Alleged 1818 Chickasaw Roll – Surname Index

Last Updated on July 4, 2023 by Dennis

This is an English surname transcription of the alleged 1818 Chickasaw roll said to have been lost in the beginning of the 19th century. I expect, if this is a true roll, that it is the result of the Treaty of October 19, 1818 between the Chickasaw Nation and the United States. I have some doubts, however, as the treaty stipulates payments and land to the tribe, not to individual tribal members as later treaties would. It would be at the discretion of the tribe on how to settle the reservation and distribute the payments.

When the advance party of the United Sates Treaty Commissioners arrived at the Treaty Grounds near the Chickasaw Old Town on September 29, 1818, they were surprised to find not only a very light attendance by the members of the Chickasaw Nation, but additionally a refusal by the Chickasaw Chiefs and head men present to entertain any “Talks” until they had been paid the annuity owed to them for some time. A messenger was immediately dispatched to Nashville to obtain the funds, while other clerks, on Thursday, October 8th, began enrolling members of the Chickasaw Nation for the purpose of distributing the annuity when it arrived. (See, under the “Treaty” section of this web page for a journal of the 1818 negotiations.)

This annuity roll was the first known attempt at a complete census of the members of the Chickasaw Nation. According to the Journal kept on the 1818 negotiations, it was a census by clans. Unfortunately, it appears that the actual 1818 roll may have been lost sometime in the first half of the 1900’s, but a hand written list of the names on that roll was made about the time of its disappearance.

What follows are two listings made from that list. The first listing is an Index of those individuals having English surnames and showing the page number wherein they appeared on the original roll. The second listing is a Regrouping of these same individuals as per those page numbers so that one might see who else was listed on the same page on the original roll. Sometimes this relationship helps to show clan and family relations.

Please be advised that while a surname was given for each individual on the original hand copied list, there has been some thought that in some cases this assignment of surnames was speculative. Further, the researcher should be aware that in many cases the order of enrollment was family head, wife, children, but this order was not followed in every known case. Additionally, it was the custom among the Chickasaw for some males to have more than one wife at a time, and hence more than one family. Sometimes the second or third wife might be listed, with her children, as a separate entry on the roll.

To complicate matters further, there are several occurrences on the list in which siblings are listed in the so-called children section. This has led to some confusion among researchers in the past.

If in fact the original 1818 enrollment was by clan, as suggested by the Journal, then it is unfortunate that the names of the clans and who was a member of same was not preserved in the listing. Under the old Chickasaw marriage custom, a man married into his wife’s clan and their children became members of his wife’s clan. A male could not marry someone from his own clan.

Index of those individuals having English surnames

NamePage #
Allen, Alexander29
Allen, Elizabeth29
Allen, George29
Allen, James29
Allen, Louisiana29
Allen, Mississippi29
Allen, Sarah29
Allen, Susannah29
Bell, Jack50
Brown, Dickson48
Brown, George48
Brown, Ishtemartley44
Brown, James48
Brown, Jensey48
Brown, John43
Brown, Mac Katonar44
Brown, Mrs.48
Brown, Rhode48
Brown, Riley48
Brown, Shatlarkay48
Brown, Shehomarlaychar44
Brown, Talhiharhar48
Brown, Tecumseh48
Burney, Charlotte28
Burney, Levi28
Burney, Peggy28
Burney, Simon28
Cammell, John122
Cammell, Lanay122
Cammell, Warsh Kinnay122
Colbert, Abijah62
Colbert, Adam62
Colbert, Alexander62
Colbert, Amelia62
Colbert, Andrew29
Colbert, Apalartubby63
Colbert, Asa62
Colbert, Ballarhubby63
Colbert, Braman62
Colbert, Charity62
Colbert, Charles62
Colbert, Commodore62
Colbert, Dase62
Colbert, Davis62
Colbert, Dolley62
Colbert, Dorothy61
Colbert, Edmund62
Colbert, Elisa62
Colbert, General William63
Colbert, George28
Colbert, George29
Colbert, Immarhollochetubby63
Colbert, Ishtemmarharlechar61
Colbert, Ishtonnarhay63
Colbert, James22
Colbert, James22
Colbert, Jenny29
Colbert, John28
Colbert, Joseph Perry62
Colbert, Josiah22
Colbert, Kersey61
Colbert, Lemuel62
Colbert, Lesila61
Colbert, Levi61
Colbert, Logan63
Colbert, Lotty61
Colbert, Lucy62
Colbert, Martin62
Colbert, Meharchubby63
Colbert, Mintahoyo62
Colbert, Molly62
Colbert, Molsey22
Colbert, Munro62
Colbert, Nacknitubby63
Colbert, Nancy22
Colbert, Nossaecachubby63
Colbert, Onnarhoketay63
Colbert, Phyllis62
Colbert, Pitman33
Colbert, Poniachar62
Colbert, Robert22
Colbert, Robinson62
Colbert, Rueben62
Colbert, Samuel22
Colbert, Schtimmarhoye63
Colbert, Schtimmarshashoctay62
Colbert, Shelaecher28
Colbert, Shemarhoyeachar63
Colbert, Shemartay62
Colbert, Sukey22
Colbert, Sukey28
Colbert, Susy22
Colbert, Susy Perry22
Colbert, Tennessee22
Colbert, Tooklaishtubby63
Colbert, Vina29
Colbert, Visa28
Colbert, Wileky63
Colbert, William James22
Colbert, Winchester22
Fraser, Becca22
Fraser, Charles29
Fraser, Charlotte22
Fraser, Dickson15
Fraser, Harry15
Fraser, Jefferson22
Fraser, Lucy22
Fraser, Molly22
Fraser, Polly15
Fraser, Silay22
Gilchrist, Dobbin10
Gilchrist, John10
Gilchrist, Rachel10
Glover, Arnohoye82
Glover, Carloshottahay81
Glover, Carnocktubby82
Glover, Chainsharhoctay82
Glover, Chappaychar82
Glover, Chikkalohe82
Glover, Chomocktay82
Glover, Eensharkay81
Glover, Immulthoye81
Glover, Marshemay81
Glover, Molly81
Glover, Ooklarcochubby81
Glover, Shakkatchayo81
Glover, Temullaiekay81
Glover, Tonarhay81
Glover, William81
Glover, Yocarhontubby82
Gunn, James21
Gunn, James21
Gunn, Lissey21
Gunn, Molly21
Gunn, Rhode21
Gunn, Sally21
Gunn, Silas21
James, Adam3
James, Charity2
James, George3
James, Isaac2
James, Lorhoyo2
James, Simon3
James, Vina3
James, Visa2
Jefferson, Anne137
Jefferson, Chaffer137
Jefferson, Ginsay137
Jefferson, Isaac137
Jefferson, James137
Jefferson, Mrs.137
Jefferson, Nisay137
Jefferson, Sylphe137
Kearney, William44
Keel, John96
Keel, Sibbee95
Keel, Sinai95
Keel, William94
Kemp, Elisa14
Kemp, Eveline14
Kemp, Jackson14
Kemp, John14
Kemp, Levi14
Kemp, Mrs.14
Kemp, Polly14
Kemp, Rhode14
Kemp, Sarkeetan14
Kemp, Visey14
Lewis, John49
Ligh, Samuel67
Love, Amanda29
Love, Benjamin29
Love, Elsvia29
Love, Henry29
Love, Isaac29
Love, Nancy29
Love, Sarah29
Love, Slone29
Love, Thomas29
Love, Thomas Jr.29
McCoy, Sally22
McGee, Malcolm21
McGee, Sam21
McGilray, Sally33
McGilray, William33
McIntosh, Mrs.22
McLaughlan, Aaron20
McLaughlan, Barney20
McLaughlan, Becca20
McLaughlan, Betsey20
McLaughlan, Edmund20
McLaughlan, Jacky20
McLaughlan, James20
McLaughlan, Katy20
McLaughlan, Patrick20
McLish, John56
Mitchell, Joseph G.30
Moore, Caroline30
Moore, Catharine30
Moore, Harriet30
Moore, Liley30
Perry, Amy26
Perry, Billy19
Perry, Isaac26
Perry, James28
Perry, Jamison28
Perry, John15
Perry, Lissey28
Perry, Lydia15
Perry, Meely28
Perry, Piky15
Perry, Rachel28
Perry, Tina28
Perry, Washington28
Perry, William28
Pettygrove, Betty2
Pettygrove, Elisa2
Pettygrove, George2
Pettygrove, Nanny2
Pettygrove, Stephen2
Seeley, Becca4
Seeley, Bill4
Seeley, Carsey4
Seeley, Eliza4
Seeley, Elsey6
Seeley, Gilbert4
Seeley, Hawkins6
Seeley, Hetty6
Seeley, James4
Seeley, Jennett4
Seeley, Jennett6
Seeley, Jerry5
Seeley, Pallas6
Seeley, Sinia4
Seeley, Susy16
Seeley, Sylphe6
Seeley, Tom6
Seeley, Wilson6
Seely, Neely1
Seely, Samuel1
Shawnee Billy3
Steward, Jemime148
Steward, Rachel148
Steward, Sally148
Underwood, Jude54
Underwood, Kasy54

Regrouping of these same individuals

NamePage #
Seely, Samuel1
Seely, Neely1
James, Isaac2
James, Charity2
James, Visa2
James, Lorhoyo2
Pettygrove, George2
Pettygrove, Elisa2
Pettygrove, Betty2
Pettygrove, Stephen2
Pettygrove, Nanny2
James, Adam3
James, Vina3
James, Simon3
James, George3
Shawnee Billy3
Seeley, James4
Seeley, Sinia4
Seeley, Becca4
Seeley, Carsey4
Seeley, Bill4
Seeley, Jennett4
Seeley, Eliza4
Seeley, Gilbert4
Seeley, Jerry5
Seeley, Elsey6
Seeley, Wilson6
Seeley, Jennett6
Seeley, Pallas6
Seeley, Tom6
Seeley, Hetty6
Seeley, Hawkins6
Seeley, Sylphe6
Gilchrist, Dobbin10
Gilchrist, John10
Gilchrist, Rachel10
Kemp, Levi14
Kemp, Polly14
Kemp, Jackson14
Kemp, Rhode14
Kemp, Elisa14
Kemp, Eveline14
Kemp, John14
Kemp, Visey14
Kemp, Mrs.14
Kemp, Sarkeetan14
Fraser, Harry15
Fraser, Polly15
Fraser, Dickson15
Perry, John15
Perry, Piky15
Perry, Lydia15
Seeley, Susy16
Perry, Billy19
McLaughlan, James20
McLaughlan, Barney20
McLaughlan, Katy20
McLaughlan, Edmund20
McLaughlan, Becca20
McLaughlan, Betsey20
McLaughlan, Jacky20
McLaughlan, Aaron20
McLaughlan, Patrick20
Gunn, James21
Gunn, Molly21
Gunn, Lissey21
Gunn, Sally21
Gunn, Rhode21
Gunn, James21
Gunn, Silas21
McGee, Sam21
McGee, Malcolm21
Colbert, Sukey22
Colbert, Winchester22
Colbert, William James22
Colbert, James22
Colbert, Susy22
Colbert, Tennessee22
Colbert, Molsey22
Colbert, Josiah22
Colbert, James22
Colbert, Samuel22
Colbert, Nancy22
Colbert, Susy Perry22
Colbert, Robert22
Fraser, Jefferson22
Fraser, Lucy22
Fraser, Becca22
Fraser, Charlotte22
Fraser, Silay22
McIntosh, Mrs.22
McCoy, Sally22
Perry, Amy26
Perry, Isaac26
Burney, Simon28
Burney, Peggy28
Burney, Charlotte28
Burney, Levi28
Colbert, Shelaecher28
Perry, Lissey28
Perry, Jamison28
Perry, Rachel28
Perry, Meely28
Perry, Tina28
Perry, Washington28
Colbert, George28
Colbert, John28
Colbert, Visa28
Colbert, Sukey28
Perry, James28
Perry, William28
Allen, James29
Allen, Louisiana29
Allen, Susannah29
Allen, Elizabeth29
Allen, George29
Allen, Sarah29
Allen, Alexander29
Allen, Mississippi29
Love, Amanda29
Colbert, George29
Colbert, Vina29
Colbert, Jenny29
Colbert, Andrew29
Fraser, Charles29
Love, Thomas29
Love, Henry29
Love, Isaac29
Love, Benjamin29
Love, Slone29
Love, Nancy29
Love, Thomas Jr.29
Love, Sarah29
Love, Elsvia29
Moore, Catharine30
Moore, Liley30
Mitchell, Joseph G.30
Moore, Caroline30
Moore, Harriet30
Colbert, Pitman33
McGilray, William33
McGilray, Sally33
Brown, John43
Brown, Ishtemartley44
Brown, Mac Katonar44
Brown, Shehomarlaychar44
Kearney, William44
Brown, James48
Brown, Mrs.48
Brown, Jensey48
Brown, Rhode48
Brown, Tecumseh48
Brown, Riley48
Brown, Dickson48
Brown, George48
Brown, Talhiharhar48
Brown, Shatlarkay48
Lewis, John49
Bell, Jack50
Underwood, Jude54
Underwood, Kasy54
McLish, John56
Colbert, Levi61
Colbert, Ishtemmarharlechar61
Colbert, Lotty61
Colbert, Kersey61
Colbert, Lesila61
Colbert, Dorothy61
Colbert, Schtimmarshashoctay62
Colbert, Martin62
Colbert, Alexander62
Colbert, Dolley62
Colbert, Adam62
Colbert, Commodore62
Colbert, Abijah62
Colbert, Mintahoyo62
Colbert, Charles62
Colbert, Charity62
Colbert, Lemuel62
Colbert, Phyllis62
Colbert, Asa62
Colbert, Munro62
Colbert, Shemartay62
Colbert, Robinson62
Colbert, Davis62
Colbert, Lucy62
Colbert, Braman62
Colbert, Edmund62
Colbert, Elisa62
Colbert, Amelia62
Colbert, Molly62
Colbert, Poniachar62
Colbert, Joseph Perry62
Colbert, Dase62
Colbert, Rueben62
Colbert, Ishtonnarhay63
Colbert, Shemarhoyeachar63
Colbert, General William63
Colbert, Tooklaishtubby63
Colbert, Ballarhubby63
Colbert, Nossaecachubby63
Colbert, Meharchubby63
Colbert, Immarhollochetubby63
Colbert, Logan63
Colbert, Wileky63
Colbert, Schtimmarhoye63
Colbert, Onnarhoketay63
Colbert, Apalartubby63
Colbert, Nacknitubby63
Ligh, Samuel67
Glover, William81
Glover, Molly81
Glover, Eensharkay81
Glover, Carloshottahay81
Glover, Immulthoye81
Glover, Tonarhay81
Glover, Ooklarcochubby81
Glover, Marshemay81
Glover, Shakkatchayo81
Glover, Temullaiekay81
Glover, Chikkalohe82
Glover, Carnocktubby82
Glover, Chomocktay82
Glover, Chainsharhoctay82
Glover, Yocarhontubby82
Glover, Arnohoye82
Glover, Chappaychar82
Keel, William94
Keel, Sinai95
Keel, Sibbee95
Keel, John96
Cammell, John122
Cammell, Warsh Kinnay122
Cammell, Lanay122
Jefferson, Isaac137
Jefferson, Mrs.137
Jefferson, Chaffer137
Jefferson, Sylphe137
Jefferson, Anne137
Jefferson, James137
Jefferson, Nisay137
Jefferson, Ginsay137
Steward, Rachel148
Steward, Sally148
Steward, Jemime148


Collection: Native American Rolls.

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