Native American Rolls

During the period of Indian Removal beginning in 1831 extensive records were generated through the turn of the century when Southeastern Indians were uprooted from their homelands in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida.  They were taken west of the Mississippi River in what is now Oklahoma.  These records relate to treaties, trade, land claims, removal to Oklahoma, allotments, military affairs, military service and pensions, trust funds, and other activities. While the vast majority reference Southeastern Tribes, there are some which pertain to Western tribes as well.

Research for American Indian ancestors begins just like any other search for ancestors; you have to begin with what you know now.  Prepare your ancestor charts beginning with yourself.  Include all names, nicknames and any other identifying information on each person, be sure to check the more traditional resources: local and state records, census records, land records, court cases, probate records, church and school records…Jackie Matte, author of “They Say the Wind is Red”.

Native American rolls are viewed by many as one of the most useful resources for researching your Native American (Indian) Ancestors.  However, until you know where your Native American ancestors resided, the rolls will be of no value to you. Proving Your Indian Ancestry is a guide to your Native American research.

To further your Indian Roll search we have added mailing lists.  We have invited many individuals to join these lists with knowledge of the rolls and their history.  It is hoped that we will be able to expand the descriptions of each of the rolls so the readers will have a better understanding of their uses.

Each roll is a link to a further explanation of that roll and why you need to search that roll. Where possible, we provide free online links to the actual rolls.

Cherokee Rolls

Reservation Rolls

Reservation Roll – 1817 History  Cherokee Tribe A listing of those applying for a 640 acre tract in the East in lieu of removing to Arkansas. This was only good during their lifetime and then the property reverted back to the state.      This is only an index of applicants, the people listed here did not in most instances receive the reservation they requested.

SearchReservation Roll Database

Armstrong Rolls

Armstrong Roll  – Choctaw Tribe – Under the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek the information called for by the resolutions of the Senate of the 3d of March, in relation to the location of reservations under the treaty with the Choctaws of September 27th, 1830.

SearchArmstrong Roll Database

Emigration Rolls

Emigration Roll – 1817-1835 – Cherokee Tribe Those who filed to emigrate to Arkansas country, and after treaties in 1828 on to Oklahoma.  These Cherokee became known as the Old Settlers after the Eastern Cherokee joined them in 1839

Henderson Rolls

Henderson Roll – 1835 -Cherokee Tribe – A Census of over 16,000 Cherokee residing in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina to be removed to Oklahoma under the terms of the treaty of New Echota in 1835. See Trail of Tears Roll below.

Trail of Tears Rolls

Trail of Tears Roll – 1835 – Cherokee Tribe – This is actually a report from the Secretary of War, in compliance with resolutions of the Senate, statements showing the persons employed, the funds furnished, and the improvements valued under the Cherokee Treaty of December 1835.

Search Trail of Tears Roll

Mullay Rolls

Mullay Roll – 1848 – Cherokee Tribe – A census of 1,517 Cherokee remaining in North Carolina after the removal of 1838.  John C. Mullay took the census pursuant to an act of congress in 1848.

Chapman Rolls

Chapman Roll – 1851 – Cherokee Tribe – Prepared by Albert Chapman as a listing of those Cherokee actually receiving payment based on the Siler Census.

Old Settlers Rolls

Old Settler Roll – 1851 – Cherokee Tribe – A listing of Cherokee, still living in 1851, who were already residing in Oklahoma when the main body of the Cherokee arrived in the winter of 1839, as a result of the Treaty of New Echota.  Approximately one third of the Cherokee people at that time were Old Settlers and two thirds were new arrivals.

Search – Old Settlers Roll

Siler Rolls

Siler Roll – 1852 – Cherokee Tribe – A listing of those Eastern Cherokee entitled to a per capita payment pursuant to an act of Congress in 1850.

Drennen Rolls

Drennen Roll – 1852 – Cherokee Tribe – The first census of the new arrivals of 1839.  The New Echota Treaty group. The Drennen roll is a per-capita payment made to Cherokees living in the west who removed as a result and after the Treaty of 1835 Article 9. The roll was prepared by John Drennen and contains the payee’s name, Cherokee district and then family group.

Search – Drennen Roll

Act of Congress Rolls

Act of Congress Roll – 1854 – Cherokee Tribe
An Act of Congress of July 31, 1854 (10 Stat 333) Authorized the addition of 88 individuals whose names were omitted by Siler but who were included on the Roll prepared by Mullay.

Swetland Rolls

Swetland Roll – 1869 – Cherokee Tribe – Prepared by S. H. Swetland as a listing of those Eastern Cherokee, and their descendants, who were listed as remaining in North Carolina by Mullay in 1848.  Made pursuant to an act of Congress (1868) for a removal payment authorization.

Hester Rolls

Hester Roll Index – 1883 – Cherokee Tribe
Compiled by Joseph G. Hester as a roll of Eastern Band of Cherokee Tribe in 1883.  This Roll itself provides the Chapman roll number and English and Indian name.

Search – Hester Roll Index

Dawes/Final Rolls

Index to the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Dawes) 1889-1914

Search – 1896 ApplicationsDawes/Final IndexDawes/Final Roll

Wallace Rolls

Wallace Roll – 1890 – Cherokee Freedmen – Roll of Cherokee Freedmen in Indian Territory created by Special Agent John W. Wallace. Individuals on the schedule were entitled to share with the Shawnee and Delaware in the per capita distribution of $75,000, appropriated by Congress in October 1888, and issued under the supervision of his office. Database allows search for names, age, roll numbers.

Search – Wallace Roll

Kern Clifton Roll

Kern Clifton Roll – 1897 – Cherokee Freedmen – Census of the Freedmen and their descendants of the Cherokee Nation taken by the Commission appointed in the case of Moses Whitmire, Trustee of the Freedmen of the Cherokee Nation versus the Cherokee Nation and the United States in the Court of Claims at Washington, DC.

The Kern Clifton Roll came about due to the Cherokee Nation disputing the number of freedmen included in the Wallace Roll… yet the Kern Clifton Roll actually increased the number of people eligible for payment. This database allows you to search by surname of district.

Search – Kern Clifton Roll

Churchill Roll

Churchill Roll – 1908 – Cherokee Tribe – By Inspector Frank C. Churchill to certify members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Tribe.  Like the Hester roll it includes a lot of information including degree of blood.

Guion Miller Roll

Guion Miller Roll – 1909 –  Cherokee Tribe – Compiled by Mr. Miller of all Eastern Cherokee, not old Settlers, residing either east or west of the Mississippi.  Ordered by the Court of Claims as a result of a law suit won by the Eastern Cherokee for violations of certain treaties.

Search – Guion Miller Roll

Baker Roll

Baker Roll – 1924 – Cherokee Tribe – This was supposed to be the final roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Tribe.  The land was to be allotted, and all were to become regular citizens of the United States.  Fortunately, the Eastern Band of Cherokee avoided the termination procedures, unlike their brothers of the western nation.  The Baker Roll “Revised” is the current membership roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Tribe of North Carolina.

Search – Baker Roll

Chickasaw Rolls

Alleged 1818 Chickasaw Roll – Surname Index
This is an English surname transcription of the alleged 1818 Chickasaw roll said to have been lost in the beginning of the 19th century. I expect, if this is a true roll, that it is the result of the Treaty of October 19, 1818, between the Chickasaw Nation and the United States. I have some…

Dawes Rolls / Final Rolls

Index to the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Dawes) 1889-1914

1896 Applications History

Dawes Roll Index If your ancestor was not living in Indian Territory at this time, they will not be listed on Dawes!!

Dawes Final Roll Please read Understanding the Final (Dawes) Roll

Search – 1896 ApplicationsDawes/Final IndexDawes/Final Roll

Chinook Rolls

1914 Lower Chinook and Clatsop Annuity Roll
Annuity Roll, containing the names of surviving members and immediate lineal descendants of deceased members of the Lower Band of Chinook Indians of Washington, entitled to participate in the settlement provided by the Act of August 24, 1912

Choctaw Rolls

Muster Rolls

Ha Cubbees Band Muster Roll – 1847 – Choctaw Tribe – Muster roll of a party of immigrant Choctaw Tribe of the Ha Cubbees Band who arrived at Fort Coffee, in the Choctaw Nation West, on the 23 of June 1847

Muster Roll of Big Black River Band – 1847 – Choctaw Tribe – Muster roll of a party on immigrant Choctaw Tribe, known as the Big Black River Band who arrived at Fort Coffee, in the Choctaw Nation West on the 10th of June 1847.

Cooper Rolls

Cooper Rolls – 1855 – Choctaw Tribe – Census Rolls of Choctaw Families residing East of the Mississippi River and in the States of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama made by Douglas H. Cooper, US Agent for Choctaws, in conformity with Order of Commissioner of Indian Affairs dated May the 23rd, 1855.

SearchCooper Rolls

1893 Peter Maytubby’s Roll
Peter Maytubby’s Roll of 1893 lists Chickasaw residents in the Choctaw Territory in 1893. The roll consists of names on loose, badly broken sheets of paper. Parts of the roll are in precarious condition. This dataset is part 2 which contains 89 names of registered Chickasaw.

1893 Ieshatubby Roll
This is a verified roll of Chickasaws registered by Ieshatubby in the Choctaw Nation under the act of June 20, 1893. The sheets are divided into columns for names, number of men, number of women, number of boys, number of girls, and totals. This roll does not indicate the amount paid or the recipients of…

Dawes/Final Rolls

Index to the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Dawes) 1889-1914

Search – 1896 ApplicationsDawes/Final IndexDawes/Final Roll

McKennon Roll

McKennon Roll – 1889 – Choctaw Tribe – Proposed Legislation for the Full-blood and identified Choctaws of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama: Memorial Evidence and Brief  published I believe in 1913.

Search – McKennon Roll

Clatsop Rolls

1914 Lower Chinook and Clatsop Annuity Roll
Annuity Roll, containing the names of surviving members and immediate lineal descendants of deceased members of the Lower Band of Chinook Indians of Washington, entitled to participate in the settlement provided by the Act of August 24, 1912

Creek Rolls

Dawes/Final Rolls

Index to the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Dawes) 1889-1914

Search – 1896 ApplicationsDawes/Final IndexDawes/Final Roll

Kickapoo Rolls

Land Allotments

Kansas Kickapoo Land Allotments – 1862

Kansas Kickapoo Land Allotment Roll – 1890

Kansas Kickapoo Roll – 1891

Kansas Kickapoo Roll – 1905

Kansas Kickapoo Roll – 1915

Miami Rolls

1910 Western Miami Census
Pages of the 1910 Western Miami Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

Modoc Rolls

1910 Modoc Census
Pages of the 1910 Modoc Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

Munsee Rolls

1859 List of Munsee from Leavenworth County Kansas
This list was adapted for the web from a photocopy of a two-page typed document possessed by the family of Clio Caleb Church. Since it has no official heading or signature, the document appears to be someone’s transcription of an original report to the Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior. 

Narragansett Rolls

Detribalization Rolls of 1880-1884
Final List of the Members of the Narragansett Tribe Entitled to a Share of the Purchase Money 1881.

Ottawa Rolls

1910 Ottawa Census
Pages of the 1910 Ottawa Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

Peoria Rolls

1910 Peoria Census
Pages of the 1910 Peoria Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

Pottawatomie Rolls

Land Allotments

1863 Pottawatomie Land Roll – 1863

Citizens Band Land Allotment Rolls – 1887

Land Allotment of Pottawatomie, Prairie Band – 1887

Citizens Band Land Allotment Roll Kansas Potawatomie – 1887

Citizens Band Pottawatomie Roll – 1892

Pottawatomie, Prairie Band Roll – 1900

Citizen Band Potawatomi – 1918

Pottawatomie, Prairie Band Roll – 1921

Quapaw Rolls

1910 Quapaw Census
Pages of the 1910 Quapaw Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

Seminole Rolls

Dawes/Final Rolls

Index to the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Dawes) 1889-1914

Search – 1896 ApplicationsDawes/Final IndexDawes/Final Roll

Shawnee Rolls

1871 Shawnee Census

Shawnee Census – 1871 – Shawnee Tribe – Register of the names of members of the Shawnee Tribe of Indians who have moved to and located in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, (prior to the 10th day of June, 1871) within two years from the 9th day of June 1869, in accordance with an agreement entered into by and between the Shawnee Tribe of Indians and the Cherokee Nation of Indians, through their Delegations in Washington City, D.C. United States of America, on the 7th day of June, 1869,and approved by the President of the United States on the 9th day of June, 1869, in accordance with the XV Article of the Cherokee Treaty with the United States proclaimed August the 11th, 1866.

1871 Shawnee Census

1910 Eastern Shawnee Census
Pages of the 1910 Eastern Shawnee Census. Contains table showing the previous roll number, current roll number, Indian name if given, English name if given, Relationship, Age, and Sex. Also contains the original images of the census.

1914 Eastern Shawnee Census
The 1914 census record of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe from the Quapaw Agency was taken on June 30, 1914, in Indian Territory, which is now Oklahoma. The Eastern Shawnee Tribe primarily resides in northeastern Oklahoma, having separated from other Shawnee groups in the 19th century to establish their community in this region. Recognized as a…

St. Francis Indian Rolls

1822 Odanak Census
The 1822 Odanak Census is a transcription of the 1822 census for Odanak in the village of St. Francois. The people here at the time were comprised of several different remnant tribes under the name of St. Francis Indians.

Ute Rolls

1954 Ute Roll

Ute Roll – 1954 – Ute Tribe – The following database contains 2 rolls, the Full Blood Roll and the Mixed Blood Roll of the Ute Tribe of Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah. These are the PROPOSED rolls, and do not signify that the individuals listed upon it actually received any distribution under Title 25, Chapter 14, Subchapter 28, U.S. Code.

Search – Ute Roll


Collection: Native American Rolls.