Census of the Eastern Shawnee Indians of Quapaw Agency, Okla.
on June 30, 1910, taken by Ira C. Deaver, Supt. & Spec. E Dist, Okla.
The Number is the Roll Number, and these may change from census year to census year. In this case, the first number represents the number you will find the individual on the 1909 census and the second number represents the current roll number for 1910.
1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 1
Number | Indian Name | English Name | Relationship | Age | Sex |
2–1 | Lewis Beaver | 38 | M | ||
3–2 | John Beaver | 35 | M | ||
4–3 | Carrie Bluejacket | Mother | 50 | F | |
7–4 | William T. Bluejacket | Son | 16 | M | |
8–5 | Blanche Bluejacket | Daughter | 14 | F | |
9–6 | Amy Bluejacket | Daughter | 10 | F | |
10–7 | Clyde Bluejacket | Son | 7 | M | |
5–8 | Walter Bluejacket | 25 | M | ||
6–9 | Edward Bluejacket | 22 | M | ||
11–10 | James Bone | 39 | M | ||
12–11 | Thomas Captain | Father | 55 | M | |
15–12 | Sarah M. Captain | Daughter | 18 | F | |
16–13 | William N. Captain | Son | 15 | M | |
17–14 | Mike Captain | Son | 14 | M | |
18–15 | Grace Captain | Daughter | 13 | F | |
19–16 | George F. Captain | Son | 10 | M | |
20–17 | Martha Evaline Captain | Daughter | 9 | F | |
21–18 | Sophronia Captain | Daughter | 7 | F | |
13–19 | Thomas Captain | 23 | M | ||
22–20 | Howard Daughtery | 29 | M | ||
23–21 | George Daughtery | 27 | M | ||
24–22 | Rosa B. Daughtery | Mother | 29 | F | |
25–23 | Louisa Daughtery | Daughter | 12 | F | |
26–24 | Susan Daughtery | Daughter | 8 | F | |
27–25 | Joshua Daughtery | Son | 5 | M | |
29–26 | David Daughtery | 22 | M | ||
34–27 | James Dick | 33 | M | ||
35–28 | Nancy Dushane | 63 | F | ||
36–29 | David Dushane (alias Dan Dshane) | 30 | M | ||
–30 | _____ Dushane | Daughter | 31/2 | F | |
37–31 | Benjamin Samuel Dushane | Husband | 24 | M | |
76–32 | Sarah Mohawk Dushane | Wife | 23 | F |
In 1910 Ira Deaver enumerated a daughter of David Dushane (alias Dan Dshane) as age 31/2. My best guess is this child is 31 days old. Likely the mother died in childbirth, as she is missing from this census listing, but further analysis should be done by anyone researching this line.
1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 2
Number | Indian Name | English Name | Relationship | Age | Sex |
38–33 | Charles Dushane | Father | 34 | M | |
39–34 | Nina Dushane | Daughter | 13 | F | |
40–35 | Jessie Dushane | Daughter | 6 | F | |
41–36 | Everet Dushane | Son | 3 | M | |
–37 | Nadine Oda Dushane | Daughter | 1 | F | |
42–38 | Andrew Dushane | Father | 38 | M | |
43–39 | Walter Dushane | Son | 15 | M | |
44–40 | Clifford Dushane | Son | 11 | M | |
45–41 | Rebecca Dushane | Daughter | 8 | F | |
46–42 | Naomi Dushane | Daughter | 6 | F | |
48–43 | Sa-pa-to-ava-sa | _____ Flint | 57 | F | |
49–44 | Mary Quick Gibson | 24 | F | ||
50–45 | Ida M. Bluejacket Holden | Mother | 26 | F | |
51–46 | Charles H. Holden | Son | 7 | M | |
52–47 | Edith Holden | Daughter | 7 | F | |
53–48 | Ginerva Esther Holden | Daughter | 4 | F | |
54–49 | Cora VanSandt Hollingsworth | Mother | 41 | F | |
56–50 | Nellie Hampton | Daughter | 17 | F | |
57–51 | Fred Hampton | Son | 15 | M | |
58–52 | Mark Hampton | Son | 13 | M | |
59–53 | George VanSandt | Son | 9 | M | |
–54 | Ida May Hollingsworth | Daughter | 3 | F | |
–55 | Opal Pay Hollingsworth | Daughter | 3 | F | |
60–56 | William H. Hampton | Husband | 25 | M | |
61–57 | Cordelia C. Hampton | Wife | 21 | F | |
62–58 | Ozina Anabel C. Hampton | Daughter | 6 | F | |
63–59 | Eudora May Hampton | Daughter | 5 | F | |
–60 | William H. Hampton, Jr. | Son | 5 | M | |
55–61 | Ora Hampton | 23 | M | ||
65–62 | Rosella Thomas Harvey | Mother | 33 | F | |
66–63 | Frank Prophet | Son | 18 | M | |
67–64 | Minnie T. House (alias Mamie) | Mother | 33 | F | |
68–65 | Thomas House | Son | 8 | M | |
69–66 | Bessie House | Daughter | 5 | F | |
–67 | Emma D. House | Daughter | 1 | F | |
70–68 | Stonewall Jackson | 52 | M | ||
71–69 | Matilda Jackson Littletom | Mother | 33 | F | |
72–70 | Hetty Williams | Daughter | 8 | F |
1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 3
Number | Indian Name | English Name | Relationship | Age | Sex |
73–71 | Martha Littlechief | 36 | F | ||
74–72 | Fanny McLane (now Cayuga) | 46 | F | ||
75–73 | John Mohawk | 52 | M | ||
79–74 | Levi Nichols | Father | 22 | M | |
80–75 | Cora Edna Nichols | Daughter | 3 | F | |
47–76 | Laura Duncan Parker | 37 | F | ||
28–77 | Jane Jackson Pender | Mother | 46 | F | |
30–78 | Samuel Daughtery | Son | 18 | M | |
31–79 | Minnie Eva Walton | Daughter | 15 | F | |
81–80 | John Prophet | Father | 34 | M | |
82–81 | Edna E. Prophet | Daughter | 10 | F | |
84–82 | Theodore Prophet | Son | 8 | M | |
84–83 | Georgia Prophet | Daughter | 7 | F | |
85–84 | Harriet Prophet | Daughter | 5 | F | |
86–85 | Josephine Prophet | Daughter | 4 | F | |
87–86 | William Prophet | 2 | M | ||
88–87 | Maria Prophet | Mother | 47 | F | |
91–88 | Estella Prophet | Daughter | 19 | F | |
92–89 | Franklin Prophet | Son | 17 | M | |
93–90 | Elua Prophet | Son | 15 | M | |
94–91 | Nancy Prophet | Daughter | 13 | F | |
95–92 | Bertha Maria Prophet | Daughter | 9 | F | |
89–93 | Minnie Prophet | 27 | F | ||
90–94 | Ida Prophet | 23 | F | ||
96–95 | Mary Punch (Sr.) | 62 | F | ||
97–96 | Mary Punch Tucker | 27 | F | ||
32–97 | Anna D. Skye | Mother | 27 | F | |
33–98 | Emmett Skye | Son | 9 | M | |
1–99 | Mitche-to-the | Ball Spicer | 62 | M | |
99–100 | Susan Tomahawk Skakah | Mother | 40 | F | |
100–102 | Rose Ska-kah | Daughter | 13 | F | |
101–102 | Anna Ska-kah | Daughter | 12 | F | |
102–103 | Jacob Tomahawk | 45 | M |
1910 Eastern Shawnee Census – page 4
Number | Indian Name | English Name | Relationship | Age | Sex |
98–104 | Ella Thomas (Captain) | 17 | F | ||
103–105 | Mattie Tooley | Mother | 41 | F | |
105–106 | Ella Tooley | Daughter | 18 | F | |
106–107 | Effie Tooley | Daughter | 8 | F | |
107–108 | Milton Turkeyfoot | 33 | M | ||
14–109 | Mary E. Captain (Woodall) | Mother | 23 | F | |
–110 | Leona Woodall | Daughter | 9 | F | |
64–111 | Zarilda Hampton Wormington | 22 | F | ||
79–112 | William P. Stand | Father | 29 | M | |
78–113 | Olive May Stand | Daughter | 4 | F |
Digital Census Images

The Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Microfilm Publication M595, 692 rolls. Washington, D. C., : National Archives and Records Service, 1967.