Biography of Elijah Posey McMahan

ELIJAH POSEY McMAHAN. Monroe Township in Madison County is noted for its finely improved and productive homesteads, and one of these is occupied by Elijah Posey McMahan, who has lived in this County all his life, and has acquired exceptional energy and good business ability through his farming operations, and is one of the most prosperous country residents of the County, He owns in his home place one hundred and sixty acres and has eighty acres in Boone Township. Mr. McMahan has served as County commissioner of Madison County, and has for many years been an influential factor in his community.

Elijah Posey McMahan was born September 7, 1855, in Boone Township of Madison County, a son of Jesse and Lilly (Williamson) McMahan. The paternal grandparents came from North Carolina in the early days, and in their family was Jesse McMahan, then a small boy. The latter was reared and spent all his active life in Madison County, and is well remembered among the old residents of this vicinity, He and his wife were the parents of seven children, namely: Elijah P.; Enoch W.-; Mrs. Louisa Moore; James; Mrs. Martha Bear, who died leaving ten children; Carolina, deceased; and Sam’l who died in infancy.

Mr. Elijah P. McMahan was born on the McMahan farm, He grew up there, in the environments of Madison County, during the decade of the war, and as a boy was educated first in the Brunt schools, and later at the Union school, When twenty-one years of age he began his independent career as a renter, and subsequently bought his present farm. He has been successful from the start and has never lacked in means to provide for himself and family, Mr. McMahan married Sarah A. Montgomery daughter of Samuel and Mary (Thurston) Montgomery. Their nine children are mentioned as follows: Orville, who married Sarah Kirkpatrick and has two children, Wayne and Mildred; Myrtle, who married Hayes Webster, and their children are Cecil, Irene, Robert, Mabel and Jane; Lula, is the wife of J. C. Frazier, and their children are Lester, Jesse, Ruby, Victor, Opal, Fred and Grace; Emma, married James Crouse, and is the mother of Leo, William, Donald and Howard; Winnie, is the wife of Ran Allman; John, married Miss Olive Gwinn and has a daughter Isabelle; Grover is manager of the home farm; and the two youngest children were Marjorie, and Jessie, but the last named is now deceased.

As a farmer Mr. McMahan raises a large quantity of stock and also maintains a dairy, selling a great deal of milk to the dealers, For three terms he was elected County commissioner and during that time was instrumental in forwarding many improvements for the County. Mr. McMahan is a member of the Methodist church and his wife worships with the Baptist denomination.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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