the town of Lapel, has for many years been interested in farming and stock raising in Stop, Creek and Jackson Townships, where he is the owner of large property. Mr. McClintock belongs to that class of … Read more

Biography of John H. Raymer

JOHN H. RAYMER. No more honored and respected citizen might be pointed out in Green Township than John H. Raymer, who has been a resident of the County since about 1860, or since he was eighteen years of age. He was born in Maryland, on September 20, 1843, and is the son of W. P. and Lena (Prior) Raymer, both of whom were born and reared in Maryland. They came to Montgomery County, Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives, which had been devoted to the business of farming. W. P. Raymer was a \ran of prominence in … Read more

Biography of James Marion Forkner

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Forkner

JAMES MARION FORKNER, One century ago, lacking five brief years, the Forkner family was established in Indiana, Wayne County being the scene of settlement and for years the home of the family. From that day to the present time men of that name have been prominently identified with the agricultural activities of the state, and have played well their individual parts in the praiseworthy work of advancing the reputation of their various communities in the world of agriculture. They have been men of the highest integrity and especially have they been distinguished by the character of their citizenship and by … Read more

Biography of Martin M. Beeson

MARTIN M. BEESON, In America, pre-eminently a land of self-made men, opportunities for achieving success are to be found as in no other land. The youth of energetic spirit, ambitious nature and industrious habits may here establish a position for himself in any of the various vocations of life, provided that he respect the principles of integrity and honorable dealing, for his fellow-citizens will quickly recognize and appreciate the force of character and persistent determination which have enabled him to work his way from a humble position to one of independence and prominence, Madison County is fortunate in that it … Read more

Biography of Chester F. Scott

CHESTER F. SCOTT. The firm of Scott & Mead, plumbers and dealers in heating and plumbing supplies, is one of the well known business concerns of Anderson, established here in recent years, with Chester F. Scott as junior member of the firm. Mr. Scott was born in Windfall, Tipton County, Indiana, on January 25, 1883, and is the son of Dr. W. F. and Ada V. (Conkling) Scott. The father is a West Virginian by birth and there he spent his early days, coming to Indiana while yet in his young manhood. He is still living, and is in his … Read more

Biography of Sanford R. Moss

SANFORD R. MOSS, Located in Richland Township, not far from the city of Anderson is found Shadeland Stock farm, a property of sixty acres from which comes some of the finest light harness horses bred in Madison County. The proprietor of this enterprise, Sanford R. Moss, has had a long and successful experience in his line of work, having been trained therein as a boy, and his firmly-established reputation as a raiser, breeder and trainer of these animals has created an active demand for his animals in the markets of the big cities, Mr. Moss was born on his present … Read more

Biography of Curran “Jack” Beall

CURRAN “JACK” BEALL, Modern agriculture holds out many inducements to the industrious, progressive worker, especially when he has been trained to farming from boyhood, It is natural for such a man to capably perform the duties pertaining to this class of work, and, having had wide experience, he is able to recognize and appreciate the various advantages offered by new methods, Again, having passed through instructive experiences, he is not to be easily deceived with relation to the true value of proposed innovations, nor is he apt to decline advantageous propositions, The demands of his neighborhood are known to him, … Read more

Biography of Orlando D. Hinshaw

ORLANDO D. HINSHAW. It has been found that the better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, whose lives are devoted to the welfare of their fellow-men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and scientific formula, Usually the greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil in their vocation is the earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from the knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and the assistance rendered the medical profession, … Read more

Biography of John B. Cragen

JOHN B. CRAGEN. Every branch of commercial and industrial activity is represented at Lapel, for this locality is not only a flourishing community, but furnishes a large contiguous territory that looks to it as a base of supply, For this reason many progressive men who seek the best locality for the prosecution of their lines of endeavor have settled here, confident in the future of the place and in their ability to make their mark upon its advancement. The men who succeed here, as elsewhere, in forging their way to the front ranks have to possess more than the average … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Jones, M. D.

Thomas Jones

HORACE E. JONES, M. D. It is eminently fitting that the career of Dr. Horace E. Jones be presented in this volume, for he has been a practitioner of medicine for upwards of forty years and his entire professional career has been passed within the borders of Madison County. During his long and honorable career in Anderson he has been successful not only in a material way, but has established himself firmly in the esteem and affection of a wide circle of sincere friends, and as a man who has always had the welfare of his community and its people … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emerson Manger

EMERSON MANGER. One of the more ambitious and enterprising young farming men of Union Township may be cited in the person of Emerson Manger, who gives his time and honest attention to the cultivation of his eighty acre farm, located some two miles north of the town of Chesterfield, His accomplishments in the years of his residence here have been well worthy of mention, and it is not too much to expect that the future will find him steadily advancing in prosperity and success. Born on August 29, 1881, in Pike County, near the town of Piketon, Ohio, Mr. Manger … Read more

Biography of Lewis Heffner

LEWIS HEFFNER. A substantial business citizen whose history has been commensurate with that of Elwood from the time this flourishing and prosperous city was but a small, struggling village, Lewis Heffner has played no small part in the great growth and development here during the past forty years, during which time he has been intimately identified with some of the city’s largest business interests, His life has been one of industry and perseverance, and the systematic and honorable business methods which he has followed have won him the support and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Heffner was born in Berks … Read more

Biography of Wade H. Free

WADE H. FREE. Among the young Indiana men who in recent years have been gaining recognition and have been making their influence effective in business and political circles of the state, one whose name has now become well known far beyond the boundaries of his home County of Madison, is Wade H. Free, the present secretary of the state senate, He is a popular young lawyer of Anderson, where he has spent five or six years in general practice, and he is a native son of the County. Wade H. Free was born in Lafayette Township, Madison County, on a … Read more

Biography of Will G. Evans

WILL G. EVANS. Among the younger generation of business men of Elwood, one who has made a place for himself in. commercial circles is Will G. Evans, the energetic proprietor of the pharmacy at Main and Sixteenth streets, Mr. Evans was born in Irondale, Ohio, September 5, 1887, and is a son of John R. and Matilda (Mayberry) Evans. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Evans spent their entire lives in South Wales, They were the parents of a large family of children, John 11. Evans was born in South Wales, and as a young married man emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of John E. Davis

JOHN E. DAVIS. For many years one of the well known business men of Anderson, Mr. Davis has spent nearly sixty years of his life time in Madison County, and has been very familiar by experience with the development of the country east of Anderson from pioneer times to the present, During the many years of his residence in the County, he has prospered, has enjoyed many of the good things of life, and has well provided for his family, and is still active and vigorous in business affairs at the County seat. John E. Davis was born on a … Read more

Biography of John W. Lewark

JOHN W. LEWARK. Madison County’s citizenship contains few members whose careers have illustrated so well the varied battle with fortune and with circumstance as that of Mr. John W. Lewark, of Pendleton. Mr. Lewark came to Madison County a runaway boy, obtained his education between periods of hard work, went from this County to the Union ranks in the great war between the states, and since returning a veteran from that conflict has been one of the honored citizens and business men of Pendleton. John W. Lewark was born in the city of Anderson on Ninth Street, April 20, 1842, … Read more

Biography of Arthur Wolfe Brady

ARTHUR WOLFE BRADY, The president of the Union Traction Company of Indiana, whose home for a number of years had been in Anderson, was born at Muncie, January 13, 1865, a son of General Thomas J. and Emeline (Wolfe) Brady, On his father’s side there is a combination of both Irish and English stock, while the maternal forbears were some of them German and others French, On both sides the earliest members of the family came to the United States during the eighteenth century, His father, the late Thomas J. Brady was born at Muncie in 1839, and he died … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Henderson

CHARLES A. HENDERSON. The oldest drug store in Madison County is that now conducted by Charles A. Henderson, at Anderson, which has been used as a pharmacy for more than forty-five years, and has an old and well-established trade. Mr. Henderson, who is widely and favorably known in Anderson; is a veteran of the Civil war, and both in times of war and peace has justified the confidence that has been placed in him, and has ably and faithfully discharged his duties as both soldier and citizen. He was born near Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio, January 28, 1844, and is … Read more

Biography of Patrick S. Bradley

PATRICK S. BRADLEY, general manager of the Home Storage and Manufacturing Company, at Elwood, Indiana, an example of the self- made manhood of which this country is so justifiably proud, has been a resident of this city for nearly twenty years, during which time he has firmly established a reputation as a capable man of affairs, He was, born in Brooklyn, New York, May 14, 1854, and is a son of Arthur and Ann (Murnin) Bradley, natives of County Down, Ireland. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Bradley, Peter and Catherine (Burns) Bradley, were farming people of Ireland, who passed their … Read more

Biography of Rev. Balthasar Biegel

REV. BALTHASAR BIEGEL, The cross and the emblems of the Catholic church were exhibited in Elwood many years ago, when the first Mass was celebrated in the house of John Buchanan, then situated on the corner of Main and Sixteenth streets, and thereafter services were frequently held in what was called “The Section House,” which was later removed to South B street and is now occupied by Mrs. William Rooney, During these pioneer days the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was als0 offered up in the house of Bernard Bauer, then on East Main street, at the home of Gustav … Read more