Biography of Curran “Jack” Beall

Last Updated on August 29, 2012 by

CURRAN “JACK” BEALL, Modern agriculture holds out many inducements to the industrious, progressive worker, especially when he has been trained to farming from boyhood, It is natural for such a man to capably perform the duties pertaining to this class of work, and, having had wide experience, he is able to recognize and appreciate the various advantages offered by new methods, Again, having passed through instructive experiences, he is not to be easily deceived with relation to the true value of proposed innovations, nor is he apt to decline advantageous propositions, The demands of his neighborhood are known to him, and failure one season is not a discouraging factor, for the experienced agriculturist is aware than one lean year generally is followed by two prosperous ones, and that in the time of small crops is granted the opportunity to prepare for banner productions. For these and numerous other reasons, the lifetime farmer enjoys a marked advantage in the race for agricultural supremacy, Experienced in farming operations since his boyhood, Curran (“Jack”) Beall has become one of the leading agriculturists of Richland Township, where he is the owner of 160 acres of excellent land, in addition to a valuable property in North Anderson. He was born on the farm which he now occupies, March 21, 1860, and is a son of Curran and Jennie (Gunder) Beall.

Curran Beall, the elder, was born on a farm near Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana, and was educated in his native locality, coming to Madison County about 1846 after attaining his majority and here settling in Richland Township, where he spent the remaining active years of his life in successful farming operations, He was married here, and he and his wife became the parents of six sons, of whom two survive Curran; and Archibald, who married Laura Coburn and has seven children -James, Fred, Arthur, Rosa, Garland, Brutus and Lilian.

“Jack” Beall was reared on the old homestead where he was born and received his early education in the schoolhouse which was located on the old Tappan farm in this locality, this training being supplemented by attendance at the Mount Hope school in Anderson Township, During his school period he assisted his father in the work of the home place, and until twenty-two years of age remained under the parental roof, at that time removing to a property of eighty acres some miles distant in Lafayette Township, After renting this land for a short period, he returned and rented a like property belonging to his father, but not long thereafter went to North Anderson, where he carried on teaming, Returning to agricultural pursuits, he operated his mother-in-law’s farm for several years, subsequently located on another rented property, and at the time of his father’s retirement from active life again returned to the homestead, of which he was made manager, Here he has introduced various innovations and made numerous improvements, both as to buildings and equipment, Trained in the old school of practicability, he has combined with this the ideas and methods of modern days, with the result that he has achieved material success and a firmly established position among the agricultural leaders of his community.

Mr. Beall was married August 20, 1882, to Miss Mary Belle Kinniman, daughter of Henry and Frenie (Huntzinger) Kinniman. Mr. Kinniman came to Madison County from Missouri and settled in Lafayette Township where he was successfully engaged in farming up to the time of his death, He had three children: Mary Belle, who married Mr. Beall; Rose M., who married Mr. Parsons; and Gertrude, now Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Beall have two children: William Curran, who married Cora Vermillion, and has 0ne child, Nondes; and Ora Madison, who married Olive Pence, and has 0ne child, Durwood. Mr. and Mrs. Beall are consistent members of the Christian church, in the work of which they have shown a commendable interest, The family enjoys the privileges of membership in the local lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Improved Order of Red Men, in both of which he has numerous friends, He is a Democrat in politics and has never held any public office.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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