Biography of John H. Koons

JOHN H. KOONS, The eminence of Anderson among the industrial centers of Indiana has been due to the presence here of a group of men possessed of special genius as inventors and manufacturers and of fine capabilities as organizers and business builders. Capital has been less conspicuous in the net results than personal ability, and it is with pride that the city regards its lists of industrial executives, One of these is Mr. Koons, the inventor. and consulting engineer of the Koons Oil Furnace Company, designers and manufacturers of the Koons Hot Blast low pressure oil burning system, for all kinds of heating.

John H. Koons has had a long and varied experience in mechanical fields and has been identified with Anderson since 1904, He was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1860, a son of John W. and Mary (Buss) Koons, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania, As a boy he attended the public schools and a select school in his native town. His first work on leaving school was as a clerk in a drug store, His inclinations were for applied mechanics, and he soon learned the trade of machinist under his father, After that he traveled extensively as a journeyman workman through the western states, including California, Arizona and others, and gained a broad knowledge of both manufacturing and operating lines of his work. In 1898 he returned to Allentown, Pennsylvania, and for some time was engaged in farming in that city, Afterwards he moved to Ohio, and was in the oil fields at DuBois near Lima, being interested in the oil business and also working at his regular profession, He was there about eighteen months and in 1904 moved to Anderson which has since been his prominent home. Mr. Koons is able to work out almost any problem of practical mechanics, and has an original ability of invention, the most practical and profitable result of which has been the Koons Oil Furnace, now being manufactured by the company of which he is consulting engineer and *a member. The fuel used in these furnaces is exclusively petroleum, and the furnace is constructed on a special design for complete combustion of this fuel. It has proved very practical, economical, and wherever tried, however severe the test may have been, has not only satisfied every claim made for it, but has won permanent friends and advocates. The company which manufacture the furnaces have succeeded in introducing it into many states of the Union and after the years in which the business has been promoted the name of Koons Hot Blast Furnace has attained a standard of quality and value which sells itself, Mr. Koons is not only an inventor and designer, but a good business organizer and executive, and the company with which be is associated is regarded as one of the strongest industries in the city of Anderson, Associated with Mr. Koons in the practical direction of the concern is Mr. J. M. Millett, secretary-treasurer of the company, The plant is located at 630 Meridian street, and has a fine equipment of machinery, its power being supplied by electric motors, The furnace has been designed and has a practical use for store, business houses, churches, schoolhouses and residences, and not only furnishes superior heating facilities, but is demonstrably more economical than most furnaces now in use.

In 1895 Mr. Koons married Miss Clara Evett, of Lehighton, Pennsylvania, in which city she was born, reared and educated. They have no children. Mr. Koons is affiliated with the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, and the Travelers Protective Association. In one of the best residence districts of Anderson he has his home, built in 1911, which in point of architectural design is one of the most attractive and is among the most modern in its appointments and furnishings in the city.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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