1884 Hester Roll Index

Last Updated on February 9, 2013 by Dennis

An index to the 1884 Hester Roll. Compiled by Joseph G. Hester as a roll of Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in 1883.  This Roll itself provides the Chapman roll number and English and Indian name.

A Surname

Number Name Comment

389 Abel
672 A-chin-nih
305 A-dam, Ned
1124 Adam
1354 Adam
1456 Adams , Melvina Jane
1457 Adams, Walter Marion
922 Ai-chin-neh
455 Ai-gih
1138 Al-gih-nih
1116 Ai-gil-lih
636 Ai-kih
1044 Ai-kih
1122 Ai-kih
826 Ai-kin-nih
900 Ai-kin-nih
1023 Ai-le-cah-nah-he-tah
543 Ai-lec-gih, Oo-kum-muh
33 Ai-lih
662 Ai-lih
578 Ai-lih-mih
703 Ail-kih-hih
811 Ail-lih
181 Ail-sih
381 Ail-sih
466 Ail-sih
481 Ail-sih
610 Ail-sih
689 Ail-sih
1058 Ail-sih
366 Ail-sin-ih
601 Ai-mih
1206 Ai-nah-sah
1038 Ai-neh-lih
831 Ai-ne-kih
374 Ai-nih
535 Ain-ih
728 Ain-ih
804 Ai-nih
1000 Ai-nih
1113 Ai-nih
1185 Ai-nih
1335 Ai-nih
101 Ai-nih-kih
641 Ai-nih-kih
654 Ai-nih-kih
935 Ai-nih-le-sah
1198 Ai-nih-skah-yah-te-hih
667 Ain-sih
85 Ain-sih
503 Ai-wih
820 Ai-wih
885 Ai-wih
1005 Ai-wih
1100 Ai-wih
1311 Ai-wih
329 Ai-ye-nih
857 Ah-cah-lu-kah
1204 Ah-cah-te-yoh
529 Ah-cle-ah-te-skih
340 Ah-cle-yah-te-skih
573 Ah-coo-yah
352 Ah-he-ah-tah
259 Ah-he-aw-kah
1199 Ah-heaw-kah
736 Ah-he-aw-lih
686 Ah-heh-kih
482 Ah-he-uh-cin-ih
729 Ah-kah- te-yah
803 Ab-kle-ah-to-skih
1287 Ah-la-nih
766 Ah-la-te-skih
421 Ah-la-te-skih
84 Ah-la-na-kih
1165 Ahl-cin-nih
216 Ah-le-an-eh
289 Ah-le-kih
307 Ah-le-kih
1317 Ah-le-na-kih
427 Ah-le-ne-sih
24 Ah-le-nih
147 Ah-le-nih
391 Ah-le-nih
744 Ah-le-nih
1334 Ah-le-nih
87 Ah-le-sih-nih
1121 Ah-le-tee-skih
659 Ah-le-ya-nih
426 Ah-lic-stah-nih
526 Ah-lic-stah-nih
182 Ah-lih
298 Ah-lih
618 Ah-lih
907 Ah-lih
1021 Ah-lih
108 Ah-lih-nuh
162 Ah-lin-nih
777 Ahl-kin-nih, Tow-eh
688 Ahl-sah
747 Ahl-sih-nih
1288 Ah-lum-mih
823 Ah-nah-yih
786 Ah-ne-coo-la-kih
327 Ah-neh-yeh
422 Ah-ne-le-sih
850 Ah-ne-nes-sih
1053 Ah-ne-ni-yoh
351 Ah-ne-tau-nah-ih
1342 Ah-ne-wa-kih
760 Ah-ne-wa-kih
296 Ah-ne-yaw-eh
146 Ah-nih
864 Ah-nih
565 Ah-nih-wa-kih
813 Ah-noo-yaw-heh
144 Ah-noo-yaw-hih
1196 Ah-noo-yaw-hih
1324 Ah-noo-yaw-hih
1032 Ah-quah-chah
554 Ah-quah-hah-mah
734 Ah-quah-hah-mah
1194 All-quah-hah-mih
1155 Ah-quah-ta-kih
117 Ah-tah-wih
112 Ah-tah-wih
633 Ah-ta-la-ah-kah-te-yah
591 Ah-te-sah-eh
723 Ah-too-yah-skih
856 Ah-too-wih
1132 Ah-too-yuh-skih
28 Ah-tu-ya-skih
288 Ah-wah-ne-tah
605 Ah-wah-tih
549 Ah-wheh-ne-tah
1192 Ah-wih-ste-cah
592 Ah-yah-stah
404 Ah-ya-nih
1041 Ah-ya-nih
738 Ah-yaw-stah
116 Ah-yeh-la-heh
1353 Ah-yoh-stah
1134 Ah-yos-tah
685 Al-ex-an-der
503 Al-kin-neh
1061 Al-kin-nih
1325 Al-kin-nih
926 Al-len
Allen, Fannie D, p 68 R
Allen, Jane p 85 Rej.
Allen, Robert p 88 R
Allen, Willard p 88 R
1120 A-loh-teh
225 Al-sah
590 Al-sah
634 Al-sih-nih
2743 Al-toh, Texas
410 An-a-ni-ah
1605 Anderson, Abe Lincoln
Anderson, Addie p 87 Rej.
1608 Anderson, Elizabeth
1671 Anderson, Franklin
Anderson, Henry  James p 87 Raj.
1667 Anderson, James
Anderson, James p 87 Rej.
1674 Anderson, James Buchan.
1609 Anderson, Jemima
1604 Anderson, John
Anderson, John p 87 Rej.
1610 Anderson, John
Anderson, Lizzie   p 86 Rej.
1672 Anderson, Lydia
1603 Anderson, Louisa
1670 Anderson, Lucius
1668 Anderson, May Retetum
1601 Anderson, Nancy
1611 Anderson, Nancy.
1606 Anderson, Robert I.
1673 Anderson, Sarah
Anderson, Sarah p 86 Rej.
1602 Anderson, William
1607 Anderson, William
1669 Anderson, William Lorenzo
1713 Andrews, Charles F.
1712 Andrews, Harriet
1219 Andrews, Sarah
Andrews, William H.. p 88 R
719 Andy, Standing Deer
789 An-ge-li-nih
369 An-ne-yah-tih
127 An-nie
1011 An-nie
205 An-nih
321 A-quah-hah-mih
308 A-queh-sih
197 Arch, Dave
Arnold, Becky p 84 Rej.
Arnold, Daniel p 88 R.
Arnold, Jesse p 84 Rej.
Arnold, John p 84 Rej.
Arnold, Leona p 84 7e j,
Arnold, Mary p 84 Rej.
Arnold, Prince p 88 R.
Arnold, Parthenia . p 84 Rej.
Arnold, Rufus p 84 Rej.
Arnold, Sallie p 84 Rej.
1143 Ar-on-each, Annie
621 A-taw-hih
250 A-tih
2835 Atkins, Emmit D.
2836 Atkins, James W.
2837 Atkins, Nary E.
2834 Atkins, Ruthie D.
763 At-sa-ih
1184 Au-gun-ni-yeh-ah
740 Au-gun-nuh-staw-teh
27 Au-gun-nub-staw-tuh
749 Au-gun-staw-teh
757 Au-nih
287 A-wih
1072 Aw-nih
1034 Axe, Ai-nih
1033 Axe, Ah-yu-wih
1036 Axe, Felix
1019 Axe, Jackson
1017 Axe, John Davis
1211 Axe, John D.
491 Axe, Josiah
1018 Axe, Lesih
1035 Axe, Morgan
1037 Axe, Sal-kin-neh
627 A-ye-nih


AccessGenealogy.com Native American Rolls.

5 thoughts on “1884 Hester Roll Index”

  1. My several back great grandfather’s name was Ti-S-Too, of New Kent County Virginia, born in 1687. He fought in the Revolutionary War for America, and was married to Sal-ia or Sally Scraper. The people that signed him up for the war couldn’t pronounce his name so they changed it to Jackson England. He was full blooded Cherokee, and I am looking for information on him but I can’t find anything. Is there anyone that can help me?

    1. My name is Sharon Rea, my grandma was donie Hester she walked the trail of tears as a little girl, I lost alot of my family, my real name is Shinning Spirit Walker

  2. My friend is searching records for any information. His Great Grandmother was either Leoma Mary Parker #2131 on the Hester Roll or Mary L Parker on the Dawes roll #31133. Card number 10476. He would very much like to know how he can obtain his certification and roll card. Can you help?

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