Biography of Paul Armstrong, M. D.

PAUL ARMSTRONG, M. D. Among the members of the medical profession in Madison County who have won merited distinction in their calling, Dr. Paul Armstrong, of Gilman, holds a prominent position, During his career he has been engaged in varied occupations in different parts of this and other countries, being known in Chicago, in California and in the gold fields of Alaska, and since his advent in Gilman has identified himself actively with the various interests of this prosperous and growing community, Dr. Armstrong was born in 1876, in Butler County, Ohio, and is a son of Dr. Alfonzo and Sarah (Anderson) Armstrong.

Dr. Alonzo Armstrong was born in Indiana, and for forty years was engaged in the practice of medicine, until failing health caused his removal to California, Subsequently he came to Kewanna, Fulton County, Indiana, and here the remainder of his active career was passed, He and his wife were the parents of two children: Max, a graduate of the graded and high schools, who also took a course in the University of Chicago, and is now a practicing chemist of Gary, Indiana; and Paul, Dr. Armstrong first attended the public schools of his native state, following which he was engaged as an office boy with a large New York concern for three years, and at the end of that period accompanied his parents to California, where he completed his common school education, Returning to the middle West, he located in Chicago, where for three years he was engaged in the bicycle business, and then again went to California, During the gold rush that accompanied the discovery of that metal in Alaska, he became one of the courageous adventurers who fought their way over obstacles in search of fortune, and after one year returned to this country, having succeeded in accumulating the means with which to pursue his medical studies, He had no doubt inherited his inclination for this profession from his father, and from boyhood it had been his ambition to become a physician, but circumstances had been such that he was unable to realize his desire, After one year spent in the Louisville (Kentucky) Medical College, he became a student at Barnes Medical College, St, Louis, Missouri, and was graduated with his degree from that institution with the class of 1904, Following this, for a short period he was engaged in practice with his father at Kewanna, Indiana, and then came to Gilman, which place has since been the scene of his professional labors, He has been successful in building up a large and lucrative practice, his inherent skill, close application and sympathetic nature having drawn to him a representative professional business from all over this section, A careful student, he has kept abreast of the advancements of his honored calling by subscription to the leading medical journals of the day, by membership in the various organizations of his vocation, and by extensive personal research.

In 1903 occurred the marriage of Dr. Paul Armstrong and Miss Nettie Corner, the latter a native of Jasper County, Indiana. One child has been born to this union: John R., a bright and interesting lad now in his school period, Doctor and Mrs. Armstrong are consistent members of the Methodist. Episcopal church. Politically he is a progressive, but his connection with matters of a public nature has been confined to supporting those men and measures that he has believed have stood for the best interests of his community.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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