Biographical Sketch of Dyer, J. E.

Son of Judge C. C. Dyer, was born at “Stafford’s Point,” Fort Bend County, July 11th, 1832, and was reared and educated in the town of Richmond, to which place his parents moved when he was but seven years of age. When he arrived at the age of manhood he engaged in stock-raising and merchandising, and in the banking business in Richmond, and in all branches of trade was a successful business man. He served as county treasurer of Fort Bend County from 1852 two 1859, a period of seven years, and at various times filled positions of honor and … Read more

Biography of Peter Rainsford Brady

Among the early pioneers of Arizona, none bore a more prominent part in its development than Peter Rainsford Brady. He came, on his paternal side, from good old Irish stock. His mother, Anna Rainsford, was from Virginia. He was born in Georgetown, District of Columbia, August 4th, 1825; received his education, in part, at the Georgetown College, later entering the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, from which he was graduated about the year 1&44. After cruising around the Mediterranean Sea in the United States vessel “Plymouth,” he resigned from the navy, and left his home October 26th, 1846, for San … Read more

Porter, Timothy – Obituary

Timothy Porter, 30, of San Antonio, Texas, a former Baker City resident, died Aug. 7, 2003, at San Antonio. His memorial service will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Windcrest United Methodist Church in San Antonio. Tim was born at Colorado Springs, Colo., on Nov. 18, 1972. He moved to Baker City with his family when he was a year and half old. He attended grade school through junior high and part of high school in Baker City. He wrestled in junior high and high school before moving to San Antonio. He was a 1991 graduate of Roosevelt High School. … Read more

Felton, Alexander “Chase” – Obituary

Alexander “Chase” Felton, 20, of Meridian, Idaho, a former Baker City resident and a 2004 Baker High School graduate, died unexpectedly on April 18, 2006, at his home. His memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at The Oasis, Seventh-day Adventist Church, 501 N. Curtis Road, Boise. The Aclesa Chapel & Tribute Center at Meridian is in charge of arrangements. Chase was born on April 20, 1985, to William “Bill” and Lisa Brevick Felton at Boise. His parents divorced and he was raised by his father and stepmother, Stacey Raymond Felton (whom he always considered his “real” mom), primarily … Read more

Biography of Frederick Funston

Frederick Funston, the most distinguished soldier who had ever gone forth from Kansas, was born at New Carlisle, Ohio, November 9, 1865, a son of Edward H, and Ann E. (Mitehell) Funston. When two years old his parents removed to Kansas, and in 1885 he became a student in the State University. He also attended the University in 1889-90, after which he was employed as a newspaper reporter in Kansas City, and the next year was botanist with the Death Valley expedition. General Funston was commissioned by the United States Agricultural Department, in 1893, to explore Alaska and report on … Read more

Biography of Colonel John Feudge

Colonel John Feudge was born in Waterford, Ireland, November 3, 1824. His parents came to the United States immediately after the inauguration of President John Quincy Adams. The subject of this sketch was first engaged assisting his father, who kept a market garden in the suburbs of New York City. When about sixteen years of age he was apprenticed and learned printing and stereotyping. He had worked some time, before becoming an apprentice, at type casting, by the old hand-mold method, and also as composing room devil, fly-boy, and wrapper-writer in the offices of the two great commercial papers of … Read more

Biography of Smith Deaf Smith

Erastus Smith, better known as “Deaf Smith,” was the son of Chiliab and Mary Smith, and was born in New York on the 19th of April 1787. At the age of eleven years he emigrated with his parents to the Mississippi Territory, and settled near Natchez. His parents were strict members of the Baptist Church, and gave him such moral and intellectual training, as the circumstances around them would permit. He first came to Texas in 1817 likely with some of the patriot forces that were constantly arriving at that time in the Province. He soon, however, returned home; but … Read more

Biography of William M. Price, Hon.

Hon. William M. Price, a resident of Kansas for fifteen years, is a successful banker, being now president of the Lyon County State Bank at Emporia, but over the state at large is best known through his services as a member of the State Senate. Senator Price was elected to the Senate in 1912, his present term expiring January 1, 1917. He represents the senatorial district comprising Greenwood and Lyon counties. He had the distinction of having been the chief supporter of the measure now on the Kansas statute books providing pensions for mothers. The Mothers’ Pension Bill as he … Read more

The San Antonio Story

San Antonio Texas in 1854 looking west from La Villita

“The San Antonio Story” by Sam Woolford, with contributions from his wife Bess Carroll Woolford, is a history of San Antonio, Texas. Published in 1950 by Joske’s of Texas, the book was conceived as a remedy for the lack of historical knowledge among San Antonio’s school children, a concern identified by Herbert U. Rhodius, chairman of the Municipal Advertising Commission of San Antonio in 1948-49. Rhodius and his colleagues believed that a readable and authentic history could address this educational gap, making it suitable supplementary reading for public junior high schools.

Biography of Pleasants, George W.

Austin Colonist George Washington Pleasants was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, March 30th, 1809, and came from there to Texas in 1830, and first settled at Columbia, and lived there until 1833. There was a great cholera epidemic that year at Columbia, which nearly depopulated the town. Mr. Pleasants had two sisters to die there; one, Fannie, was the wife of Kinchen Davis, and mother of Captain W. K. Davis, father of Judge J. H. P. Davis, of Richmond. Captain W. K. Davis was a Mier prisoner, as will be seen from the account elsewhere of that expedition. After the … Read more

Weber, Patrice Hoagy Mrs. – Obituary

Patrice Weber, 43, of Moses Lake, Wash., and formerly of Baker City and La Grande, died Aug. 21, 2001, at her home after a long illness. Kaiser Chapel of Memories in Moses Lake is in charge of arrangements. A private service will be held. Mrs. Weber was born Sept. 22, 1957, at Muencheller, Germany, to Charles Willard and Louise Mary Hoagy. She attended school in San Antonio, Texas, and modeling school in San Diego. On Sept. 12, 1987, she married Rob Weber, and the couple moved to Baker City, where she worked at Pioneer Bank. Later they moved to La … Read more

The Cherokee Revolt – Indian Wars

From the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia and Tennessee to Arkansas and their establishment upon the reservation allotted to them by treaty with the Government in Arkansas, they have, until the period of this outbreak to the narrative of which this chapter is devoted, been considered as among the least dangerous and most peaceable of the tribes in that region. But through various causes, chief among which has been notably the introduction among them of a horde of those pests of the West the border ruffians; these half wild, half-breed Nomads were encouraged by these Indians, as it … Read more

Bexar County Texas Cemeteries

Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. The following records are hosted by the San Antonio Public Library Check for alternate spellings. Information included here is as it appears on the cemetery cards and City Sexton’s book. Introduction to San Antonio’s Eastside City Cemeteries City Cemetery #1 City Cemetery # 2 City Cemetery # 3 City Cemetery # 4 City Cemetery # 5 City Cemetery # 6 City Cemetery # 7 Knights of Pythias Eastside Historic Cemetery Map Texas, Bexar County, … Read more

Biography of W. A. Greever

W. A. GREEVER. The name of Greever is one of the most influential in Boone County, Arkansas, and is one of the most respected in the community. Mr. Greever deserves special notice for his public spirit and enery, and is now a prominent trader and speculator, and one of the largest land owners in the State. He is a native of the Blue Grass State, born in Adair County in 1836, and is a son of John and Sarah (Williams) Greever, both natives of Virginia. The father was born in the year 1807, and when but a small boy went … Read more