1910 Eastern Shawnee Census

Census of the Eastern Shawnee Indians of Quapaw Agency, Okla.
on June 30, 1910, taken by Ira C. Deaver, Supt. & Spec. E Dist, Okla.

The Number is the Roll Number, and these may change from census year to census year. In this case, the first number represents the number you will find the individual on the 1909 census and the second number represents the current roll number for 1910.

1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 1

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
2–1Lewis Beaver38M
3–2John Beaver35M
4–3Carrie BluejacketMother50F
7–4William T. BluejacketSon16M
8–5Blanche BluejacketDaughter14F
9–6Amy BluejacketDaughter10F
10–7Clyde BluejacketSon7M
5–8Walter Bluejacket25M
6–9Edward Bluejacket22M
11–10James Bone39M
12–11Thomas CaptainFather55M
15–12Sarah M. CaptainDaughter18F
16–13William N. CaptainSon15M
17–14Mike CaptainSon14M
18–15Grace CaptainDaughter13F
19–16George F. CaptainSon10M
20–17Martha Evaline CaptainDaughter9F
21–18Sophronia CaptainDaughter7F
13–19Thomas Captain23M
22–20Howard Daughtery29M
23–21George Daughtery27M
24–22Rosa B. DaughteryMother29F
25–23Louisa DaughteryDaughter12F
26–24Susan DaughteryDaughter8F
27–25Joshua DaughterySon5M
29–26David Daughtery22M
34–27James Dick33M
35–28Nancy Dushane63F
36–29David Dushane (alias Dan Dshane)30M
–30_____ DushaneDaughter31/2F
37–31Benjamin Samuel DushaneHusband24M
76–32Sarah Mohawk DushaneWife23F

In 1910 Ira Deaver enumerated a daughter of David Dushane (alias Dan Dshane) as age 31/2. My best guess is this child is 31 days old. Likely the mother died in childbirth, as she is missing from this census listing, but further analysis should be done by anyone researching this line.

1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 2

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
38–33Charles DushaneFather34M
39–34Nina DushaneDaughter13F
40–35Jessie DushaneDaughter6F
41–36Everet DushaneSon3M
–37Nadine Oda DushaneDaughter1F
42–38Andrew DushaneFather38M
43–39Walter DushaneSon15M
44–40Clifford DushaneSon11M
45–41Rebecca DushaneDaughter8F
46–42Naomi DushaneDaughter6F
48–43Sa-pa-to-ava-sa_____ Flint57F
49–44Mary Quick Gibson24F
50–45Ida M. Bluejacket HoldenMother26F
51–46Charles H. HoldenSon7M
52–47Edith HoldenDaughter7F
53–48Ginerva Esther HoldenDaughter4F
54–49Cora VanSandt HollingsworthMother41F
56–50Nellie HamptonDaughter17F
57–51Fred HamptonSon15M
58–52Mark HamptonSon13M
59–53George VanSandtSon9M
–54Ida May HollingsworthDaughter3F
–55Opal Pay HollingsworthDaughter3F
60–56William H. HamptonHusband25M
61–57Cordelia C. HamptonWife21F
62–58Ozina Anabel C. HamptonDaughter6F
63–59Eudora May HamptonDaughter5F
–60William H. Hampton, Jr.Son5M
55–61Ora Hampton23M
65–62Rosella Thomas HarveyMother33F
66–63Frank ProphetSon18M
67–64Minnie T. House (alias Mamie)Mother33F
68–65Thomas HouseSon8M
69–66Bessie HouseDaughter5F
–67Emma D. HouseDaughter1F
70–68Stonewall Jackson52M
71–69Matilda Jackson LittletomMother33F
72–70Hetty WilliamsDaughter8F

1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 3

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
73–71Martha Littlechief36F
74–72Fanny McLane (now Cayuga)46F
75–73John Mohawk52M
79–74Levi NicholsFather22M
80–75Cora Edna NicholsDaughter3F
47–76Laura Duncan Parker37F
28–77Jane Jackson PenderMother46F
30–78Samuel DaughterySon18M
31–79Minnie Eva WaltonDaughter15F
81–80John ProphetFather34M
82–81Edna E. ProphetDaughter10F
84–82Theodore ProphetSon8M
84–83Georgia ProphetDaughter7F
85–84Harriet ProphetDaughter5F
86–85Josephine ProphetDaughter4F
87–86William Prophet2M
88–87Maria ProphetMother47F
91–88Estella ProphetDaughter19F
92–89Franklin ProphetSon17M
93–90Elua ProphetSon15M
94–91Nancy ProphetDaughter13F
95–92Bertha Maria ProphetDaughter9F
89–93Minnie Prophet27F
90–94Ida Prophet23F
96–95Mary Punch (Sr.)62F
97–96Mary Punch Tucker27F
32–97Anna D. SkyeMother27F
33–98Emmett SkyeSon9M
1–99Mitche-to-theBall Spicer62M
99–100Susan Tomahawk SkakahMother40F
100–102Rose Ska-kahDaughter13F
101–102Anna Ska-kahDaughter12F
102–103Jacob Tomahawk45M

1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 4

NumberIndian NameEnglish NameRelationshipAgeSex
98–104Ella Thomas (Captain)17F
103–105Mattie TooleyMother41F
105–106Ella TooleyDaughter18F
106–107Effie TooleyDaughter8F
107–108Milton Turkeyfoot33M
14–109Mary E. Captain (Woodall)Mother23F
–110Leona WoodallDaughter9F
64–111Zarilda Hampton Wormington22F
79–112William P. StandFather29M
78–113Olive May StandDaughter4F

Digital Census Images


The Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Microfilm Publication M595, 692 rolls. Washington, D. C., : National Archives and Records Service, 1967.

Eastern Shawnee,

Quapaw Agency,


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