1910 Western Miami Census

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Dennis

Census of the Western Miami Indians of Quapaw Agency, Okla.
on June 30, 1910, taken by Ira C. Deaver, Supt. & Spec. E Dist, Okla.

The Number is the Roll Number, and these may change from census year to census year. In this case, the first number represents the number you will find the individual on the 1909 census and the second number represents the current roll number for 1910.

1910 Western Miami Census – Page 1

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
1-1Isadora C. BeaverMother29F
2-2Amos BeaverSon9M
3-3Susan Benjamin (Medicine or Madison)64F
4-4Mary A. BillingtonMother57F
7-5Frank BillingtonSon20M
5-6Milton N. Billington23M
6-7Rosa Billington21F
8-8Margaret Bright64F
9-9Columbus Bright22M
10-10John Bright40M
11-11Susan CrawfishMother47F
12-12Minnie CrawfishDaughter14F
13-13Lucy CrawfishDaughter11F
14-14Martha CrawfishDaughter4F
15-15Esther Miller Dagenette31F
16-16Rosa A. DemoMother53F
17-17Joseph F. DemoSon19M
18-18Charles M. Demo23M
19-19Theodore DollarFather32M
20-20Mary Elizabeth DollarDaughter6F
21-21Francis Theodore DollarSon4M
22-22Mary Buck Daugherty52F
23-23Frank Buck, Jr.18M
24-24Jane DrakeMother65F
30-25Patrick DrakeSon20M
25-26David Drake35M
26-27Milton Drake28M
23-28John Logan Drake26M
29-29Martha Drake Hale21F

The old number 23 is duplicated here. Likely, John Logan Drake or Frank Buck, Jr., was #27 in the previous roll.

1910 Western Miami Census – Page 2

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
28-30Thomas Summers Drake23
31-31Wayne Davis41
32-32Edward DavisFather33
33-33Dorma DavisDaughter6
34-34Thomas DavisSon3
35-35Lucy Josephine Fulkerson49
36-36Mary B. Geboe55
37-37Mary GobinMother40
38-38Musa GobinDaughter14
39-39Raymond GobinSon10
40-40Lizzie Gokey34
41-41Edward G. HarrisFather36
42-42Evelyn L. HarrisDaughter12
43-43Viola May HarrisDaughter10
44-44Grant Gibson HarrisSon9
45-45Helen Ray HarrisDaughter8
46-46Sarah D. Horton32
48-47Sophia Goodboo LaFalierMother47
49-48Ethel GoodbooDaughter19
50-49Francis GoodbooSon17
51-50Josephine GoodbooDaughter15
52-51Thomas GoodbooSon12
53-52Ruby LaFalierDaughter6
54-53David LaFalier28
55-54Henry LaFalierFather41
56-55Ernest LaFalierSon13
57-56Beulah LaFalierDaughter6
58-57Oscar LaFalierFather41
59-58Mary LaFalierDaughter16
60-59Forest LaFalierSon10
61-60George W. LeonardFather53
64-61Carrie LeonardDaughter16
65-62Hazel Leonard10
62-63Barbara Leonard24
63-64Delia Leonard21

1910 Western Miami Census – Page 3

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
66-65Charles W. LeonardHusband31M
67-66Addie B. LeonardWife26F
68-67Irene LeonardDaughter8F
69-68Elmer Charles LeonardSon7M
70-69Edgar Carl LeonardSon4M
71-70Louisa LeonardMother35F
72-71Wilbur LeonardSon19M
73-72Gabriel C. LeonardSon17M
74-73Ernest LeonardSon15M
75-74Ruby LeonardDaughter13F
76-75Pearl LeonardDaughter10F
77-76David LeonardSon7M
78-77Grace LeonardDaughter6F
79-78Mabel LeonardDaughter4F
80-79Silver Dollar LucasMother33F
81-80Marie A. LucasDaughter8F
82-81Amber LucasDaughter9F
83-82Katherine LucasDaughter4F
84-83Lizzie McCoonse (Davis)Mother45F
85-84Joseph McCoonseSon10M
86-85James McCoonseSon8M
87-86Ethel MillerSister22F
88-87Clarence MillerBrother19M
89-88Louis Edward MillerBrother17M
90-89Lizzie Palmer46F
91-90Thomas Harley Palmer28M
92-91Mary PoolerMother53F
96-92Mabel PoolerDaughter19F
97-93Frederick PoolerSon15M
98-94Ernest PoolerSon11M
93-95Frank C. Pooler24M
94-96Louis D. Pooler22M
95-97Josephine Pooler21F
99-98Josephine PopeMother38F
100-99Bismark Milton PopeSon14M
101-100John Adams PopeSon13M
102-101Douglas PopeSon10M

1910 Western Miami Census – Page 4

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
103-102Thomas F. Richardville80M
105-103Charles RichardvilleFather33M
106-104Charles Henry RichardvilleSon7M
107-105Louisa RoseberryMother43F
108-106Thomas RoseberrySon13M
109-107Jane C. RoseberryDaughter8F
110-108Peter ShappFather35M
111-109Mary ShappDaughter14F
112-110Harry W. ShappSon12M
113-111Thomas ShappSon9M
114-112Catherine N. Simpson35F
115-113Helen Leonard SimsMother25F
116-114Albert Ray SimsSon6M
117-115George Roy SimsSon4M
118-116Isadore Labadie SmithMother41F
119-117Ella May SmithDaughter9F
120-118Frank D. SmithSon7M
121-119Alice SmithDaughter4F
122-120Ruby K. SmithDaughter3F
123-121Minnie TrinkleMother38F
124-122Pearl TrinkleDaughter19F
125-123Mabel TrinkleDaughter17F
126-124Ernest TrinkleSon6M
127-125Ida Van DusenSister8F
128-126March VanDusenBrother7M
130-127Rose Iona Youngblood3F

Digital Census Images


The Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Microfilm Publication M595, 692 rolls. Washington, D. C., : National Archives and Records Service, 1967.

Western Miami,

Quapaw Agency,


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