Biography of Purl Dean

PURL DEAN. In the personnel of the live business men of the thriving town of Summitville, Indiana, Mr. Dean, of the well known firm of Dean & Tomlison, stands for progress, aggressiveness and honesty in the execution of his business interests, He is known in Madison County as possessed of rare business acumen, which is a requisite that is a direct aid in the advancement of any village, town or city.

Mr. Dean is a native of Madison County, Indiana, and was born March 29, 1873, the only child born to his parents, Calvin and Dee (Reed) Dean, both residents of Grant County, Indiana. The father is a native of the Blue Grass state of Kentucky, and his life has been spent as an agriculturist, although much of his time has been devoted to the work of an auctioneer.

Mr. Dean of this review has been reared in Madison and Grant counties and received a good practical education in the public schools, and the town schools, Most of his boyhood days were spent on one of the pretty Indiana farms of North Central Indiana, and he well knows the value of that training which the farmer lad receives, if he wishes to lay the proper foundation stones of life. In business he has been eminently successful. As an agriculturist he has met with success, and in the buying and selling of horses he ranks with any buyer in Madison County. Besides this he has followed in the footsteps of his father as an auctioneer, and his services are constantly in demand, He has a splendid farm in Van Buren Township, containing excellent improvements, and for some years has been a member of the firm of Dean & Tomlison, of Summitville, dealers in all the best makes of buggies, wagons, plows and harness, In 1913 the firm erected one of the best business houses in Summitville for the display of their goods, containing light work rooms and offices, and the building is the pride of the town of Summitville. Mr. Dean is an affable, genial, cordial gentleman, and by his cordiality of manner wins many customers, He is always ready to greet the stranger with a word of cheer and good will, which is not thrown away.

He wedded Miss Maude North, September 19, 1881, a most estimable lady, and to this union there has been born one son, Rall, now a student in the graded schools of Summitville, Fraternally Mr. Dean is an honored member of the Modern Woodmen of America; the Improved Order of Red Men, Neoskaleta Tribe, No, 149; the Orioles, Nest No. 8, and the Order of the Eagles, Eyrie No, 1755, Mr. Dean and his family are in sympathy with the teachings and doctrines of the United Brethren church, and politically he is a Democrat, They are citizens who are highly esteemed in the business and social circles of Summitville.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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