Ernest M. Conrad

Biography of Ernest M. Conrad, M. D.

Last Updated on February 23, 2013 by Dennis

Ernest M. Conrad
Ernest M. Conrad

ERNEST M. CONRAD, M. D. One of the old and honored families of Madison County, members of which have been prominently identified with agricultural pursuits, commercial and industrial activities, and the various learned professions since the advent of the first pioneer is that of Conrad. Among the worthy representatives of the name is Ernest M. Conrad, M. D., physician and surgeon of Anderson, whose native ability and devotion to his calling have won him high distinction in his profession.

Dr. Conrad was born near Lapel, Madison c0unty, Indiana, February 20, 1870, the younger of the tw0 sons of Zachriah and Emma (Woodward) Conrad. His father, who was born in this County, in 1845, became one of the prosperous farmers of the vicinity of Lapel, and later in life turned his attention to mercantile pursuits, in which he achieved an equal success. His death occurred in 1894, when the community lost one of its most energetic and pr0 salve citizens.

Ernest M. Conrad secured his ea education in the country schools near Lapel, and the high sch0ol at Anderson. In 1889, he became a student in Depauw University at Greencastle, where his studies were continued for three years. On leaving college and before preparing himself definitely for his profession, he had one year of experience in teaching school at Fishersburg. Then began his medical studies in the Indianapolis Medical College. From that institution in 1897 he was graduated M. D. and practiced at Maxwell until March, 1898, when, desiring a wider field for his activities, he moved to Anderson. The success that has attended Dr. Conrad’s efforts demonstrates his excellent choice of a profession. He is a close student of his calling, keeps fully abreast of the advancements that are continually being made in the science of medicine, his knowledge is comprehensive and accurate, and his skill is demonstrated in the excellent success which has attended his eff0rts in the sick room. He possesses marked judgment and discernment in the diagnosing of disease, and is peculiarly successful in anticipating the issue of complications. Along professional lines he is connected with the Madison County Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association, also having membership with the Delta Upsilon College Fraternity. To no small degree the success of Dr. Conrad has been due to his constant study and ambition to keep abreast with the advance in medical knowledge. Hardly a day passes in which he does not add something to his knowledge and experience by personal observation and study, and he has also taken three post-graduate courses, 0ne in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City, and one in the New York Post-graduate school, and another in the Harvard Medical College. At the present time Dr. Conrad is giving special attention to internal medicine and diseases of children. For seven years his professional services were also directed to the public welfare as a member of the board of health and for four years he served as coroner of Madison County, having been elected on the Republican ticket.

Dr. Conrad has long been one of the Republican leaders in Madison County. From 1902 to 1906 he was chairman and secretary of the Republican County Central Committee, and in 1908 again became chairman. Fraternally his relations are with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the local lodge of the W0odmen of the World, in both of which orders, he has numerous friends, as he has in all social circles of Anderson. The doctor, besides his professional activities, has interested himself in agriculture, being owner of a fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Anderson Township.

In 1898 Dr. Conrad married Miss Charity L. Gwinn of Madison County, a daughter of Harvey Gwinn, an old resident and highly esteemed citizen. To Dr. and Mrs. Conrad has been born one daughter; Bernice E. Conrad. The present family residence is located at 2124 Meridian Street.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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