By article 2 of the treaty of May 6, 1828 (7 Stat., 311), the United States, in order to secure to the Cherokee Nation “a permanent home,” agreed to “possess the Cherokees, and to guarantee it to them forever,” 7,000,000 acres of land, within described boundaries, and in addition “guaranteed to the Cherokee Nation a perpetual outlet west, and a free and unmolested use of all the country lying west of the western boundary of the above-described limits, and as far west as the sovereignty of the United States, and their right of soil, extend.”
Two things occurred in this treaty, first, the United States acknowledged the Cherokee Tribe’s sovereignty over the 7 million acres of land, and the Cherokee Tribe ceded any remaining lands back to the United States. Some of the Cherokee settlers who had already settled on land originally thought to be Tribal, now found themselves excluded from the Tribal lands, and their land was to be ceded back to the United States.
The following documents list the improvements made, with the proprietors’ name, on those lands which were ceded back to the United States. It was the expectation of those named, that in return for ceding of their lands, they would receive a cash payment equal to the improvements.
List of the improvements, with the proprietors’ names, on lands ceded by the Cherokees to the United States, by the treaty of the 6th of May, 1828, with the appraised value, &c. annexed.
The information below was taken from a printed source, which in turn came from the original Senate Document. That Senate Document would have been a printed copy of the original handwritten record. What I’m trying to get across is there have been several layers of transcriptions, and wherever humans are involved, mistakes can and do occur. Indeed, there appears mathematical errors in the total calculations for a few individuals… that could either be a mathematical error, or an error by an item being left off of the transcription. Furthermore, since this is a Native American document, one should expect spelling errors in the names. Most Native American’s during this time frame were unable to write, and may not been able to spell their own name. E. W. Duval would have wrote the name out as he heard it from the Native American. A good example would be “Big Sinews” which likely should have been “Big Snooze.” So think phonetically if looking for the Indian name.
List of the improvements, with the proprietors’ names, on lands ceded by the Cherokees to the United States, by the treaty of the 6th of May, 1828, with the appraised value, &c. annexed.
No. 1 Walter Webber, at Illinois bayou. 23 acres cleared land, at $8 per acre for clearing $184.00 12 peach trees 13.50 1 frame building, 22 by 24 feet 150.00 4 cabins and 2 corn cribs 64.00 1 ferry flat 25.00 $436.50 Deduct for deficiency in fence 16.00 $420.50 No. 2 Nero 6 ¼ acres land 50.00 1 without fence on old place 4.00 5 cabins 30.00 11 peach trees 12.37 ½ 9 apples trees 13.50 109.87 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fence 4.00 $105.87 ½ No. 3 James Rogers 12 acres land 96.00 2 peach trees 2.25 1 double cabin, plank floor 60.00 $158.25 No. 4 Alexander Brown 7 acres lands 56.00 4 cabins 70.00 $126.00 No. 5 Peggy Smith 10 ¾ acres land, 5 ¾ at $8, 5 at $6 76.00 30 peach trees 33.75 4 apple trees 6.00 5 cabins 46.00 161.75 Deduct for fencing 12.00 $149.75 No. 6 Richard Stintson 6 ¼ acres land, at $7 43.75 15 peach trees 22.75 3 cabins 28.00 94.75 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 5.25 $89.25 No. 7 Robert Burgess 9 acres cleared land, at $7 63.00 24 large and 150 small peach trees 54.37 ½ 4 apple trees 3.00 3 cabins 20.00 $140.37 ½ No. 8 John Jolly (principal chief) 29 acres bottom land 290.00 9 acres up land 54.00 87 peach trees and 18 cabins 406.00 $750.00 No.9 John Drew 57 acres land 456.00 44 apples trees 66.00 73 large and 70 small peach trees 99.62 ½ 6 cabins 60.00 $681.62 ½ No. 10 Musquito 5 ½ acres of land 15.00 5 peach trees 5.62 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 $28.62 ½ No. 11 Cricket 1 cabin $10.00 No. 12 Too-so-woolater 9 ½ acres land 66.75 60 bearing and 29 small peach trees 74.75 4 cabins 70.00 $211.50 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 10.00 $201.50 No. 13 Stamper 8 ¾ acres land 61.25 28 bearing and 56 small peach trees 45.00 3 cabins 26.00 $132.75 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 3.00 $129.75 No. 14 The Wolf 2 ¾ acres of land 19.25 13 peach trees 14.62 ½ 2 cabins 14.00 $47.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.50 $45.37 ½ No. 15 George Haley 10 acres land 70.00 40 bearing and 60 small peach trees 60.00 3 cabins and logs hewn for another 16 feet sqr 26.00 $156.00 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 5.00 $151.00 No. 16 John Timberleg 1 acre land 7.00 1 cabin 14.00 $21.00 No. 17 Peggy Lovelt 12 acres land 84.00 20 bearing peach trees 22.50 6 apple trees 4.50 4 cabins 20.00 $131.00 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 10.00 $121.00 No. 18 Levi Rogers 1 cabin $20.00 No. 19 Public 15 acres land 90.00 3 cabins 20.00 $110.00 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 20.00 $90.00 No. 20 Che-co-a, or widow Drew 6 acres land 42.00 4 peach trees 1.00 2 cabins 14.00 $57.00 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $53.00 No. 21 Jacob Gentry 51 acres land 331.50 14 peach trees 15.75 12 bearing apple trees and 27 small ones 38.25 9 cabins 104.00 $489.50 No. 22 Richard Drew 7 ½ acres land 59.75 5 cabins 40.00 $99.75 No. 23 James Rogers 40 acres land 280.00 80 peach trees 90.00 3 apple do, and 150 scions 41.00 10 cabins 14.00 $486.00 No. 24 Lovney Price 15 acres land 105.00 20 large and 160 small peach trees 37.50 1 cabins 135.00 $277.50 No. 25 William Rogers 34 acres land 204.00 48 peach trees 54.00 6 cabins 45.00 $303.00 Deduct for fencing 75.00 $228.00 No. 26 Charles Rogers 46 acres land 276.00 155 peach trees 174.37 ½ 2 cabins 15.00 $465.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 75.00 $390.37 ½ No. 27 Tale 2 acres land 12.00 25 peach trees 15.00 2 cabins 8.00 $35.00 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 2.00 $33.00 No. 28 Vike 3 ¾ acres land 22.50 25 peach trees 28.12 ½ 2 cabins 15.00 $65.62 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fencing 3.00 $62.62 ½ No. 29 White-man Killer 5 ¼ acres land 31.50 4 peach trees 6.75 1 cabin 6.00 $ 44.25 No. 30 Proud Forn 3 ¾ acres land 22.75 14 peach trees 15.75 4 cabins 20.00 58.50 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $ 54.50 No. 31 George Rainstopper 4 acres land 24.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 2 cabins 12.00 37.12 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.00 $ 35.12 ½ No. 32 The Jumper 7 ½ acres land 52.75 22 large peach trees 24.75 1 cabin 8.00 85.50 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $ 81.50 No. 33 John McKenzie 7 ½ acres land 52.75 13 peach trees 14.62 ½ 6 cabins 8.00 75.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 4.00 $ 71.37 ½ No. 34 Boamerger 3 ¾ acres land 19.50 3 cabins 20.00 39.50 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $ 37.50 No. 35 John McKenzie 1 ¼ acres land 7.50 54 peach trees 60.75 6 apple trees 4.50 2 cabins 20.00 92.75 No. 36 Quaca 4 acres land 27.00 20 peach trees 32.50 3 apple trees 2.25 3 cabins 25.00 76.75 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $ 72.75 No. 37 Lame Glass 7 acres land 42.00 16 peach trees 18.00 4 apple trees 3.00 3 cabins 42.00 $105.00 No. 38 Captain John Smith 8 ½ acres land 51.00 32 bearing and 12 small peach trees 27.75 4 cabins 48.00 126.75 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $122.75 No. 39 The Rice Bird 1 ½ acres land 6.00 Deduct for fencing 1.50 $ 4.50 No. 40 Oo-souh-ee 7 ¾ acres land 46.50 14 bearing and 58 small peach trees 30.50 4 small apple trees 3.00 4 cabins 20.00 $100.00 No 41 Ginny Smith 6 ¼ acres land 37.50 3 cabins 21.00 $58.50 No. 42 Winney 1 cabin $10.00 No. 43 Charles Woman-holder 6 ¾ acres land 40.50 17 bearing and 7 small peach trees 20.87 ½ 3 cabins 26.00 87.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 7.00 $80.37 ½ No. 44 George Brewer 10 acres land 60.00 2 cabins 8.00 68.00 Deduct for fencing 25.00 $43.00 No. 45 Captain John Smith 5 ½ acres land 33.00 52 peach trees 58.50 4 cabins 20.00 111.50 Deduct for fencing 10.00 $101.50 No. 46 Gun Rod 3 ¾ acres land 26.25 8 bearing and 7 small peach trees 10.75 2 cabins 20.00 57.00 Deduct for deficiency in fence 3.75 $53.25 No. 47 Loo-a-keeh 10 acres land 60.00 2 apple and 15 peach trees 19.87 ½ 2 cabins 12.00 91.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 15.00 $76.87 ½ No. 48 White-man Killer 5 acres land 30.00 23 peach trees 25.87 ½ 55.87 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fence 10.00 $45.87 ½ No. 49 O-let-tah 3 ½ acres land 21.00 8 peach trees 9.00 30.00 Deduct for want of fencing 10.00 $20.00 No. 50 Susan Smith 1 acre land 4.00 8 peach trees 9.00 $13.00 No 41 Ginny Smith 6 ¼ acres land 37.50 3 cabins 21.00 $58.50 No. 42 Winney 1 cabin $10.00 No. 43 Charles Woman-holder 6 ¾ acres land 40.50 17 bearing and 7 small peach trees 20.87 ½ 3 cabins 26.00 87.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 7.00 $80.37 ½ No. 44 George Brewer 10 acres land 60.00 2 cabins 8.00 68.00 Deduct for fencing 25.00 $43.00 No. 45 Captain John Smith 5 ½ acres land 33.00 52 peach trees 58.50 4 cabins 20.00 111.50 Deduct for fencing 10.00 $101.50 No. 46 Gun Rod 3 ¾ acres land 26.25 8 bearing and 7 small peach trees 10.75 2 cabins 20.00 57.00 Deduct for deficiency in fence 3.75 $53.25 No. 47 Loo-a-keeh 10 acres land 60.00 2 apple and 15 peach trees 19.87 ½ 2 cabins 12.00 91.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 15.00 $76.87 ½ No. 48 White-man Killer 5 acres land 30.00 23 peach trees 25.87 ½ 55.87 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fence 10.00 $45.87 ½ No. 49 O-let-tah 3 ½ acres land 21.00 8 peach trees 9.00 30.00 Deduct for want of fencing 10.00 $20.00 No. 50 Susan Smith 1 acre land 4.00 8 peach trees 9.00 $13.00 No. 51 Peter New York 7 ½ acres land 60.00 50 peach trees 56.25 3 cabins 24.00 $140.25 No. 52 Wal-tah 3 ½ acres land $28.00 No.53 Tom Ballow's wife 2 ½ acres land $16.00 No. 54 Captain John Smith 2 ½ acres land 20.00 Deduct for fencing 10.00 $10.00 No. 55 Pike 2 acres land 16.00 Deduct for fencing 8.00 $8.00 No. 56 Beard 2 acres land 16.00 Deduct for fencing 8.00 $8.00 No. 57 Alexander Pertini 27 acres land 162.00 32 peach trees 37.12 ½ 10 cabins 75.00 Ferry flat 15.00 289.12 ½ Deduct for fencing 20.00 $269.12 ½ No. 58 Te-ho-yah 9 acres land 54.00 17 peach trees 19.12 ½ 2 cabins 10.00 83.12 ½ Deduct for fence 7.00 $76.12 ½ No. 59 Nancy 1 ½ acres land 9.00 Deduct for want of fence 1.50 $7.50 No. 60 Buffalo 4 acres land 24.00 20 peach trees 22.50 2 cabins 10.00 56.50 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 5.00 $51.50 No. 61 The Little Duck 7 ½ acres land 45.00 30 peach trees 33.75 3 cabins 15.00 93.75 Deduct for fencing 7.50 $86.25 No. 62 The Old Turkey 5 ½ acres land 33.00 47 peach trees 52.87 ½ 1 bearing and 14 small apple trees 2.50 3 cabins 12.00 100.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 5.50 $94.87 ½ No. 63 Fish Carrier 1 ½ acres land 9.00 1 cabin 5.00 14.00 Deduct on account of fence 1.50 $12.50 No. 64 Widow Tower 23 ½ acres land 141.00 51 peach trees 57.37 ½ 7 cabins 35.00 233.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 23.50 $209.37 ½ No. 65 Big Sinews 2 ½ acres land 15.00 3 peach trees 3.37 ½ 18.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.50 $15.87 ½ No. 66 Susan Crapoe 3 ½ acres land 21.00 10 peach trees 11.25 4 apple trees 6.00 $38.25 No. 67 George Crapoe 1 acre land 6.00 2 cabins, and one set house logs 33.00 $39.00 No. 68 Let Stop 2 acres land 12.00 1 cabin 9.00 21.00 Deduct for fencing 1.00 $20.00 No. 69 Oo-tal-keh 5 ½ acres land 33.00 3 cabins 14.00 47.00 Deduct for fence 5.50 $41.50 No. 70 Charles Rogers 5 acres land 30.00 18 peach trees 20.25 1 cabin 10.00 60.25 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $56.25 No. 71 Nancy 4 acres land 24.00 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $20.00 No. 72 French Jack 20 acres land 120.00 25 bearing and 18 small peach trees 32.62 ½ 2 apple trees 1.50 8 cabins and one set house logs 18 feet square 48.00 $202.12 ½ No. 73 Walteh (a widow woman) 4 acres land 24.00 1 cabin 8.00 32.00 Deduct for deficiency of fencing 4.00 $28.00 No. 74 Ta-keh 4 acres land 28.00 2 cribs and a bed 16.00 44.00 Deduct for want of fence 4.00 $40.00 No. 75 Sam 1 acre land 7.00 Deduct for fencing 1.00 $6.00 No. 76 Bird's Bill 6 ½ acres land 39.00 3 peach trees 3.37 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 50.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 6.50 $43.87 ½ No. 77 Ca-el-sto-yeh 1 acre land 6.00 1 cabin 5.00 11.00 Deduct for fencing 1.00 $10.00 No. 77 Improvement Cr. 5 peach trees $5.62 ½ No. 78 Wat-te-oheh 1 acre land 6.00 Deduct for fencing 1.00 $5.00 No. 79 Bad Pawich 4 acres land 24.00 12 peach trees and 1 apple tree 12.75 2 cabins 10.00 3 acres land (B. village) 18.00 64.75 Deduct for fencing 15.00 $49.75 No. 80 Car-ta-heis-ki 2 ½ acres land 15.00 3 peach trees and 1 apple tree 4.87 ½ 2 cabins 16.00 35.87 ½ Deduct for fence 2.50 $33.37 ½ No 81 Spring Frog 5 ¾ acres land 34.50 16 peach trees and 4 apple trees 24.00 4 cabins 30.00 $88.50 No. 82 Clark 6 acres land 36.00 8 peach trees 9.00 1 cabin 8.00 53.00 Deduct for fencing 6.00 $47.00 No. 83 Loo-kee-au-lutta 5 acres land 30.00 13 peach trees 14.62 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 52.62 ½ Deduct for fence 5.00 $47.62 ½ No. 84 The Ch. Nation 3 ½ acres land 21.00 Deduct for being out of repair 10.50 $10.50 No. 85 Chunck in the fire 5 ½ acres land 33.00 4 peach trees 4.50 1 cabin 8.00 45.50 Deduct for fence 5.50 $40.00 No. 86 Jack Crapoe 23 ½ acres land 136.50 27 peach trees 30.37 ½ 8 apple trees 12.00 5 cabins 35.00 213.87 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fencing 8.00 $201.87 ½ No. 87 The Young Wolf 3 acres land 18.00 1 cabin 8.00 26.00 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $24.00 No. 88 Little Terapin 5 ½ acres land 33.00 8 peach trees 9.00 3 cabins 20.00 $62.00 No. 89 Wai-teh 7 ½ acres land 45.00 7 peach trees 8.87 ½ 4 cabins 20.00 72.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 7.50 $65.37 ½ No. 90 Cha-meb-bi 1 acre land 6.00 1 cabin 12.00 3 acres land 18.00 36.00 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $32.00 No. 91 Nancy 3 ½ acres land 21.00 12 peach trees 13.50 3 cabins 18.00 52.50 Deduct for fencing 3.50 $49.00 No. 92 Susannah 2 ½ acres land 15.00 4 cabins 22.00 3 peach trees 3.37 ½ 40.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.50 $37.87 ½ No. 93 Nancy Bull-bat 2 ¼ acres land 13.50 1 cabin 8.00 21.50 Deduct for fencing 2.25 $19.25 No. 94 Rachel 2 ½ acres land 13.50 Deduct for fence 2.25 $11.25 No. 95 Kil-a-nek's widow 9 acres land 54.00 15 peach trees and 6 apple trees 25.87 ½ 3 cabins 24.00 103.87 ½ Deduct for fence 9.00 $94.87 ½ No. 96 Old Mr. Crapoe 2 ½ acres land 15.00 Deduct for fencing 5.00 $10.00 No 97 Too Chawer 8 ½ acres land 68.00 12 peach and 3 apple trees 18.00 4 cabins 25.00 $111.00 No. 98 Widow Grog 9 ¼ acres land 55.50 43 peach trees 48.47 ½ 4 cabins 30.00 133.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 9.25 $124.62 ½ No. 99 Jack Crapoe 5 acres land 30.00 20 bearing and 7 small peach trees 24.25 1 cabin 8.00 62.25 Deduct for fence 5.00 $57.25 No. 100 Looking this way 1 ¾ acres land 10.50 1 cabin 8.00 18.50 Deduct for fence 1.75 $16.75 No. 101 Cho-he-na 6 ½ acres land 39.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 2 cabins 16.00 56.12 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fencing 6.50 $49.62 ½ No. 102 Qual-a-a-ca 2 acres land 12.00 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $10.00 No. 103 Ginny 2 ½ acres land 15.00 2 cabins 16.00 31.00 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $49.50 No. 104 The Broom 2 acres land 8.00 2 cabins 16.00 24.00 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 2.00 $22.00 No. 105 Smoker Glass 5 ¾ acres land 34.50 4 peach trees 4.50 2 cabins 16.00 55.00 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $52.50 No. 106 Sam. Baggs 7 acres land 42.00 1 cabin 6.00 48.00 Deduct for fencing 11.00 $37.00 No. 107 War-tilleh 2 acres land 12.00 1 cabin 6.00 18.00 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $16.00 No. 108 James Holt 6 ½ acres land 39.00 25 peach trees and nursery 26.00 3 apple trees 4.50 1 cabin 15.00 $84.50 No. 109 The Shot Buffalo 1 cabin $12.00 No. 110 Looking at us 5 acres land 30.00 2 cabins 16.00 46.00 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $42.00 No. 111 Samuel Baggs 14 acres land 84.00 2 apple trees 3.00 4 cabins 30.00 117.00 Deduct for fencing 7.00 $110.00 No. 112 Gillis Baggs 3 acres land 18.00 3 cabins 30.00 48.50 Deduct for fencing 1.50 $46.50 No. 113 Sam. Baggs wife 7 acres land 42.00 80 peach trees 40.00 3 cabins 22.00 $104.00 No. 114 Ol-ca-nah 1 acres land 6.00 8 peach trees 9.00 1 cabin 8.00 $23.00 No. 115 Jack Crapoe 7 ¾ acres land 46.50 1 cabin 5.00 $51.50 No. 116 Challenger 5 acres land 40.00 11 peach trees 12.37 ½ 2 cabins 8.00 50.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 10.00 $40.37 ½ No. 117 Challenger 4 ¾ acres land 38.00 13 peach trees 14.62 ½ 2 cabins 16.00 68.62 ½ Deduct for fencing 4.75 $63.87 ½ No. 118 Striped Lizard 1 acre land 8.00 1 cabin 10.00 $18.00 No. 119 E. George 4 ¾ acres land 30.50 11 peach trees, and 1 apple tree 13.87 ½ 1 cabins 8.00 $52.37 ½ No. 120 Big-head John 4 ¾ acres land 30.50 12 peach trees 13.50 2 cabins 16.00 $60.00 No. 121 Coming Canoe 1 ½ acres land 12.00 2 cabins 14.00 $26.00 No. 122 Tzar-leteski 4 acres land 32.00 20 bearing and 14 small peach trees 26.00 2 cabins 16.00 $74.00 No. 123 John Lowney 9 ½ acres land 57.00 91 peach trees 102.37 ½ 5 cabins 80.00 $239.37 ½ No. 124 Big-head John 2 ½ acres land 15.00 8 peach trees 9.00 2 cabins 12.00 36.00 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $33.50 No. 125 David Melton 25 acres land 200.00 80 peach and 9 apple trees 103.50 8 cabins 192.00 $495.50 No. 126 William Colston 5 ½ acres land 44.00 60 peach trees 67.50 3 apple trees 4.50 4 cabins 40.00 156.00 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $152.00 No. 127 William Thornton 12 acres land $96.00 Fencing valued at $33, which is due and payable to R. Tiver No. 128 Reuben Tiver 26 acres land 128.00 10 peach trees 11.25 7 cabins 50.00 $189.25 No. 129 Lewis Melton 5 acres land 40.00 4 peach trees 4.50 2 cabins 15.00 1 water well 25.00 $84.50 No. 130 Edward Brown 6 acres land 48.00 2 cabins 15.00 $63.00 No. 131 Alexander Brown 5 acres land 40.00 Peach nursery 1.00 2 cabins 30.00 $71.00 No. 132 James Stumett 15 acres land 105.00 4 peach trees and 9 apple trees 58.50 9 cabins 65.00 228.50 Deduct for fencing 20.00 $208.50 No. 133 George Roebuck 7 acres land 56.00 3 cabins 24.00 $80.00 No. 134 Young Glass 14 acres land 84.00 40 peach and 13 apple trees 65.50 5 cabins 110.00 $258.50 No. 135 Broken Canoe 12 ½ acres land 98.00 6 cabins 150.00 1 stock lot, 2,000 rails, and good gate 25.00 $273.00 No. 136 Ca-arch-toweh 3 acres land 18.00 30 peach trees 33.75 3 cabins 14.00 $65.75 No. 137 Black Jim 2 ½ acres land 15.00 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $12.50 No. 138 Aan-nil-leh ½ acre land $4.00 No. 139 Big-head John 5 acres land 30.00 1 cabin 8.00 38.00 Deduct for fencing 3.33 1/3 $34.66 2/3 No. 140 The Dog's in him 2 acres land 16.00 1 cabins 8.00 $24.00 No. 141 Evil Spirit 8 ½ acres land 51.00 32 young peach trees 7.50 2 cabins 16.00 $74.50 No. 142 Acorn 4 ½ acres land 27.00 50 peach trees 56.25 1 cabin 8.00 $91.25 No. 143 Ne-co-ti-eh 2 ½ acres land 20.00 9 peach trees 10.12 ½ $30.12 ½ No. 144 The Swimmer 2 acres land 12.00 3 cabins 8.00 $20.00 No. 145 Aaron Price 11 acres land 66.00 76 peach and 1 apple tree 87.00 4 cabins 50.00 Stock-lot, 500 rails 10.00 $213.00 No. 146 Jim Chactaw 2 2/34 acres land 16.50 12 peach trees 13.50 4 cabins 8.00 $38.00 No. 147 Nick Byers 4 ½ acres land 27.00 35 peach trees 39.37 ½ 2 cabins 6.00 $72.37 ½ No. 148 Tassel 4 acres land 32.00 10 peach trees and nursery 12.00 1 cabin 10.00 $54.00 No. 149 Chick-o-na-leh 3 acres land 18.00 20 young peach trees 5.00 2 cabins 6.00 $29.00 No. 150 Lydia 6 ½ acres land 45.75 12 peach trees 13.50 2 cabins 10.00 $69.25 No. 151 Going along 6 acres land 36.00 3 peach trees and 3 apple trees 7.87 ½ 4 cabins 30.00 $73.87 ½ No. 152 He rakes them up 5 acres land 30.00 17 bearing and 48 peach trees 29.12 ½ 3 apple trees 4.50 3 cabin 24.00 $87.62 ½ No. 153 Thomas Belew 1 ½ acres land 9.00 4 apple trees 4.50 $13.50 No. 154 Charles Hiller 2 ¼ acres land 13.50 2 cabins 30.00 $43.50 No. 155 Cramp 3 ½ acres land 28.00 1 cabin 25.00 $53.00 No. 156 Rainstopper 10 ½ acres land 84.00 39 large and 13 small peach trees 47.12 ½ 12 apple trees 18.00 4 cabins 55.00 $204.12 ½ No. 157 Qua-la-ake 2 cabins $17.50 No. 158 White Killer 5 ½ acres land 45.50 3 cabins 54.00 $99.50 No. 159 James Colston 23 acres land 184.00 62 panels of paling fence 31.00 7 cabins 148.00 32 panels post and railing fence 16.00 $379.00 No. 160 Sand-hill Crane 6 acres land 42.00 17 small peach trees 4.25 1 peach nursery 1.50 5 cabins 75.00 $122.75 No. 161 Bird's bill 2 acres land 14.00 1 cabin 15.00 $29.00 No. 162 Lecret 2 ½ acres land 20.00 1 cabin 30.00 $50.00 No. 163 Going down stream 9 acres land 54.00 4 cabins 25.00 10 peach trees 11.25 $90.25 No. 164 Messenger 7 ½ acres land 45.50 25 peach trees 28.12 ½ 3 cabins 18.00 $91.62 ½ No. 165 Incendiary 1 cabin $10.00 No. 166 Skillee 8 acres land 48.00 4 peach trees 4.50 2 cabins 20.00 72.50 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $68.50 No. 167 Buck 5 acres land 40.00 33 peach trees 37.12 ½ 3 cabins 30.00 $107.12 ½ No.168 Thomas Little Otter 2 ½ acres land 20.00 2 cabins 20.00 $40.00 No. 169 Widow Tekatoka 7 acres land 56.00 4 peach trees 4.50 1 cabin 20.00 80.50 Deduct for fencing 7.00 $73.50 No. 170 For the same as preceding 3 acres land 18.00 15 large peach trees 16.87 ½ 34.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 6.00 $28.87 ½ No. 171 James Campbell 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 large peach tree 1.12 ½ 16.12 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.50 $13.62 ½ No. 172 Chews-quo-lanta 4 acres land 15.00 1 peach tree 9.00 2 cabins 10.00 34.00 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 2.50 $31.50 No. 173 Oo-le-eh 1 acres land 9.00 13 peach trees 14.62 ½ 22.62 ½ Deduct for fence 1.50 $22.12 ½ No. 174 Cub-to-cla-nah 6 acres land 36.00 8 peach trees 9.00 3 cabins 18.00 63.00 Deduct for fencing 6.00 $57.00 No. 175 Gray Eagle 2 ½ acres land 15.00 2 peach trees 2.25 1 cabin 3.00 20.25 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $17.75 No. 176 James Duvall 2 acres land 12.00 2 peach trees 2.25 14.25 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $12.25 No. 177 Tobacco Will 24 acres land 168.00 14 peach trees 15.75 8 cabins 65.00 248.75 Deduct for fencing 24.00 $224.75 No. 178 Cah-la-tah 3 acres land 21.00 12 peach trees 13.50 34.50 Deduct for fencing 3.00 $31.50 No. 179 Chaw-e-a-ki 3 ½ acres land 24.50 9 peach trees 10.12 ½ 2 cabins 14.00 48.62 ½ Deduct for fencing 3.50 $45.12 ½ No. 180 Tobacco Will's Village 1 acre land 7.00 1 cabin 4.00 11.00 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $9.00 No. 181 Spillet 2 acres land 14.00 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $10.00 No.182 Robin Setawake 3 acres land 21.00 3 large peach trees 3.37 ½ 24.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 3.00 $21.37 ½ No. 183 Susannah 4 acres land 32.00 36 peach trees 40.50 3 cabins 18.00 90.50 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $88.50 No. 184 Sinews 3 acres land 21.00 2 peach trees 2.25 23.25 Deduct for fencing 3.00 $20.25 No. 185 Ta-ka-ta 9 ½ acres land 64.75 9 peach trees 10.12 ½ 2 cabins 20.00 94.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 7.00 $87.87 ½ No. 186 Thomas Emory 5 acres land 30.00 2 peach trees 2.25 32.25 Deduct for fencing 10.00 $22.25 No 187 Corn Tassel 2 ½ acres land 17.50 7 peach trees 7.87 ½ 25.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.50 $22.87 ½ No. 188 Humming Bird 6 ½ acres land 45.50 36 peach trees 40.50 2 cabins 25.00 111.00 Deduct for fencing 6.50 $104.50 No. 189 Na Nah 3 acres land 21.00 15 peach trees 16.87 ½ 1 cabin 10.00 47.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 3.00 $44.87 ½ No. 190 Mrs. Bull Frog 1 ½ acres land $10.50 No. 191 Little Tayieski 5 acres land 35.00 3 cabins 20.00 5 peach trees 5.62 ½ 60.62 ½ Deduct for fencing 5.00 $55.62 ½ No. 192 Human Tracking 3 ½ acres land 24.50 Deduct for fencing 3.50 $21.00 No. 193 Cah-ta-yah 2 acres land 17.50 6 peach trees 6.75 24.25 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $21.75 No. 194 Sally 8 acres land 56.00 1 cabin 8.00 4 peach trees 4.50 68.50 Deduct for fencing 8.00 $60.50 No. 195 Wa-lu-ki 2 acres land 14.00 2 peach trees 2.25 16.25 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $14.25 No. 196 Widow Terapin Striker 4 acres land 28.00 40 peach trees 45.00 15 small ditto 3.75 2 cabins 8.00 84.75 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $80.75 No. 197 Toonahya 5 acres land 35.00 24 peach trees 27.00 1 cabin 8.00 70.00 Deduct for fencing 6.00 $64.00 No. 198 Tallow 2 ½ acres land 17.50 1 cabin 6.00 23.50 Deduct for fence 2.50 $21.00 No. 199 Ginny 8 acres land 64.00 33 peach trees 37.12 ½ 4 cabins 12.00 113.12 ½ Deduct for fence 8.00 $105.12 ½ No. 200 The Brain 4 ½ acres land 31.50 6 peach trees 6.75 38.25 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $33.75 No. 201 The Knob 2 ½ acres land 17.50 8 peach trees 9.00 26.50 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $24.00 No. 202 The Brain 4 ½ acres land 31.50 22 peach trees 24.75 2 cabins 20.00 $76.25 No. 203 Te-ah-hah 4 acres land 28.00 23 peach trees 25.87 ½ 53.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 4.00 $48.87 ½ No. 204 No Fire 5 acres land 35.00 8 peach trees 9.00 2 cabins 18.00 62.00 Deduct for fence 5.00 $57.00 No. 205 The Wind 2 acres land 12.00 Deduct for fence 4.00 $8.00 No. 206 Tobacco Will's village 2 acres land 12.00 Deduct for fence 4.00 $8.00 No. 207 I-o-sta 7 acres land 49.00 4 peach trees 4.50 2 cabins 10.00 63.50 Deduct for fencing 7.00 $56.50 No. 208 O-ne-cha 1 cabin $4.00 No. 209 Corn Tassel 6 acres land 48.00 16 large and 12 small peach trees 21.50 4 cabins 30.00 $99.50 No. 210 Human Tracker 1 cabin 10.00 3 acres land 24.00 33 peach trees 37.12 ½ $71.12 ½ No. 211 Too-ne-ya 9 acres land 63.00 18 peach trees 20.25 2 cabins 30.00 $113.25 No. 212 Thomas Emery 3 acres land 18.00 1 cabin 10.00 9 peach trees 10.12 ½ $38.12 ½ No. 213 Ta-ka-tah 3 ½ acres land 19.50 1 small cabin 20.00 $39.50 No. 214 No Fire 2 cabins $20.00 No. 215 R. Stoleter 16 acres land 128.00 42 peach trees 47.25 3 cabins 23.00 198.25 Deduct for fence 16.00 $182.25 No. 216 R. Stoleter 12 acres land 84.00 63 peach trees 70.87 ½ $154.87 ½ No. 217 Takea 2 ½ acres land 17.50 35 small peach trees 39.37 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 $64.87 ½ No. 218 R. Stoleter 2 cabins 30.00 6 peach trees 6.75 $36.75 No. 219 R. Stoleter 4 ½ acres land 31.50 1 cabin 5.00 $36.50 No. 220 Samuel Martin 2 ½ acres land 17.50 70 peach trees 78.75 $95.25 No. 221 Chaninka 3 acres land 18.00 300 clapboards 1.50 $19.50 No. 222 Ca-ta-yah 20 peach trees $22.50 No. 223 Corn Tassel's Village 1 cabin $10.00 No. 224 The Worm 8 ½ acres land 59.50 10 peach trees 12.37 ½ 2 cabins 10.00 $81.87 ½ No. 225 Che-quah-hah 2 acres land 14.00 8 peach trees 9.00 2 cabins 10.00 $33.00 No. 226 Oo-la-yah-a 2 ½ acres land 15.00 13 peach trees 14.62 ½ 3 cabins 30.00 $59.62 ½ No. 227 R. Stoleter 4 acres land $24.00 No. 228 Spring Frog 1 cabin 10.00 32 peach trees 36.00 $46.00 No. 229 Nahohui 4 ½ acres land $27.00 No. 230 R. Stoleter 5 acres land 30.00 20 peach trees 20.50 2 cabins 12.00 $64.50 No. 231 The Worm 34 acres land $24.00 No. 232 The Naked Man 5 acres land 56.00 51 peach trees 12.25 22 apple trees 5.50 3 cabins 30.00 $103.75 No. 233 The Wolf 7 ½ acres land 60.00 105 peach scions 3.15 3 cabins 30.00 $93.15 No. 234 Ginny 2 acres land 14.00 1 cabin 15.00 $29.00 No. 235 Big Mush 5 acres land 31.50 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 3 cabins 15.00 $51.12 ½ No. 236 Ook Soleater 1 ½ acres land 10.50 4 cabins 12.00 $22.50 No. 237 The Wasp 10 acres land 70.00 58 peach trees 65.25 4 cabins 30.00 $165.25 No. 238 The Hungry Man 6 ¼ acres land 37.50 13 peach trees 14.75 3 cabins 30.00 $82.25 No. 239 Geo. Guess 10 ½ acres land 84.00 Peach nursery trees 1.12 ½ 4 cabins 50.00 $135.12 ½ No. 240 Saml Guess 1 acre land 8.00 1 cabin 15.00 23.00 Deduct for fencing 1.00 $22.00 No. 241 Cah-la-tah 3 ½ acres land 21.00 10 peach trees 11.25 1 cabin 15.00 47.25 Deduct for fencing 3.50 $43.75 No.242 Tobacco Will 17 ½ acres land 6.00 56 peach trees 63.00 6 cabins 50.00 100 rails .50 $243.50 No. 243 Chaw-e-uka 5 ½ acres land 33.00 5 peach trees 5.62 ½ 3 cabins 20.00 58.62 ½ Deduct for a fence 2.75 $55.87 ½ No. 244 Sinews 3 acres land 18.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 2 cabins 15.00 $34.12 ½ No. 245 Ty-ya-hah 4 acres land 24.00 1 cabin 10.00 $34.00 No. 246 Taw-icski 2 acres land 12.00 1 cabin 8.00 $20.00 No. 247 Osage 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 6.00 $21.00 No. 248 Back Bone 3 ½ acres land 21.00 12 peach trees 3.00 3 cabins 16.00 $40.00 No. 249 Lewis 2 acres land 12.00 8 peach trees 2.00 1 cabin 6.00 $20.00 No. 250 To-Neeh 1 acre land $6.00 No. 251 Cah-la-la-tue 1 acres land 6.00 1 cabin 6.00 $12.00 No. 252 The Has-seen 2 ½ acres land 15.00 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 20.00 50.00 Deduct for fence 2.50 $47.50 No. 253 Chew-le-que-na-hah 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 10.00 $25.00 No. 254 The Knob 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 10.00 $25.00 No. 255 Too-s-wool-a-ter 1 ½ acres land $10.50 No. 256 Samuel Guess 6 acres land 42.00 31 peach trees 34.87 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 $84.87 ½ No. 257 Charles Campbell 7 ½ acres land 60.00 10 peach trees 11.25 2 cabins 15.00 $86.25 No. 258 Bull Frog 1 acres land 8.00 2 cabins 12.00 $20.00 No. 259 Chaur-e-a-koe 1 cabin 8.00 6 peach trees 6.75 $14.75 No. 260 Nelly 48 peach trees $19.12 ½ No. 261 Ailsey 23 peach trees $5.75 No. 262 With 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 16.00 $31.00 No. 263 Tal-lasse-heen 5 acres land 40.00 21 peach trees and nursery 24.75 2 apple trees 3.00 2 cabins 12.00 $79.75 No. 264 Wa-ca 5 acres land 30.00 4 peach trees 4.50 2 cabins 20.00 $54.50 No. 265 Wat-to-na-too-ta 35 peach trees $39.37 ½ No. 266 Wa-ca 12 ½ acres land 75.00 65 peach trees 73.12 ½ 3 cabins 15.00 164.12 ½ Deduct for fencing 12.50 $151.62 ½ No. 267 Archy 5 acres land 35.00 69 peach trees 77.62 ½ 4 cabins 20.00 $132.62 ½ No. 268 Winding 1 ½ acres land 10.50 16 peach trees 18.00 1 cabin 10.00 $38.50 No. 269 Tallassa-noosta 3 acres land $21.00 No. 270 Going by the side of the Mountain 8 ½ acres land 56.00 58 peach trees 28.12 ½ 4 cabins 25.00 $109.12 ½ No. 271 The Hawk 1 ½ acres land 10.50 1 cabin 10.00 $20.50 No. 272 The Fawn 9 ½ acres land 66.50 32 peach trees 36.00 5 cabins 25.00 $127.50 No. 273 Oo-tal-ka 1 acre land 7.00 27 small peach trees 9.25 3 cabins 18.00 $34.25 No. 274 Qua-le-qua 4 acres land 28.00 16 peach trees 18.00 1 apple tree 1.50 2 cabins 15.00 $62.50 No. 275 Taw-la-noo-hast 8 acres land 56.00 30 peach trees 33.75 30 small peach trees 7.50 6 cabins 16.00 $113.25 No. 276 William 3 ½ acres land 24.50 47 peach trees 11.75 4 cabins 25.00 $61.25 No. 277 Te-cat-no-tuski 2 ½ acres land 17.50 11 peach trees 2.75 3 cabins 12.00 $32.25 No. 278 Too-so-woo-later 4 acres land 28.00 2 cabins 12.00 $40.00 No. 279 Root 5 ½ acres land 24.50 1 ½ acres land 10.50 74 small peach trees 18.50 1 cabin 8.00 $61.50 No. 280 Charles Hurum 1 cabin $10.00 No. 281 Root's mother-in-law 2 acres land 14.00 30 peach trees 33.75 1 cabin 5.00 $52.75 No. 282 Grass 3 acres land 21.00 2 cabins 12.00 $33.00 No. 283 Chewt-look-a 1 ¼ acres land 8.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 $17.12 ½ No. 284 Hallee 9 acres land 63.00 4 peach trees 2.25 2 cabins 15.00 $80.25 No. 285 Shell Bug 8 acres land 56.00 16 peach trees 4.00 2 cabins 14.00 $74.00 No. 286 John Benje 8 acres land 56.00 45 peach trees 11.25 3 cabins 18.00 $85.25 No. 287 Too-u-tiesk 1 acre land $8.00 No. 288 Caw-to-quaki 2 ¼ acres land 15.75 1 cabin 8.00 $23.75 No. 289 Qua-la-uke 2 ¼ acres land $13.50 No. 290 Oo-le-na-lete 3 acres land $21.00 No. 291 Black Fox 6 ¼ acres land 65.00 2 cabins 60.00 44 peach trees 49.50 5 apple trees 4.50 $179.00 No. 292 Sally Stintson 1 acre land 8.00 10 large and 13 small peach trees 14.50 2 cabins 10.00 $32.50 No. 293 Whipperwill 2 acres land 12.00 2 cabins 10.00 15 peach trees 16.87 ½ 38.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 4.00 $34.87 ½ No. 294 Susannah Stintson 1 acre land 6.00 1 cabin 5.00 $11.00 No. 295 Richard Arnold 4 acres land 24.00 20 large and 10 small peach trees 25.00 3 cabins 24.00 $73.00 No. 296 Cat-fish 1 cabin $8.00 No. 297 Little Terapin 3 ½ acres land 28.00 1 cabin 18.00 17 small apple trees 12.75 58.75 Deduct for fencing 17.00 $41.75 No. 298 Qua-kee Graves 4 ½ acres land 31.50 1 cabin 11.00 $42.50 No. 299 Thomas Chisholm 1 acre land 7.00 9 peach trees 2.25 1 cabin 10.00 $19.25 No. 300 Nancy Fabro 2 acres land 14.00 2 cabins 10.00 $24.00 No. 301 Isaac Girty 24 acres land 144.00 9 ½ acres land 76.00 5 cabins 45.00 2 acres land 16.00 500 rails 2.50 $283.50 No. 302 Shawnee Sam 4 acres land 28.00 3 cabins 22.00 4 peach trees 4.50 $54.50 No. 303 Big Thistle 3 acres land 18.00 1 large and 10 small peach trees 3.37 ½ 21.37 ½ Deduct for fence 3.00 $18.37 ½ No. 304 Thomas Chisholm 9 ½ acres land 57.00 27 large and 20 small peach trees 35.37 ½ 4 apple trees 6.00 2 cabins 30.00 $128.37 ½ No. 305 Thomas Chisholm 6 acres land 36.00 1 cabin 15.00 $51.00 No. 306 Lecoochie 6 acres land 30.00 25 peach trees 28.12 ½ 1 cabin 50.00 $108.12 ½ No. 307 Young Bird 1 ½ acres land 9.00 19 peach trees 21.37 ½ 1 cabin 6.00 36.37 ½ Deduct for fence 3.00 $33.37 ½ No. 308 Little Terapin 8 ½ acres land 49.50 39 peach trees 43.87 ½ 3 cabins 20.00 113.37 ½ Deduct for fence 8.00 $105.37 ½ No. 309 J. Refeld 3 ½ acres land 24.50 6 peach trees 6.75 8 cabins 80.00 $111.25 No. 310 John Drew 2 acres land 12.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 1 cabin 12.00 $25.12 ½ No. 311 White Bear 4 aces land 24.00 17 peach trees 19.12 ½ 1 cabin 10.00 $53.12 ½ No. 312 Cabin 9 acres land 54.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 5 cabins 18.00 73.12 ½ Deduct for fencing 7.00 $66.12 ½ No. 313 Musquito 3 acres land 18.00 4 large and small peach trees 5.50 2 cabins 10.00 33.50 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $31.50 No. 314 Bear in the Tree 2 ½ acres land 15.00 8 peach trees 9.00 24.00 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $22.00 No. 315 Whirlwind 5 acres land 40.00 8 peach trees 9.00 4 cabins 40.00 $89.00 (No. 316 not in sequence) No. 317 Cah-ya-la 4 ¼ acres land 34.00 11 peach trees 11.50 $45.50 No. 318 George W. Brand 24 ½ acres land 196.00 14 large and 20 small peach trees 20.75 10 apple trees 7.50 6 cabins 125.00 4 acres land 24.00 373.25 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $369.25 No. 319 Spanish Peter 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 10.00 $25.00 No. 320 Thomas Chisholm 3 acres land 18.00 3 peach trees 7.87 ½ $27.87 ½ No. 321 John Drew 9 acres land 72.00 14 peach trees 15.75 1 well 25.00 1 ferry flat 35.00 2 acres land 12.00 3 cabins 35.00 194.75 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $190.75 No. 321 Improvement Cr. 20 small apple trees $15.00 No. 322 Walter Webber 4 acres land 32.00 3 cabins 50.00 1 c. gin frame 17.50 $99.50 No. 323 Fire-carrier ¼ acres land 2.00 1 cabin 3.00 $5.00 No. 324 Samuel Decent 5 acres land 30.00 3 peach trees 3.37 ½ 2 cabins 12.00 45.37 ½ Deduct for fence 10.00 $35.37 ½ No. 325 Perfume 10 ¾ acres land 77.00 28 peach trees 31.50 5 cabins 21.00 129.50 Deduct for fence 10.75 $118.75 No. 326 Dennis Chisholm's wife 4 acres land 24.00 2 cabins 16.00 $40.00 No. 327 George Morris 5 acres land 40.00 7 ½ acres land 60.00 120 apple trees 90.00 25 small peach trees 6.25 28 large peach trees 31.50 4 cabins 48.00 $265.75 No. 328 Bull-catcher 4 acres land 28.00 25 peach trees 28.12 ½ 4 cabins and 1 set H. logs 28.00 $84.12 ½ No. 329 Quatu Graves 6 ¼ acres land 43.75 5 large and 1 small peach trees 5.87 ½ 3 cabin 20.00 $69.62 ½ No. 330 Thomas Graves 13 ½ acres land 94.50 4 ¾ acres land 28.50 31 peach trees 38.87 ½ 6 cabins 70.00 $231.87 ½ No. 331 George Justice 28 ½ acres land 228.00 30 apple trees 45.00 5 peach trees 5.62 ½ 7 cabins 125.00 $403.62 ½ No. 332 Edward 3 acres land 24.50 1 cabin 30.00 $54.00 No. 333 Crying Buffalo 7 ½ acres land 50.75 6 peach trees 6.75 7 apple trees 10.75 1 cabin 40.00 $108.00 No. 334 Old Will ¼ acre land 8.75 2 cabins 15.00 $23.75 No. 335 Ta-ca 3 ¼ acres land 24.50 9 peach trees 10.12 ½ 1 cabin 10.00 $44.62 ½ No. 336 Puppy 4 ¼ acres land 25.50 50 peach trees 56.25 5 acres land 40.00 2 cabins 14.00 $135.75 No. 337 Walter Miner 3 ¼ acres land 22.50 1 cabin 10.00 $32.50 No. 338 Ta-ka-tiesh 3 ¼ acres land 26.00 1 cabin 8.00 $34.00 No. 339 Sandy 8 ¾ acres land 70.00 20 peach trees 3.87 ½ 2 cabins 40.00 $113.87 ½ No. 340 Chicken-pecker 10 acres land 80.00 6 cabins 90.00 $170.00 No. 341 Sally Chicken-pecker 20 peach trees $22.50 No. 342 Salla Trieski 13 acres land 91.00 67 peach trees 75.37 ½ 8 apple trees 12.00 17 small apple and 1 nursery 12.50 4 cabins 62.00 252.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 1.00 $251.87 ½ No. 343 Su-waker Parch Corn 2 acres land 14.00 1 cabin 13.50 $27.50 No. 344 Chicken in the Pot 26 acres land 156.00 50 large and 60 small peach trees 60.05 3 cabins 35.00 $251.05 No. 345 Sam Chicken-pecker 6 ¼ acres land 21.00 1 set house logs 8.00 $29.00 No. 346 Musquito 3 acres land 42.00 1 cabin 12.00 $54.00 No. 347 Big Canoe 4 cabins $30.00 No. 348 Sevallon 4 cabins $30.00 No. 349 Red Bird 5 cabins 40.00 32 ½ acres land 211.50 140 peach trees 157.50 $469.00 No. 350 Public 1 cabin $25.00 No. 351 Sweet Buffalo 3 ¾ acres land 26.25 2 peach trees 2.25 1 cabin 10.00 $38.50 No. 352 The Bag 3 acres land 31.50 2 cabins 6.00 25 peach trees 6.75 $64.12 No. 353 Terapin-head 4 ¼ acres land 29.75 2 cabins 40.00 $69.75 No. 354 Terapin Campbell 4 ½ acres land 31.50 16 peach trees 18.00 4 cabins 40.00 $89.50 No. 355 Young Elders 16 ¾ acres land 117.25 155 peach trees 28.12 ½ 2 cabins 66.00 $211.37 ½ No. 356 Crying Wolf 1 cabin 80.00 7 apple trees 10.50 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ $91.62 ½ No. 357 Deer-track 3 ½ acres land 24.50 16 peach trees 18.00 2 cabins 25.00 $67.50 No. 358 Ty-ya 5 ¾ acres land 34.50 19 peach trees 21.37 ½ $55.87 ½ No. 359 Hipps 12 acres land 72.00 3 cabins 50.00 122.00 Deduct for fencing 14.00 $108.00 No. 360 James Cary 4 ½ acres land 36.00 1 cabin 5.00 6 peach trees 6.75 47.75 Deduct for fencing 9.00 $38.75 No. 361 Major Pullem 8 ½ acres land 59.50 15 peach trees 16.87 ½ 5 cabins 40.00 $116.37 ½ No. 362 Major Pullem's wife 3 acres land 21.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ $22.12 ½ No. 363 The Raven 7 ½ acres land 50.75 52 peach trees 58.50 4 cabins 35.00 $144.25 No. 364 The Old Swimmer 8 ¾ acres land 61.25 30 peach trees 33.75 3 cabins 12.00 $107.00 No. 365 Young Swimmer 5 ¾ acres land 46.00 9 large and 28 small peach trees 17.12 ½ 1 cabin 4.00 67.12 ½ Deduct for fencing 6.00 $61.12 ½ No. 366 Dreadful Water 2 ½ acres land 15.00 1 cabin 5.00 55 small and 5 large peach trees 19.37 ½ 39.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 3.00 $36.37 ½ No. 366 Improvement Cr. 1 ½ acres land 22.50 13 small apple trees 9.75 30 peach scions 1.12 ½ 19.87 ½ No. 367 Lucker McLemore 15 acres land 105.00 80 peach trees 90.00 6 apple trees 9.00 6 cabins 24.00 228.00 Deduct for fencing 7.50 $222.50 No. 368 Ailsey Morris 1 acre land 7.00 2 cabins 17.00 $24.00 No. 369 The Chicken-cock 10 ¾ acres land 86.00 24 peach trees 27.00 1 cabin 30.00 $143.00 No. 370 Looney Tallem Turkey 1 acre land 8.00 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ 3 cabins 19.00 $28.12 ½ No. 371 The Racoon 11 ¾ acres land 90.00 15 peach trees 16.87 ½ 5 cabins 30.00 $136.87 ½ No. 372 The Ridge 3 ¾ acres land 28.00 10 peach trees 2.25 3 cabins 18.00 48.25 Deduct for fencing 3.50 $44.75 No. 373 Poor Sam 3 ½ acres land 28.00 6 peach trees 1.50 3 cabins 20.00 49.50 Deduct for fencing 3.00 $46.50 No. 374 Ah-na-ca-no-nah 1 acre land 6.00 2 cabins 12.00 $18.00 No. 375 Sunshine 2 cabins $16.00 No. 376 Thomas Benje 5 acres land 40.00 2 acres land 12.00 30 peach trees 33.75 1 cabin 8.00 $93.75 No. 377 Bird-pecker 1 cabin $10.00 No. 378 Old Swimmer 5 acres land 120.00 3 ½ acres land 21.00 4 peach trees 4.50 1 nursery 1.00 5 cabins 40.00 $106.50 No. 379 Woodcock ½ acres land 3.00 3 peach trees 3.37 ½ $6.37 ½ No. 380 John Leak 15 acres land 120.00 3 ½ acres land 21.00 13 peach trees 9.00 4 cabins 78.00 $228.00 No. 381 Arch Bag 5 acres land 40.00 ½ acres land 9.00 32 peach trees 36.00 4 cabins 30.00 $115.00 No. 382 John McClemore 1 ½ acres land 12.00 2 cabins 14.00 $26.00 No. 383 Little Swimmer 2 acres land 16.00 3 cabins 25.00 $41.00 No. 384 A. Barque 3 ½ acres land 28.00 8 peach trees 9.00 4 apple trees 6.00 1 cabin 10.00 $53.00 No. 385 Scattered Meat 1 acre land 8.00 1 cabin 4.00 $12.00 No. 386 Tale Barque 3 acres land 21.00 1 cabin 20.00 $41.00 No. 387 T. Sutee 2 ½ acres land 16.00 1 cabin 10.00 $26.00 No. 388 Sconantoi 4 acres land 24.00 1 ¾ acres land 14.00 15 peach trees 16.87 ½ 1 cabin 13.00 57.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 4.00 $53.87 ½ No. 389 Rattling Gord 2 acres land $14.00 No. 390 John Leak 5 ½ acres land 38.00 3 cabins 18.00 $56.00 No. 391 Standing Wolf 30 large and 4 small peach trees $34.75 No. 392 Jack Sevier 1 ½ acres land 9.00 14 ½ acres land 114.00 27 peach trees 30.37 ½ 1 cabin 10.00 $163.37 ½ No. 393 Little Charles 4 ¼ acres land 25.50 4 ¼ acres land 34.00 14 peach trees 15.75 3 cabins 30.00 $105.25 No. 394 Jack Girty 1 ¼ acres land 7.50 4 acres land 32.00 2 cabins 20.00 59.50 Deduct for fence 2.00 $57.50 No. 395 Obscene 5 ½ acres land 38.50 10 peach trees 9.25 4 cabins 24.00 $71.75 No. 396 Qua-lu-ki 5 ¾ acres land 46.00 29 large and 5 small peach trees 33.87 ½ 4 cabins 40.00 $119.87 ½ No. 397 R. Che-la 2 ½ acres land 15.00 12 large and 7 small peach trees 15.25 10 apple trees 15.00 3 cabins 24.00 $69.25 No. 398 John Crossland 31 ½ acres land 250.00 165 peach trees 82.50 1 nursery 3.50 9 cabins 81.00 1 horse mill 100.00 $517.00 No. 399 Charles Coody 25 acres land 175.00 3 cabins 40.00 $215.00 No. 400 Bob-tail 3 acres land 18.00 1 cabin 8.00 26.00 Deduct for fence 3.00 $23.00 No. 401 Dirt-seller 1 cabin $10.00 No. 402 The Ridge 2 acres land 14.00 1 cabin 10.00 24.00 Deduct for fencing 7.00 $17.00 No. 403 Little John 8 ½ acres land 51.00 33 peach trees 57.12 ½ 4 cabins 32.00 $120.12 ½ No. 404 Cross 4 acres land 24.00 1 cabin 10.00 $34.00 No. 405 Dic Toney 13 ¼ acres land 106.00 38 peach trees 42.75 3 cabins 30.00 $178.75 No. 406 Stinking Oil 2 acres land 16.00 3 peach trees 3.37 ½ 1 cabin 10.00 $29.37 ½ No. 407 The Swan ½ acre land 3.00 1 cabin 8.00 $11.00 No. 407 Improvement Cr. 1 acres land with good fence 8.00 3 apple trees 3.50 1 peach tree 1.12 ½ $19.87 ½ No. 408 Wast Gord 2 acres land 16.00 4 peach trees 4.50 1 cabin 10.00 $30.50 No. 409 The Eagle 2 ½ acres land 15.00 2 ½ acres land 20.00 6 peach trees 6.75 3 cabins 16.00 57.75 Deduct for fence 5.00 $52.75 No. 410 M. Clory 1 acre land 6.00 3 cabins 18.00 $24.00 No. 411 Gun Ratcliff 1 acre land 6.00 1 cabin 8.00 $14.00 No. 412 Belly full of Hommony 6 ¾ acres land 54.00 2 cabins 16.00 $70.00 No. 413 Six-killer 5 acres land 40.00 22 peach trees 24.75 2 cabins 18.00 $82.75 No. 414 Pheasant 14 acres land 96.50 1 cabin 10.00 106.00 Deduct for fencing 12.00 $94.00 No. 415 Walter Williams 20 acres land 144.00 12 peach trees 13.50 6 cabins 42.00 $199.50 No. 416 Crying Otter 5 acres land 38.00 1 cabin 8.00 $46.00 No. 417 The Basket 2 ¾ acres land 16.50 17 peach trees 19.12 ½ 1 cabin 8.00 $43.62 ½ No. 418 Co-litz-zeh 2 acres land $12.00 No. 419 Mulberry District School house, dwelling and garden $160.00 No. 420 Peter May 12 ¼ acres land 75.00 1 ¼ acre land 6.00 8 peach trees 9.00 5 cabins 30.00 120.00 Deduct for fence 3.00 $117.00 No. 421 The Fox 11 ¾ acres land 92.00 43 peach trees and 3 apple scions 52.87 ½ 3 cabins 45.00 $189.87 ½ No. 422 Betsey 6 ¾ acres land 22.50 1 cabin 6.00 $28.50 No. 423 Nelowie 43 ¾ acres land 299.25 3 bearing and 150 small peach trees 49.87 ½ 148 apple trees 222.00 4 cabins 120.00 $982.12 ½ No. 424 John Cooley 2 cabins and cow-pen $26.00 No. 425 The Climbing Bear 3 acres land 12.00 1 cabin 8.00 $20.00 No. 426 Nelowie's mother 2 acres land $24.00 No. 427 Smoker 10 acres land 80.00 1 cabin 5.00 $85.00 No. 428 Walter Webber 20 ¾ acres land 166.00 3 acres land 12.00 121 ¾ acres land 852.25 6 ¾ acres land 40.40 82 bearing & 59 young peach trees 107.00 75 bearing & 110 young apple trees 195.00 20 cabins 315.00 1 cotton-gin house 1,000.00 $2,687.75 No. 429 Titus Grape-vine 2 ½ acres land 17.50 3 cabins 15.00 57 peach trees 49.75 82.25 Deduct for fencing 1.50 $80.75 No. 429 Improvement Cr. 25 acres land 200.00 16 small peach trees 9.00 122 scions, peach 3.66 1 bearing and 1 small apple tree 2.25 $214.81 No. 430 John Rogers 1 cabin $5.00 No. 431 Poor Sam 1 cabin $6.00 No. 432 Deer Killer 3 ½ acres land 24.50 1 set house logs 3.00 27.50 Deduct for fencing 2.00 $25.50 No. 433 David Gentry 15 ½ acres land 108.50 3 ½ acres land 21.00 7 cabins 70.00 $199.50 No. 434 John W. Flowers 2 acres land 16.00 4 cabins 40.00 $56.00 No. 435 Michael 1 ½ acres land 9.00 1 cabin and stock pen 10.00 $19.00 No. 436 The Widow Bear-skin 1 stock pen and cabin $11.50 No. 437 Thomas Maw 13 ¼ acres land 119.50 7 peach trees 7.87 ½ 4 cabins 40.00 148.87 ½ Deduct for fencing 2.00 $146.87 ½ No. 438 Fodder 2 acres land 11.00 2 cabins 18.00 $29.00 No. 438 Improvement Cr. For the 4 cabins 40.00 2 ½ acres land 16.50 $56.50 No. 439 The Big Feather 7 ¼ acres land 45.00 20 peach and apple trees 31.50 2 cabins 16.00 92.50 Deduct for fencing 3.75 $88.75 No. 440 George Duval 20 acres land 140.00 40 peach and apple trees 93.00 6 cabins 80.00 313.00 Deduct for fencing 3.00 $310.00 No. 441 Scalps 5 acres land 35.00 2 cabins 12.00 47.00 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $44.50 No. 442 One-eyed Toney 4 ½ acres land 27.00 2 cabins 16.00 43.00 Deduct for fencing 2.50 $40.50 No. 443 The Blackbird 1 cabin $8.00 No. 444 The Wolf 5 acres land 35.00 1 cabin and body of another 11.00 $46.00 No. 445 John Duval 4 ¾ acres land 28.50 79 peach trees and 16 apple trees 112.87 ½ 2 cabins 16.00 157.37 ½ Deduct for fencing 4.00 $153.37 ½ No. 446 James Duval 10 ¼ acres land 61.50 22 peach trees and 21 apple trees 56.25 4 cabins 38.00 $155.75 No. 447 Long Tranch 1 ½ acres land $9.00 No. 448 Watt Graves 4 acres land 32.00 10 peach trees 2.50 3 cabins and stock pen 18.00 $52.50 No. 449 Widow Parch Corn 19 acres land 152.00 16 peach trees and 40 apple trees 78.00 2 cabins 90.00 $320.00 No. 450 James Mendith 8 ½ acres land 68.00 23 peach trees 25.87 ½ 10 cabins 20.00 $320.00 No. 451 R. Tiner (claimed plantation on little Red River) 20 acres land 160.00 1 cabin 10.00 $170.00 No. 452 Alexander Carter (claimed plantation on Cadron) 15 acres land $120.00 No. 453 Joseph Coker 26 acres land 208.00 8 acres land 48.00 170 peach trees 191.25 17 cabins 185.00 632.25 Deduct for fencing 8.00 $624.25 --------8 acres of land, 20 peach trees, 2 cabins ($10) are on a plantation within the late Cherokee limits; from this improvement also; the deduction is made on account of fencing No. 454 William Vickery 35 acres land 245.00 10 peach trees 11.25 6 cabins 60.00 12 acres land 84.00 2 cabins 20.00 12 acres land 84.00 2 cabins 20.00 15 acres land 105.00 153 peach trees 172.12 ½ 2 cabins 20.00 $821.37 ½ No. 455 Alexander Carter 2 cabins & 1 cow pen $40.00 No. 456 Moes Smith 1 acre land 8.00 15 peach trees 16.87 ½ 24.87 ½ Deduct for deficiency in fencing 2.00 $22.87 ½ No. 457 Walter Webber 5 acres land 35.00 10 peach trees 11.25 46.25 Deduct for deficiency in fencing 10.00 $36.25 No. 458 George Chisholm 4 acres land 28.00 18 peach trees 20.25 48.25 Deduct for fence 8.00 $40.25 No. 459 John Smith 2 acres land 12.00 52 peach trees 58.50 70.50 Deduct for fencing 4.00 $66.50 No. 460 Susannah Stintson ¼ acre land 1.50 40 peach trees 45.00 46.50 Deduct for fencing .50 $46.00 No. 461 At the mouth of White Oak 1 cabin $8.00 No. 462 Washing Gord 2 acres land $18.00 No. 463 At the mouth of Mullery 1 ¾ acres land $14.00 No. 464 The Hips 3 ¼ acres land $20.00 No. 465 Spanish Peter's son 2 cabins $80.00 No. 466 Richard Stintson 1 cabin 6.00 6 peach trees 6.75 500 rails 2.50 $15.25 No. 467 Moses Smith 4 ½ acres land 36.00 2 cabins 16.00 $52.00 No. 468 George Chisholm 6 acres land 48.00 2 cabins 12.00 $60.00 No. 469 Widow Fields 1 cabin $25.00 No. 470 Thomas Chisholm 27 acres land 270.00 Nursery containing 500 scions 15.00 30 apple trees 7.50 7 cabins 119.00 7 acres land 21.00 3,000 rails 15.00 11 peach trees 12.37 ½ $459.87 ½ No. 470 Improvement Cr. 1,200 fence rails 6.00 130 peach trees 3.90 30 apple scions 7.50 For labor performed by John Bollenger on the Cabins 9.50 $26.90 Cr. 5 catalpa trees 5.00 1 china tree, $1 8.50 1 cowpen, small, small 2.50 $15.40 No. 471 George Mackey 1 acre land 10.00 2 cabins 25.00 2 apple trees 1.50 $36.50 No. 472 Samuel Mackey 20 acres land 200.00 3 acres land 9.00 30 apple trees 22.50 1 peach nursery 1.50 4 cabins 98.00 $331.00 Dr. No. 471 and 472 Improvement Cr. 350 peach scions at 3 cents each 10.50 30 apple scions at 25 cents each 7.50 36 larger size, 50 cents each 18.00 8 peach trees in garden 8.00 1 large lot and 900 rails 9.00 1 acre cleared and fenced land 10.00 Clearing around plantation 12.50 No. 473 Geo. Owl 9 acres land 63.00 17 young peach trees 2.00 2 cabins 15.00 $80.00 No. 474 John Owl 10 acres land 70.00 26 young peach trees 3.00 3 cabins 24.00 $97.00 No. 475 John (Shawnee) 9 acres land 63.00 7 peach trees 1.00 1 cabin 10.00 $74.00 No. 476 Shalloo 3 acres land 21.00 1 small cabin 8.00 $29.00 No. 477 Thomas Hinum 6 acres land 36.00 3 cabins 30.00 $66.00 No. 478 John Bagg's children 25 acres land 100.00 Deduct for fencing 34.00 $66.00 No. 479 Gun-cap 1 cabin 6.00 2 acres land 14.00 $20.00 No. 480 Cornstalk village 19 acres land 133.00 3 cabins 18.00 151.00 Deduct for fence 19.00 $132.00 No. 481 Crooked-creek village 95 acres land 665.00 36 cabins 216.00 881.00 Deduct for fencing 95.00 $786.00 No. 482 Charles Snead 12 acres land 84.00 2 cabins 12.00 $96.00 No. 483 Turner 10 acres land 70.00 2 cabins 12.00 $82.00 No. 484 Danforth 12 acres land 84.00 3 cabins 18.00 $104.00 No. 484 Improvement Cr. 80 bearing peach trees at 1.12 ½ 90.00 80 small peach trees at 50 cents 40.00 $130.00 No. 485 Shawnee Bob 10 acres land 70.00 40 peach trees 40.00 3 cabin 18.00 $128.00 No. 486 Anna Coker 18 acres land 126.00 4 cabins 24.00 1 well (39 feet deep) 39.00 $183.00 No. 487 James Radcliff 25 acres land 200.00 63 peach trees 60.00 4 cabins 24.00 $384.00 No. 488 William Wood 7 acres land 49.00 1 cabin 6.00 55.00 Deduct for fencing 7.00 $48.00 No. 489 A. Lafferty 17 acres land 119.00 2 cabins 12.00 131.00 Deduct for fence 17.00 $114.00 No. 490 George Gill 18 acres land 126.00 60 apple trees 75.00 1 cabin 6.00 207.00 Deduct for fence 18.00 $189.00 No. 491 Peter Adams 16 acres land 112.00 2 cabins 12.00 124.00 Deduct for fence 16.00 $108.00 No. 492 Robert Livingtom 35 acres land 245.00 2 cabins 12.00 $257.00 No. 493 John Adams 6 acres land 42.00 Deduct for fence 6.00 $36.00 No. 494 William Egill 5 acres land 35.00 1 cabin 6.00 $41.00 No. 495 Mathew Adams 15 acres land 105.00 30 peach trees 30.00 2 cabins 12.00 $147.00 No. 496 Baker Tyler 8 acres land 56.00 1 cabin 6.00 62.00 Deduct for fence 8.00 $54.00 No. 497 Charles Kelly 40 acres land 280.00 2 cabins 12.00 $292.00 No. 498 Dick Choctaw, on Frog Bayou 3 acres land $24.00 No. 499 The Hips 4 acres land 24.00 10 small peach trees 5.62 ½ 1 set house logs, 16 feet long 5.00 $34.62 ½ No. 500 Charles Rogers 2,400 rails 12.00 300 clapboards 1.50 $13.50 No. 501 The Girt 2 cabins (indifferent) rails 800 $15.00
Hello, I’m wondering if you’re able to determine where each of these improvements is geographically? I.E. can they be attributed to a specific plot of land?
Not that I’m aware of Lela.