Biography of Walter Maul

WALTER MAUL. A native son of Pendleton, where he has passed all his life, Mr. Maul grew up in this community and learned a trade there, has used his business energy in extending his work and service, and is now enjoying a yearly increasing success as a brick-mason contractor.

Walter Maul was born in Pendleton December 24, 1871, a son of George K. and Susan R. (Parson) Maul, The father was born at Huntsville in Fall Creek Township in 1847, so that the family is among the oldest in southwestern Madison County, The father now resides at Caney, Kansas, During the Civil war he went out from Madison County as a soldier and gave faithful service to the Union, His wife was also born in Madison County, and her death occurred in 1884, They were the parents of four children and three are living in 1913, namely: Cory, who is employed in the mills at Anderson, this County; Fred, who is a glass-worker and now resides in Kansas; and Walter.

Walter Maul was reared in Pendleton and attended the Pendleton schools while growing up, When he was about fourteen years of age he began learning the brick mason’s trade, and since that time has been almost entirely dependent upon his own exertions and enterprise for his livelihood and success in the world. Since 1906 he has directed his energies and experience to general contracting and this business requires a large amount of travel and he is away from home during a great portion of the building season. He now looks after the general work and does the estimating, In June, 1892, Mr. Maul married Miss Flora Belle Kennedy, who was born in Tennessee, and received most of her education in the schools of Indiana. They are the parents of two children: Hazel F., born in 1894 and residing at home, is a stenographer and book-keeper for the Hardy Machine Company; Paul T., born January 6, 1905, Mr. Maul is affiliated with Pendleton Lodge, I. 0, 0, F., and with Morning Star Lodge, K. Of P. In politics he is a Republican.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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