Biography of Frank Knight

FRANK KNIGHT, The possibilities of any business are almost unlimited when there is a foundation of thorough and reliable workmanship, square dealing in every relation between the business and its patrons, and a thorough regard for the wholesome business principles and practices, Mr. Frank Knight of Anderson has for many years been identified with the painting and decorative trade, and has built up as a contractor a business such as the proprietors of many more ostentatious industries might well envy. He is deemed one of the responsible and public spirited citizens of Anderson, and has been a resident of this city for upwards of forty years.

Frank Knight was born in Logan County, near West Liberty, Ohio, on Christmas Day of 1848, His father was James and his mother Barbara (Daley) Knight, the former born at Richmond, Indiana, in 1818. Grandfather William Knight was a native of Kentucky, one of the early settlers of both Ohio and Indiana, was a miller by trade, and worked at different mills in both states, His death occurred in Ohio, and his wife also passed away in that state.

Frank Knight received his early training at West Liberty, attending both the common and high schools, and also was a student iii a select school at Bluffton, Ohio, When he left school it was to begin work in the mill with his father, and he continued in that line of business until his twenty-first year, He then went south and located at Chattanooga, Tennessee, a town which was then just coming forward as an industrial center, and enjoying a great boom, He remained there for three years and ,engaged in the building business, During that time he became very familiar with the local citizenship and also with the historical localities of Lookout Mountain and other points about the city. In 1875 Mr. Knight located at Anderson, where for several years he followed his trade as painter and paperhanger, He then became associated with other parties in the milling business for four years, and -until 1884 was connected with the firm of E. E. Henderson & Company in painting and decorating. In the latter year he took up contracting in painting and decorative arts by himself, and from small beginnings has gradually built up a large and valued service in these lines, He has painted many of the fine residences both inside and out, has done a great deal of all classes of decorative work in churches, schoolhouses, had the contract for the work on the courthouse of Anderson, and at the state capitol in Indianapolis, painted the outside, did the papering and frescoing and decorating of the interior in both the senate and house of representatives chambers, He has a large local business and employs a staff of many workmen during the busy season. His careful and honest work speaks for itself, and he has built up his enterprise until it now needs no advertising or unusual exploitations.

Mr. Knight in 1876 married Miss Martha Kemp, a daughter of Joseph L. Kemp, a native of Logan County, Ohio, Her father is now living in his ninety-fourth year, and is hale and hearty and is in full possession of all his faculties, The only son and child of their union is Franklin J., now a resident of Los Angeles, California, and engaged in the automobile business, He is married and has a home of his own.

Mr. Knight is a Republican in politics, but has never been an office- seeker, though he has given his assistance in the campaigns of his friends, He is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias fraternity, His large and substantial residence in Anderson is located at the corner of Eighth street and Madison avenue, and is one of the model homes of a very attractive district, Mr. Knight is fond of his home and family, and keeps a largo place in his affections and time for domestic interests, He has one of the handsomest lawns in Anderson, beautifully set with shade trees and cared for so as to bring out every point of beauty and neatness.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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