Biography of Bert Mann

BERT MANN. One of the young men of progressive enterprise whose energies are contributed to the Welfare of the community as well as to the accumulation of a goodly share of material prosperity for themselves, is Bert Mann, of Boone Township. Mr. Mann is owner and occupies a fine place of one hundred and forty acres, located about 61/2 miles west of Summitville. There he carries on the solid industry which in Indiana brings good crops, and a satisfying degree of prosperity, and is not only providing well for his family, but is regarded as one of the men of influence in his community.

Bert Mann was born in Howard County, Indiana, January 17, 1877, a son of George and Ellen (Traitor) Mann, The father died when Bert was a ,child, and there were three children in the family, the sister being Lilly Runyon, Tony died aged two years. Bert Mann as a boy attended school in his native County, and when he had completed the course of study in the common schools, took up active work on the home farm, When he was twenty years old he had the courage to marry the girl of his choice, who was Miss Dora Bell Young, daughter of Ellison and Laura Young. To their marriage have come four children, whose names are: Myrtle N., Tressie E., Georgia E., and Zelpha, By their united efforts Mr. and Mrs. Mann have been steadily prospering in the past fifteen years, and now have much to show for their efforts, Mr. Mann was formerly connected with the Gospel Workers Church, and he and his family now attend the Friends church, In politics he is a Prohibitionist, It is always a pleasure to speak laudably of a young man when he lies forsaken the haunts of pool rooms, billiard halls, and places where disreputable characters abide. He endeavors to make a place amongst the successful and honorable men, who become the back- bone of literature, commercialism, mechanics and agriculture, the latter the basis of the nation’s prosperity, and to such a class of young Americans belongs Mr. Mann of this brief review.

He, aided by his estimable wife, has one of the valuable farms in Boone Township, Madison County, and they have acquired this competency by their united efforts and they merit the respect and esteem of all their many friends in Madison County.



Fort Bend County TX,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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