Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Chester County, Pennsylvania

List of persons buried in the Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Information includes date of death and known age at death if provided on headstone.

Upper Octorara is the oldest Presbyterian Church in western Chester and eastern Lancaster counties. Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church was organized about 1720 in Sadsbury Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. It was first known as Sadsbury and Octorara. In 1727 it became Upper Octorara to distinguish it from Middle Octorara in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and from Lower Octorara in Maryland. In 1958 when the denomination changed names, it became Upper Octorara United Presbyterian.

In 1790, the wall of the graveyard was rebuilt and the yard was enlarged on the north side about twenty feet further to the north. You can still see where the old wall stood on that side. The trustees of the church, who were in charge of this rebuilding, were Samuel McClellan, Arthur Park, Thomas Heslip, Joseph Park and Joseph Gardner. The mason work was done by Robert McClellan, son of trustee, Samuel McClellan. On one of the stones at the side of entrance, Mr. McClellan, the mason, carved his initials with the date ‘1790’ below them. 1


  1. Futhey, J. Smith. History of Upper Octorara United Presbyterian Church, 1720 – 1790.[↩]

Allen, Allison, Armstrong, Babb, Banford, Barber, Blackburn, Blankenbeler, Blealock, Boggs, Boyd, Boyle, Brook, Brown, Browne, Bryan, Buckley, Buffington, Caairns, Cairns, Chapman, Clark, Clingan, Cloyd, Cochran, Cook, Cooper, Cosgrave, Cowan, Creamer, Cunningham, Daniel, Darlington, Davis, Dean, Dickey, Dorland, Drake, Fielis, Filson, Finney, Fleming, Frederick, Fulton, Futhey, Gardner, Garret, Gayley, Gibson, Gilfillan, Glendenning, Gormley, Goudy, Green, Griffith, Guthrie, Hallowell, Ham, Hamill, Hamilton, Hawks, Henderson, Hershberger, Heslep, Heslip, Hindman, Hipple, Hodgson, Hoffman, Hoover, Hope, Hudders, Hunter, Hutten, Irwin, Jack, Jakeman, Jaquette, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kendig, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kerns, Kinkead, Latta, Laverty, Levis, Liggitt, Lincoln, Linn, Lockhart, Luckey, MacGregor, Mackey, Maitland, Mann, Marony, Martin, McAlister, McAlonan, McBride, McCaughey, McClellan, McClure, McConaughey, McConaughy, McCorkle, McCoy, McDonald, McElwain, McFarlan, McKim, McKinn, McKinney, McKown, McMewes, McMichael, McNaught, McNeil, McPherson, Mellon, Mennick, Middleton, Miller, Minnes, Mitchel, Mitchell, Moore, Mulhollen, Murphey, Myers, Noble, Nyce, Osmond, Park, Parke, Paxson, Philips, Phillips, Pine, Porter, Potts, Powell, Powers, Pyle, Ramsay, Ramsey, Reid, Reynolds, Richmond, Riddell, Ring, Robinson, Rogers, Ross, Russell, Ruth, Sandford, Schofield, Scholfield, Scott, Sharpe, Shinn, Shoemaker, Shore, Sides, Simpson, Skelton, Sloan, Smith, Stackhouse, Stewart, Stigers, Strickland, Surname, Tarrence, Tate, Taylor, Thompson, Toland, Turner, Walker, Wallace, Walton, Watts, Wells, Wentz, Werntz, Whiteside, Wigton, Wiley, Wilken, Wilkin, Williams, Wilson, Withrow, Wright, Young,

United States Cemetery Records: A directory of resources providing online access to United States Cemetery records.

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