Biography of Daniel L. Boland

Last Updated on August 29, 2012 by

DANIEL L. BOLAND, Clerk of the Court of Madison County since January 1, 1911, and for a number of years engaged in the insurance and loan business, is one of the more prominent and popular men of the city and County in which he has long been located. Born in Henry County, Indiana, Daniel L. Roland is the son of Patrick and Ellen (Tierney) Boland, the father a native of County Tipperary, Ireland, and the mother of the same place.

Patrick Boland was educated meagerly in the schools of his native land and passed his boyhood days on a farm. His marriage to Ellen, daughter of Daniel and Katherine (Kiley) Tierney, took place in January, 1845, and some five years later Mr. Roland determined to try his fortunes in America. He left his wife and three small children in the care of his parents and hers and accordingly set forth, reaching New Orleans in 1850 and soon after coming to Dearborn County, Indiana. Two years later his wife left the Island home to join him here, accompanied on the long journey by her only surviving child, two others having died in the absence of the husband and father. In Dearborn County the little family, re-united after two years of separation, settled down, there remaining until 1855, when they removed to Middletown in Henry County, Indiana. While there Mr. Boland was employed as a section foreman on the railroad, and was a much trusted and faithful employe. In 1883 the family removed to Anderson where the father died on March 21, 1884, aged sixty-six years. He was a staunch Democrat, taking a true Irishman’s interest in the politics of his community, and being ever the loyal supporter of his Democratic friends in their political aspirations. He was a Catholic, as was his faithful wife, and they reared their family of twelve children in the faith of their fathers. At the time of the death of Mr. Roland seven of the children were living A man well known for his many excellent traits of character, he was universally admired and esteemed, and he still lives in the memory of many friends who knew him as he was.

Daniel Boland received his primary education in the public schools of Middletown and afterward attended the high school at Anderson, Indiana. Leaving school in his teens, he entered the employ of his brother, who was a member of the firm of Boland & Burke, gas fitters, and for two years he continued with them. He then entered the service of the Pennsylvania Railroad as an operator, later came to be Supervisor’s Court clerk holding the latter position for two years. He was then appointed deputy treasurer, serving under his brother, William Boland, County treasurer, and for two years was thus employed. Mr. Boland then formed a partnership on his own responsibility, engaging in the insurance business under the firm style of Cornelius & Boland. This firm lived for three years, during which time they built up a nice business, and it later came to be known as Heritage & Boland, and as such continued for five years. During the eight years he was thus connected he came to have a leading place in insurance circles of the city, and was reckoned among the substantial insurance men of the district, He afterwards became interested in the firm known as the Netterville, Boland & Dye Company, operating in insurance and loans, and for a space of two years was thus connected. During this latter period Mr. Boland had been acting as special agent for the German Insurance Company of Indiana and was rapidly gaining a position in insurance circles. In 1910 he was elected Clerk of the Court for a term of four years, receiving his election at the hands of the Democratic party with a most liberal majority, and assuming the duties of the office on January 1, 1911. He has already demonstrated his splendid capability for the duties of the position, and will continue therein until January 1, 1915.

Mr. Boland is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He is socially a member of the Brownson Club and the Antler’s Club. Other business associations that he continues to maintain are his position as a stockholder and director in the Columbian Insurance Company, of Indiana, and in the Farmers’ Trust Company, with which he has long been connected. His acquaintance in Anderson and the County is a wide one, and his list of friends is one that is fairly coincident with that of his acquaintances. A man of splendid qualities, he enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him, and few are more worthy of the high regard accorded .than is he. Mr. Boland is unmarried.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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