Gormley, Vera – Obituary

Vera Gormley, 90, Ontario, Ore., died April 4, 2007, at Ashley Manor. Arrangements are under the direction of Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, Baker City, Ore. Used with permission from: The Record Courier, Baker City, Oregon, April, 2007 Transcribed by: Belva Ticknor

Ancestors of Charles Presbery White of Taunton Massachusetts

White, Warner and Company, Taunton, Massachusetts

There is nothing definite known concerning the birth of Nicholas White, but there is no doubt that he belonged to the yeomanry of England. He was a freeman in Dorchester, Mass., in 1643, and about the same time married Susanna, daughter of Jonas and Frances Humphrey, who had also settled in Dorchester. At this time he was about twenty-five years of age, and had won the confidence of the early settlers. The first book of Dorchester records was destroyed by fire in 1657, and there is reason to believe that it contained the record of Nicholas White’s marriage and the … Read more