“The San Antonio Story” by Sam Woolford, with contributions from his wife Bess Carroll Woolford, is a history of San Antonio, Texas. Published in 1950 by Joske’s of Texas, the book was conceived as a remedy for the lack of historical knowledge among San Antonio’s school children, a concern identified by Herbert U. Rhodius, chairman of the Municipal Advertising Commission of San Antonio in 1948-49. Rhodius and his colleagues believed that a readable and authentic history could address this educational gap, making it suitable supplementary reading for public junior high schools.
Sam and Bess Carroll Woolford were chosen to author the book due to their extensive journalistic and editorial backgrounds, coupled with their passion for San Antonio’s history. Their research, much of it previously unpublished, provided a rich foundation for this project. The manuscript underwent rigorous review by a panel of about twenty-five critics, including both amateur and professional historians, ensuring the book’s accuracy and effectiveness. After incorporating feedback, the manuscript was revised and reviewed again by a smaller group of experts before final publication.
“The San Antonio Story” fills a significant gap in historical literature by offering a complete narrative from the city’s beginnings to the mid-20th century. The book stands out for its photographic section, featuring nearly fifty images that chronicle San Antonio from the 1850s onward. Selected for their historical significance, these photographs complement the text by providing visual insights that words alone cannot convey.
Additionally, the book includes a bibliography of San Antoniana, listing valuable books and pamphlets about the city. While not exhaustive, this bibliography serves as a useful resource for students, historians, librarians, writers, and collectors.
The book takes you on an exploration of San Antonio’s history, from its early days as Yanaguana through various periods of conquest, mission establishment, and significant historical events, including the Alamo, the Civil War, and both World Wars. The book concludes with a look at San Antonio as a modern city and its vibrant Fiesta celebrations.
“The San Antonio Story” is a collaborative effort that brings together the expertise and enthusiasm of many individuals dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of this ancient and colorful city.
Table of Contents
- Yanaguana, p. 9
- The Conquerors Come, p. 14
- Bexar, p. 18
- The Missions, p. 23
- San Fernando Town, p. 27
- The Seventh Flag, p. 31
- Yanqui Doodle, p. 37
- Viva Texas! p. 39
- Alamo, p. 45
- Let Freedom Ring, p. 52
- O, Pioneers! p. 61
- Stars and Stripes, p. 69
- The Wearing of the Gray, p. 80
- Trails, p. 91
- After Dark, p. 98
- The Gay Nineties, p. 108
- World War I, p. 116
- The Giant Stretches, p. 121
- World War II, p. 126
- The Modern City, p. 132
- Fiesta! p. 140
Picture Section, p. 145
Bibliography, p. 176
Gallery of Photographs of San Antonio
An especially noteworthy feature of the present book is the photographic section, which contains nearly fifty photographs showing San Antonio scenes at different periods, beginning with the 1850’s. Each photograph was selected largely on the basis of its informative value; many tell a story that words cannot tell as well. Those published were picked from an assortment of several hundred historical photographs, all of San Antonio scenes or persons. Therefore, the photographic section is a kind of pictorial history of the city from 1850-1950.

Index to The San Antonio Story
Acequias, 25, 26, 27, 29, 47, 58, 55, 62, 113
Adams, Paul, 4-5, 6, 110-111
Aguayo, Marquis de, 24
Akin, R. M., 6
Alamo (see also Battles and Missions), 42, 48, 45-51, 56, 104, 112, 138
Alamo Heights, 9, 77
Alarcon, Don Martin de, 18-22
Allen, Gen. Henry T., 119
Anderson, Charles, 86
Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 127
Arredondo, Gen. Joaquin, 34-35, 38
Arsenal, San Antonio, 70, 87, 109
Artists, 67, 68
Austin, Moses, 37-38
Austin, Stephen F., 38, 48
Badgett, Jesse B., 49
Bandera, 106
Banks, Stanley, 6, 71-72
Barker, Dr. Eugene C., 39, 50
Barkley, David, 119
Barrett, Monte, 7, 50
Bastrop, Baron de, 38
“Bat Cave,” 72; 82; 101
Battle of Flowers, 113-114, 140-144
Battles: Alamo, 45-51; Alazan, 34; Concepcion, 41-42; Council House Fight, 56-57; Gonzales, 40-41; Grass Fight, 42; Medina, 34, 35; Rosalio, 32; Salado, 59; San Antonio, 39-44; San Jacinto, 52
Bean, Roy, 88
Belknap, Augustus, 102
Belknap Rifles, 101, 102, 114
Bell, Jessup, 103
Beltran, Carlos, 32, 33, 34
Benavides, Capt. Placido, 44
Berends, Julius, 65
Bexar, duke of, 21
Bexar, San Antonio de, 18-22
Bexar, Villa de, 18-22, 28
Boerne, 64
Bonham, James Butler, 49
Bowen, John, 77
Bowie, James, 41, 43, 48, 49, 50
Brackenridge, Col. George W., 82, 105
Brooks Field, 127
Brooks, Lieut. Sidney, 118
Buckhorn Saloon, 93
Burleson, Col. Edward, 41, 42
Bushick, Frank, 6, 112
Caldwell, Matthew (Old Paint), 58-59
Callaghan, Bryan, 68, 90, 108, 115
Camels, 80
Cameron, Minnie B., 6
Camino Real, 15, 16-17, 38, 52
Camps, Army: John Wise 118; Travis, 118, 120, 125; Stanley, 118, 127; Wilson, 117, 118
Canary Islanders, 27-30, 48, 70
Carroll, Dr. H. Bailey, 6
Castaneda, Dr. Carlos E., 6, 11, 16, 21, 24, 28
Castro, Count Henri de, 66-67
Castroville, 66-67, 106
Chabot, Frederick C., 7, 47
Christian Church, 104
Coahuiltecans, 10-11, 12, 16-17, 2022,
Comfort, Texas, 64
Conquistadores, 14-17, 23, 30, 91
Coppini, Pompeo, 124-125
Corner, William, 4, 102
Cos, Gen. Martin Perfecto de, 40, 42, 48, 44, 47, 48
Cox, Dr. Isaac Joslin, 6, 21
Crimmins, Col. Martin L., 6, 69-70, 114
Crockett, David, 49, 51, 61
Davis, Jefferson, 80
Dawson, Capt. Nicholas, 59
Degen, Charles, 64, 65, 89
Delgado, Antonio, 33
Denver Heights, 113
DeVaca, Cabeza, 12
DeVilbiss, Rev. John Wesley, 72-73
Devine, Judge Thomas J., 60, 75
DeZavala, Adina, 23, 26, 143
Dobie, J. Frank, 6, 95-96
Eisenhower, Gen. Ike, 118, 126
Elizondo, Gen. Ignacio, 34, 35
Emmett, Chris, 6
Fannin, Col. James W., 41, 49
Fatal Corner, 105
Fechet, Gen. James, 118, 120
Fields, Army: Brooks, 127; Duncan, 127; Kelly, 118-120, 127, 135, 1388; Lackland, 125-127; Randolph, 125, 127
Fiesta de San Jacinto, 113-114, 140-144
First Presbyterian Church, 73
Floresville, 106
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 119
Fort Sam Houston, 94, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118-120, 125, 136
Foulois, Benjamin F., 118, 138
Founding of San Antonio, 15-17, 18-22
Franciscans, 15, 16-17, 18-22, 23-26, 46-47
Fredericksburg, 64, 106
Friedrich, Ed, 6, 89-90
Frost, John and Thomas, 81-82
Funston, Maj. Gen. Frederick, 117
Garza, Don Antonio de la, 101
Gates, John W. (Bet A Million), a13
German-English School, 65
Geronimo, Chief, 106-107
Goliad, 32, 48, 49
Gonzales, Texas, 40-41, 42, 49, 74
Guenther, Carl Hilmar, 102, 105
Gutiérrez, José Bernardo de Lara, 31-32, 34
Hagner, Lillie May, 6, 102
Harbord, Maj. Gen. James G., 119, 120
Harrison, President Benjamin, 113-114
Hays, Capt. Jack, 58-59
Herff, Charles, 7, 88
Heusinger, Edward W., 6, 47
Hidalgo, Father Miguel y Costilla, 31, 32, 33, 41
Houston, Gen. Sam, 48
Huizar, Pedro, 25
Hunter, J. Marvin, 6, 33, 92, 97
Industry, modern, 132-139
International Fair, 109-110
Isbell, Branch, 95
Isbell, George, 6
Jackson, Dr. W. W., 6, 76
James, John, 60
James, Vinton, 62, 72, 80-81
Johnson, Col. Frank W., 43
Johnston, Col. Albert Sidney, 85
Keating, Mary Aubrey, 77
Kelly Field, 118-120, 127, 135, 138
Kelly, Lieut. George E. M., 118
Kemper, Samuel, 32
Kendall, George Wilkins, 55
King, Sarah S., 7, 77
Krempkau, William B., 7, 84
Krueger, Gen. Walter, 126
Lackland AFB, 125, 127
Lambert, Ray, 7, 116-117
Lanier, Sidney, 102
La Quinta, 35
La Villita, 27-30, 64, 72, 124, 134
Law, Rodman, 119
Lee, Gen. Robert E., 70, 84-87, 106
Lewis, Nat, 78, 105
Lindbergh, Charles, 123
Little Chihuahua, 94-95
Longhorns, 90, 91-97, 113
Los Angeles Heights, 77
Lozano, Ruben Rendon, 6, 32, 34, 62
MacArthur, Douglas, 119
Magee, Augustus, 32
Magruder, Lydia W., 6, 82
Mahncke Hotel, 70, 112
Mahncke, Ludwig, 112, 117
Margil, Father Fray Antonio de Jestis, 23-25
Marshall, Gen. George C., 127
Massanet, Father Damien, 16-17
Maverick, Mrs. Mary A., 57, 58
Maverick, Maury, 7, 44, 838-84, 124
Maverick, Samuel A., 43-44, 49, 57, 83-84
Maverick, Sam, 7, 57
McCulloch, Col. Ben, 86-87
McCullough, Rev. John, 72-73
Menger Hotel, 64-65, 89, 112
Menger, William A., 6, 64-65, 89
Meusebach, Baron von, 64
Mexican War, 69-70
Mier Expedition, 59-60
Milam, Ben, 42-43, 57
Missions: Concepcidén, 24-25; Espada, 24-26, 56; San José, 24-25, 26, 57; San Juan Capistrano, 24-26; San Antonio de Valero (Alamo), 18-22, 27, 29, 30, 46-47, 122
Modern San Antonio, 132-139
Morrell, Rev. Z. N., 58-59
Mullen, Jack, 6
Navarro, José Antonio, 49, 63, 105
New Braunfels, 63-64, 94
Newcomb, Pearson, 6, 56, 65-66
Nixon, Dr. Pat Ireland, 6, 16
Ogden, Ira L., 119
Oil, 102, 134
Olivares, Father Fray San Antonio de San Buenaventura, 19-22, 24, 30, 47, 116
Paine Chapel, 73
Parks: Brackenridge, 10, 93, 105, 112, 116-117, 134, 138; Concepcién, 41-42; Milam, 43; Olmos, 118; Roosevelt, 115; San Pedro 9, 10, 15, 19, 21, 56, 70, 80, 112; Travis, 103
Perry, Maj. Henry, 34
Pershing, Gen. John J., 117-118, 119
Pike, Zebulon, 37
Porter, William Sydney (O. Henry), 110-111
Portwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benucee
Quillin, Ellen Schulz, 7, 121
Raba, Ernst, 7, 94
Randolph Field, 125, 127
Rios, Don Domingo Teran de, 16-17
Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano, 127
Roosevelt, President ‘Theodore, 114, 116
Rooster Church, 103
Rough Riders, 114-115
Ruiz, Francisco Antonio, 41, 49
Ruiz, José Francisco, 49
Ryder-Taylor, Henry, 110-111
St. Anthony de Padua, 16, 19, 20, 27
St. Denis, Luis Juchereau de, 17
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 103
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 82, 85, 86, 103
Salcedo, Manuel Maria de, 32
San Antonio Public Library, 68, 102, 121
San Fernando Cathedral, 29, 30, 123, 130, 135
San Fernando, Villa of, 27-30, 56, 78
San Francisco de la Espada Mission, 24-26, 56
San José y San Miguel de Aguayo Mission, 24-25, 26, 57
San Juan Capistrano Mission, 24-26
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 35, 40, 44, 46, 47-48, 49, 50, 52, 57-59
Schmitz, Bro. Joseph William, 6, 105-106
Scholz Palm Garden, 111
Schools: Coi, 55; German-English, 65; Lutheran, 75-76; modern, 76-77, 100, 123, 136; Newton, 71; private, 109; public, 65-66, 88; San Fernando, 29-30; St. Marys, 71; Trinity 76; Ursuline, 71
Schutz, William F., 7, 111
Seguin, Capt. Juan, 50, 106
Seguin, Don Erasmo, 41
Smith, Erastus (Deaf), 35, 43
Smith, Harvey P., 25
Smith, John W., 48, 52, 55
Solms-Braunfels, Prince Carl, 63-64
Southern Hotel, 101
Southern Pacific Railroad, 96-97
Spaatz, Carl, 118, 120
Spanish-American War, 114-115
Spanish Governor’s Palace, 29, 88, 139
Steves, Ed, 94
Stinson, Eddie, 119
Taft, President William Howard, 116
Temple Beth-El, 104
Tenge, Nic,°T, .65
Texas Revolution, 39-44, 45-51, 52
Thompson, Ben, 98, 105
Thorp, Raymond W., 50
Thurmond, Rev. John, 82
Tobin, John W., 7, 52, 121, 123
Toledo, Don José Alvaréz de, 34
Travis Park Methodist Church, 103
Travis, William Barret, 48, 49-50
Twiggs, Maj. Gen. David E., 85, 86
Twohig, John, 58, 105, 124
Ugartechea, Col. Domingo, 40, 43
Valero, Marquis de, 21
Vance House, 70, 101, 104
Vasquez, Gen. Rafael, 58
Veramendi, Don Martin de, 43
Veramendi Palace, 43, 54
Victoria, Texas, 44, 106
Wallace, Big Foot, 59
War Between the States, 80-90
Webb, Dr. Walter Prescott, 6
Wilkens, J. Ed, 7, 103, 109
Williams, Amelia, 7, 48
Witte Memorial Museum, 27, 68, 105, 121, 123, 138
Wofford, Mrs. Henry, 7, 35
Wolff, Eddy, 75, 95, 122
Wolff, Rev. August, 7, 66
Woll, Gen. Adrian, 58-59, 60
Wood, Leonard, 114
Wool, Gen. John Ellis, 70
World War I, 116-120
World War II, 126-131
Yanaguana, 9-12, 16, 18
Zizelmann, Rev. P. F., 66, 75-76, 83