Biography of Robert E. Webster

ROBERT E. WEBSTER, Near Summitville in Van Buren Township is one of the fine country homes of Madison County, a place which for years has given a distinctive character of prosperity and well ordered enterprise to the country life of this section of the County, It is the farm occupied and owned by Robert E. Webster who was born on the place and has been identified with agricultural activities in this section all his life, In his home place he has eighty acres and also owns another farm of seventy acres east of Summitville about two miles.

Robert E. Webster was born in Madison County on his present estate February 25, 1868, a son of Daniel W. and Elizabeth (Bear) Webster. The family belongs to the same stock which in an earlier day produced the noted orator and statesman Daniel Webster. Daniel W. Webster was the son of Robert and Rebecca (Fisher) Webster, Robert Webster during the early days brought his family from the state of Delaware to Madison County, and reached this part of Indiana in time to secure land direct from the government in Boone Township. Later he sold his old homestead and moved into Van Buren Township, Daniel W. Webster and wife had a family of seven children, namely: Oliver, Robert E., Jane Canup, Daniel F., Arthur; and two that died in infancy.

Robert E. Webster was reared in Van Buren Township, and all hiss early schooling was attained in the old Allen school. His first teacher was John Vinson, and under other instructors he continued until he was fairly well equipped in the fundamentals of knowledge, While a schoolboy he also worked on the farm, and at the age of twenty-six began renting the home place, where he has since lived and of which he has since become owner.

Mr. Webster was married April 21, 1894, to Miss Etta L. Johnson, a daughter of Joseph Johnson, one of the well known old residents of Madison County, concerning whom more information will be found on other pages of this work. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Webster are: Ethel, Vern, Joseph W. and Helen E. Mr. Webster is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias Gas Belt Lodge, No, 361, and his and belongs to the Methodist church, By good management and with thrifty ideas of agriculture he has brought his place to rank with the best improved in Van Buren Township, He built, in 1912, a modern residence, and has a complete set of new out-buildings.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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