Biography of C. B. Pendleton, M. D.

C. B. PENDLETON, M. D. Among the men of Madison County who have won positions of prestige in various lines of endeavor through the exercise of native ability, good judgment and constant integrity, Dr. C. B. Pendleton, of Adams Township, holds prominent place. A member of a family that had been connected with the growth and development of this section for more than eighty years, he has steadfastly maintained the family reputation for public spirit and personal probity, and no man stands in higher esteem in the medical profession, in agricultural affairs or in public life. He was born on the home farm in Adams Township, Madison County, Indiana, which had been entered in 1830 by his paternal grandfather, John B. Pendleton. His father, A. E. Pendleton, was born in 1830 on this farm, was here reared and educated, and on growing to manhood was married to Mary A. Richwine, by whom he had nine children, of whom four are living in 1913: Dr. C. B.; C. V., who makes his home at Rochester, Indiana; Dr. 0. F., a retired dentist now living in Northern California; and Nina J., who is the wife of John J. McClure, of Los Angeles, California.

Curtis Bern Pendleton attended the district schools during the winter terms, and in the summer months assisted his father in the work of the home farm. Subsequently he became a student in the National Normal school at Lebanon, Ohio, and for some years thereafter was engaged in teaching public schools in Henry, Madison and Fulton counties. Later, deciding upon a medical career, he entered the Physio-Medical College of Indiana, and after his graduation there from entered upon the practice of his profession at Mechanicsburg, Indiana, where he remained for twenty years. Following this he became a farmer and for eight years was engaged in tilling the soil of Adams Township. Although he had always been an independent voter, on May 13, 1912, he was elected trustee of Adams Township on the Republican ticket, and has continued to hold this office to the present time. At the time of his election he located at Markleville, where he discharges the duties of his office and looks after the needs of a large and representative medical practice. He was a member of the First District Medical Association, and at one time was president of the State Physio-Medical Association, of which he is still a member. He also holds membership in Mechanicsburg Lodge, No. 327, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he is past noble grand, is also a member of the Encampment, and with his wife is a member of the Rebekahs, in which she is past noble grand. Dr. Pendleton is the owner of eighty acres of land and his wife of seventy acres, all this property being under a high state of cultivation. It is devoted principally to general farming, but they have also had success in breeding stock, principally thoroughbred Duroc hogs. As a physician Dr. Pendleton is a close student, an able practitioner and a steady-handed surgeon, and as such has become widely known in the ranks of his profession, holding a high place in the esteem of his confreres and that of the public at large.

Dr. Pendleton was married to Miss Flora B. Reed, daughter of Dr. W. C. Reed, of Mechanicsburg. She was born in Henry County, Indiana, and there educated in the district schools, subsequently taking a course in the Mechanicsburg schools. Three children have been born to Dr. and Mrs. Pendleton: Dorothy F., a graduate of the Middleton High school and later a teacher, is now the wife of C. R. Keesling, of New York City. Leo E. married Miss Hallie Painter, a graduate of the Hartford City, Indiana, schools, and subsequently a teacher therein, daughter of Joseph Painter, of Hartford City, They have one child, Lois E. George H., who pursued the agricultural course in Purdue University, and is now engaged in farming in Adams Township. He married Miss Agnes Copeland, of Hancock County, Indiana, who was formerly a high school teacher. The members of this family are all widely known and highly respected in Madison County, where their friends are only limited to the number of their acquaintances.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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