Biography of Weems Bronnenberg

Last Updated on February 23, 2013 by Dennis

WEEMS BRONNENBERG. Agricultural methods have changed very materially during the past several generations, and now that progression among the farmers has become a vital national issue there is every reason to suppose that still further advance will be made along all lines, Interurban service, the telephone and the automobile, with the consequent bettering of the roads on account of the increased popularity of the last- named, have brought the farmers much closer together and have placed them in close touch with the centers of activity, and the man today who devotes himself to the cultivation of the soil finds himself more independent than any other worker in the world. Among the progressive, public-spirited citizens of Richland Township is found Weems Bronnenberg, the owner of 123 acres of fine land located on the Daleville road, a property that has been accumulated through years of persistent and well- directed effort, Mr. Bronnenberg was born on the old Bronnenberg homestead in Richland Township, Madison County, Indiana, April 8, 1860, and is a son of Michael and Francone (Forkner) Bronnenberg, and a brother of Isaac B. Bronnenberg, a sketch of whose career appears in another part of this volume.

Weems Bronnenberg received his education in the public school at College Corners, and was reared on the old homestead, where he remained until twenty-three years of age. At that time he left the parental roof and embarked upon a career of his own, locating on an eighty-acre tract of land on the Daleville road, in Richland Township, An industrious, persevering workman, thoroughly trained in agricultural methods, he has made a distinct success of his ventures, and as time has passed has added to his property by purchase, now having 123 acres of land under a high state of cultivation,. This has been improved by handsome buildings and modern equipment and machinery. and is considered one of the finest properties of its size in the Township, its every detail giving evidence of the skill, thrift and good management of its owner, In addition to general farming, Mr. Bronnenberg engages in stock raising, and his cattle are of high grade, demanding excellent prices in the local markets.

Mr. Bronnenberg was united in marriage with Miss Susan M. Chainben, daughter of George and Rebecca (Walters) Chambers, old residents of Madison County who are now both deceased, To Mr. and Mrs. Bronnenberg there have been born seven children: Pearl; Bessie, who is the wife of Walter Imil, of Richland Township; George, who married Bertha hull, also of this Township; Chester; Claude; John and Ethel. The children have all been given good educational advantages and Claude has attended one term in the Anderson High School, The family home is located on Anderson Rural Route No. 4.

Mr. and Mrs. Bronnenberg are valued members of the Christian church, and have always taken an active part in its work and have numerous friends in its congregation, Mr. Bronnenberg is Republican in his political views, but votes independently and, while not a politician or seeker for public preferment, he has not been indifferent to the duties of good citizenship, and at all times has given his earnest support to able men and beneficial measures.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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