Biography of George M. Overman

GEORGE M. OVERMAN. President of the Madison County Abstract Company at Anderson, Mr. Overman has been successful in the real estate and insurance business at Anderson for more than ten years, and in the abstract company is at the head of one of the solid and prosperous institutions of this County.. He has served as president and manager since 1907. Mr. Overman has had a varied but generally successful career, has been a farmer and stock raiser in early life, followed mercantile lines for a number of years, and finally located permanently in Anderson, where he is held in high esteem both as a business man and citizen.

George M. Overman was born in Henry County, Indiana, near Maple Valley, September 17, 1868. He is the youngest of the children born to Nathan and Elizabeth V. (Wales) Overman. His father was born in Pesquotank County, North Carolina, in the vicinity of Elizabeth City, in 1830, and his wife was also a native of that state. The founder of the family in Indiana, was Grandfather Robert Overman, who in the pioneer days settled in Greenwood at Maple Valley in Henry County, and with the labor of his own hands hewed and built a one-room log cabin into which he moved his family. He spent many years in. clearing up the farm, and when the settlers had increased in number he laid out a town site which he named Elizabeth City in honor of the town in North Carolina where he had spent his boyhood. Robert Overman was a settler in Henry County in 1832, and lived there until his death on January 27, 1875. His wife, Fanny Overman died October 8, 1865. Nathan Overman, father of George M., was reared and educated in Henry County and was a substantial farmer during his career. He moved to Shirley, Henry County, and afterwards went to California. His death occurred April 10, 1911, in his eighty-second year, while his wife passed away, November 7. 1907.

Educated in the country schools of Indiana, until he was fourteen years of age, George M. Overman completed his education in the high schools of Knightstown and Central Normal College at Danville, Ind. When he left school he returned to the homestead farm where he had received a thorough training in industry and thrifty habits during his vacation periods, and was engaged in general farming and stock raising for nearly two years. He next became a commercial salesman, selling pianos and traveling all over the states of Indiana and Kentucky. During 1894-95, associated with J. M. Fisher, under the name of Overman & Fisher he was in a music store for twelve months. After that he represented the firm of W. W. Kimball & Company of Chicago in selling pianos and organs in different territories of Indiana, and in March, 1899, was transferred to the Kentucky territory, where he continued the sale of musical instruments with Montinegro & Rheim, of Louisville, Kentucky. Resigning this position he came to Anderson, and in August, 1901, entered a partnership with his brother, R. E. Overman, under the firm name of Overman Brothers, Real Estate & Insurance. Some time later he bought his brother’s interest, and has since amplified the business to include life insurance and the handling of general real estate and farm lands. He is regarded as one of the best informed and most reliable real estate men in this section of Indiana, and in consequence enjoys a large and prosperous business.

In August, 1900, Mr. Overman was married to Miss Adda L. Newby of Knightstown, Indiana, a daughter of Jabes and Sarah Stites) Newby. There have been four children born t0 their union, namely: Donald N., Sarah E., Margaret F., and Harold B. Mr. Overman has been honored with the office of clerk of the Modern Woodmen, Camp 3690, of Anderson, and is one of the very popular men of his home locality. His residence is at 706 East Lynn Street.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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