List 3, Cherokees

List of Cherokees and Cherokee Freedmen whose names were omitted from final rolls because no application was made or by reason of mistake or oversight. Shows the names of 125 Cherokees by blood and 2 Cherokee freedmen all except 5 being minors, and most of them less than 4 years of age March 4, 1906.

When the roll was made in 1909 under direction of the Court of Claims for distribution of the Eastern Cherokee fund, the names of a considerable number of children appeared thereon who had not been placed on the final rolls of the Cherokee Nation, but whose parents were enrolled there. Upon examination, it was found that many of these people were, in fact, on the final roll, but under different names; that others had died prior to March 4, 1906; that others were not born until after that date; and that some were on the Eastern Cherokee roll at two and occasionally three different names. It is quite certain that the list now submitted does not include the names of all omitted Cherokee children. Several full-blood Cherokee settlements have not as yet been thoroughly canvassed. If any provision be made for adding names of minors to the Cherokee rolls, it should provide for a further field examination. It seemed of doubtful propriety, after the general conditions had been developed, to continue the investigation, which might, because of litigation, be entirely futile. The case of Levi B. Gritts et al. v. The United States is now pending in the Supreme Court. The purpose of that litigation is to secure a ruling that minor children placed upon the Cherokee roll under the supposed authority of the act of April 26, 1906 (34 Stat., 137), were improperly enrolled and shall not be recognized to share in the distribution of the tribal property. If the contention be sustained, no names of the class involved there should be added to the Cherokee rolls. In fact, the ruling may be held by analogy to prevent the addition of similar classes to the rolls of the other nations.

Cherokees By Blood

1. Aleck, Buck

Born May 31, 1902; living October 20, 1910; male; full blood. Father: John Aleck, deceased, Cherokee roll, No. 25596; full blood. Mother: Lydia Aleck, deceased, Cherokee roll, No. 25597; full blood. No prior application, because parents were opposed to enrollment.

2. Anderson, Stanley Q.

Born November 17. 1903; living March 4, 1906; male; thirteen thirty- seconds blood. Father: Daniel Anderson, deceased, Delaware Cherokee roll, No. 99; three-fourths blood. Mother: Amanda Anderson, now Cansdell. Cherokee roll, No. 10421; one-sixteenth blood. No application of record. The mother states that when she applied for another child, Lucile, she was under the impression that her husband, then deceased, had made application for Stanley.

3. Baldridge, John

Born August 15. 1905; living December 19, 1910; male; full blood. Father: George Baldridge, Cherokee roll No. 18985; full blood. Mother: Alice Baldridge, Cherokee roll. No. 18986; full blood. No application of record and no explanation of failure, except that both parents are full-blood Indians. The child was present at the hearing December 19, 1910.

4. Ballou, Dave

Born September 15, 1903; living February 2, 1911; male; seven-eighths blood. Father: Tom Ballou, Cherokee roll. No. 20716; three-fourths blood. Mother: Sallie Ballou, Cherokee roll, No. 20717; full blood. No application of record and no explanation of failure to present one.

5. Beamer, Jennie

Born March 20, 1904; living January 19, 1911; female; full blood.

6. Beamer, Ellis

Born February 22, 1906; living January 19, 1911; male; full blood. Father: William Beamer, Cherokee roll, No. 20346; full blood. Mother: Lucy Beamer, Cherokee roll No. 19780, as Lucy Smith; full blood. No application of record, the father being a “Nighthawk” and opposed to enrollment.

7. Bean, Charles

Born September -, 1904; living November 17, 1910; male; full blood. Illegitimate child of Nancy Bean, deceased, Cherokee roll, No. 30480; full blood. Reputed father: Alex Downing, Cherokee roll, No. 15999; full blood. This child was found in the Cherokee Orphan Asylum. No application had been made under the act of 1906.

8. Bean, James

Born October -, 1902; living November 17, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Joe Beau, Cherokee roll, No. 30478; full blood; died November -, 1905. Mother: Susannah Bean, Cherokee roll, No. 30479; full blood; died October -, 1904. This child was found in the Cherokee Orphan Asylum. The parents both being dead prior to the passage of the act of April 26, 1906, no application was made for this child.

9. Bigfeather, Nancy

Born June 10, 1903; living November 22, 1910; female; full blood. Father: John Bigfeather, Cherokee roll, No. 18260; full blood. Mother: Polly Bigfeather, Cherokee roll, No. 18261; ful1 blood. Child produced at the hearing November 22, 1910. The father says he did not bother about making application for this child; that he did not believe in enrollment and did not want it.

10. Bitting, Edgar T.

Born July 17, 1905; living November 23, 1910; male; nine thirty-seconds blood. Father: William Bitting, Cherokee roll, No. 13928; one- sixteenth blood. Mother: Maggie Bitting, Cherokee roll, No. 27515, as Maggie Blair; half blood. Child present at the hearing, November 22, 1910. No application of record. The only explanation of failure is given by the father, who says that he did not make application because not being able to get the affidavit of the midwife.

11. Brassfield, Alta May

Born June 10, 1902; living December 9, 1910; female; one thirty-second blood. Father: John Brassfield, Cherokee roll, No. 15360; one-sixteenth blood. Mother: Mary Brassfield; noncitizen. Evidence of marriage September 17, 1896. Application, September 1, 1904, denied because inhibited by section 30, act of July 1, 1902. On the list of 52.

12. Bread, Ben

Born April 10, 1903; Living November 14, 1910; male; full blood.

13. Bread, Jennie

Born May 24, 1905; living November 14, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Wilson Bread, Cherokee roll, No. 20778; full blood. Mother: Nannie Bread, Cherokee roll, No. 20779; full blood. No application of record. It seems to be simply a case of neglect by full-blood Indian parents. The children were present at the hearing November 14, 1910.

14. Cameron, Andrew

Born September -, 1902; living December 3, 1910; male; full blood. Father: John Cameron, Cherokee roll, No. 20870, as John Campbell; full blood. Mother: Olce Cameron, Cherokee roll, No. 20871, as Olce Campbell; full blood. The child was present at the hearing December 3, 1910. No application of record. When asked why application had not been made, the father said through an interpreter: “Just because I was a full-blood Indian, I guess. I knew that they were enrolling them, but I can’t say why I didn’t.”

15. Carey, Lesie

Born October 30, 1905; living November 15, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Clem Carey, Cherokee roll, No. 18279; full blood. Mother: Nellie Carey, Cherokee roll, No. 18280; full blood. The child was present at the hearing November 15, 1910. No application of record. The parents are separated, and the mother says she thought it was too late.

16. Catcher, or Tehee, Charles, Jr.

About 33 years old and living February 2, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Charles Catcher, Cherokee roll, No. 18069; full blood. Mother: Name not given; died when applicant was about 1 year old: full blood. Applicant testified through interpreter when asked why he had not made application before: “I took my father’s advice. My father has always refused to make application, and I followed him.” When asked whether the father was enrolled, applicant answered: “I guess he is on the roll. The officers came out there and arrested him and put him on the roll.” Applicant’s wife and several children are enrolled.

17. Catron, Nancy

Born February 7, 1904; living November 22, 1910; female; seven- sixteenths blood. Father: John Catron, alleged to be a half-blood Cherokee, but not identified on the Cherokee rolls. Mother: Nannie Carey, formerly Nannie Catron, enrolled as Crittenden. Cherokee roll No. 32394; three-eighths blood. The child was produced at the hearing
November 22, 1910. No explanation is given for failure to make application previously for this child.

18. Catron, Peggy

Born April 17, 1903; living December 2, 1910; female; eleven- sixteenths blood. Father: Toolie Catron. Cherokee roll, No. 29972: five-eighths blood. Mother: Mary Catron, Cherokee roll, No. 25924; full blood. The child was present at the hearing December 2, 1910. No application of record, the explanation being that the parents separated and the father became Insane.

19. Christian, Pearl

Born February 14, 1902; living January 4, 1911; female; one-eighth blood.

20. Christian, Willie

Born March 27, 1904; living January 4, 1911; male; one-eighth blood. Father: William T. Christian, Cherokee roll. No. 17944; one-fourth blood. Mother: Belle Christian: noncitizen. The children were present at the hearing January 4, 1911. The father states that he went to Muskogee once to have these children enrolled, but the commissioner told him the time for enrollment had expired.

21. Christie, Frank

Born March 25,1905: living November 4,1910; male; full blood. Father: Watt Christie, Cherokee roll, No. 20946: full blood. Mother: Polly Charles, Cherokee roll, No. 20023; full blood. The child, an illegitimate, was present at the hearing November 4, 1910. The mother states she did not make application for enrollment of this child because she knew nothing about it.

22. Christie, James

About 10 years old and living December 1, 1910: male: three-fourths blood. Father: Goback Christie, Cherokee roll. No. 29158; three-fourths blood. Mother: Susan Christie. Cherokee roll, No. 29159; three-fourths blood. The chill was seen at the home of the father December 1, 1910. The parents were “Nighthawks” and arbitrarily enrolled, this child being inadvertently omitted.

23. Christie, Maggie

About 12 years old and living December 1, 1910; female; seven-eighths blood. Father: George Christie, Cherokee roll. No. 26063; throe-fourths blood. Mother: Lucy Christie, Cherokee roll. No. 26064; full blood. Several brothers and sisters of this child are enrolled. The child was seen at the home of her parents December 1, 1910. who are “Nighthawks” and refused to answer any questions or give any information relative to the child.

24. Chuculate, Gussie

Born December 27. 1902; living January 31, 1911: female: full blood. Father: Jim Chuculate. Cherokee roll. No. 20511; full blood. Mother: Nellie Bearpaw, Cherokee roll. No. 25767: full blood. No application of record, the explanation being that this child, an Illegitimate, was living with its grandmother, a “Nighthawk,” at the time enrollment work was carried on.

25. Chuculate, William

Born February 9, 1005; living December 19, 1910; male: full blood. Father: Ice Chuculate. Cherokee roll. No. 25712; full blood. Mother: Katie Chuculate. Cherokee roll. No. 25713; full blood. The child was present at the hearing December 19, 1910. The father testifies that he attempted to apply for this child, but was told it was too late.

26. Cochran, Daisy

Born October 8, 1900: living November 15, 1910: female: full blood. Father: Wind Cochran. Cherokee roll. No. 15319; full blood. Mother: Eliza Cochran. Cherokee roll. No. 18253, as Eliza Carey: full blood. No application of record, the father stating that he “thought it was too late.”

27. Coming, Samuel

Born September 19, 1905; living January 19, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Joe Coming, Cherokee roll. No.19404; full blood. Mother: Lizzie Coming. Cherokee roll, No.19405; full blood. The child was present at the hearing January 19, 1911. The only explanation of failure to make application is by the father, who says: ” I thought he was too late, and didn’t get around to put him on the roll.”

28. Cookinghead, Lucy

About 7 years old, and living November 12, 1910; female; full blood. Illegitimate child of Sarah Daylight. Cherokee roll, No. 29806; full blood. Father: Jackson Cookinghead. Cherokee roll, No. 29825; full blood. No application of record.

29. Crapoe, Mary Mildred

Born October 10, 1005: living December 27, 1910; female: half blood. Father: Albert Crapoe, Cherokee roll, No. 21206; full blood. Mother: Mary Crapoe; noncitizen. The marriage is shown by witnesses. The father is dead, and the mother explains failure to make application by saying she knew nothing about it. The child was present at the hearing December 27, 1910.

30. Crittenden, Osie

Born February 7, 1905; died March 18. 1906; male; seven-eighths blood. Father: Alexander Crittenden, Cherokee roll, No. 18897; three-fourths blood. Mother: Katie Crittenden, Cherokee roll, No. 32515; full blood. No application of record and no explanation of failure to make one.

31. Crittenden, William

Born February 10. 1902; living December 12. 1910: male: full blood. Father: Ned Crittenden, Cherokee roll. No.16402; full blood. Mother: Carrie Crittenden. Cherokee roll. No. 16403; full blood. No application of record and the only explanation of failure is the statement of the father, “I just didn’t want them enrolled.”

32. Daugherty, Betsy

Horn July 15, 1903: living November 12, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Moses Dougherty. Cherokee roll. No.19222; full blood. Mother: Linda Daugherty, Cherokee roll. No.19223; full blood. The only explanation of failure to apply for this child’s enrollment is the statement of the father, “I thought it was too late, and I was hurt and couldn’t, attend to it.” The child was produced at the hearing November 12, 1910.

33. Dirteater, Suagee

Born December 29, 1904; living November 15, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Joe Dirteater. Cherokee roll. No.18871; full blood. Mother: Mary Johnson Dirteater, Cherokee roll. No. 21342, as Mary Johnson; full blood. Parents separated, and the only explanation of failure to apply for this child is the statement of the mother: “I thought we did. Sam Downing came around, and we talked to him about it.”

34. Downing. Laura

Born September 1. 1903: living December 20, 1910; female: full blood. Father: Ell Downing. Cherokee roll. No. 3771: full blood. Mother: Amanda Downing. Cherokee roll. No. 30059, as Amanda Needles; full blood. The child was present at the hearing December 20, 1910. The mother claims she made out papers for enrollment of this child, but apparently they never reached the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes.

35. Dreadfulwater, Maggie

Born September 9, l905; died September 14, 1909; seven-eighths blood; female. Father: John Dreadfulwater. Cherokee roll. No. 18392: three- fourths blood. Mother: Mary Catron Dreadfulwater, Cherokee roll. No. 25924, as Mary Catron; full blood. No application of record. The only explanation of failure is the mother’s statement: “We were told that it was too late to enroll Maggie, and we didn’t make any application.”

38. Drywater, Porter

Born November 6, 1905: living November 21, 1910: male: full blood. Father: Samuel Drywater. Cherokee roll. No.18802; full blood. Mother: Jennie Dry water, Cherokee roll. No. 18803; full blood. The child was present at (he hearing November 21, 1910. The mother died when the child was young, and he was given by the father to Betsy Campbell. The father states that he supposed Betsy would apply for the child’s enrollment, and she supposed the father would, the result being that no application was made.

37. Elk, Willie

Born March 1, 1906: living December 17, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Sam Elk. Cherokee roll. No.19291; full blood. Mother: Nannie Elk, Cherokee roll. No.32064, as Nannie Foreman; full blood. The child, was produced at the hearing December 17, 1910. No application because the father was a Nighthawk and opposed to enrollment.

38. Feather, Grant

Born September 20, 1902; living November 12, 1910; male; half blood.

39. Feather, Dolly

Born November 11, 1905: living November 12, 1910; female; half blood. Father: Joseph Feather. Cherokee roll. No.19138; full blood. Mother: Ada Feather; noncitizen. It seems the parents of these children were not ceremonially married, but were living together as husband and wife November 12, 1910, and had been so living for more than 10 years prior thereto. They have during all that period held themselves out to the world as husband and wife, and have been so recognized among their acquaintances. Under these conditions the child should take the status of the father in the matter of enrollment.

40. Field, Peable

Born March 2, 1900: living January 17, 1911; female; full blood. Father: Squirrel Fields, Cherokee roll, No. 3367; full blood. Mother: Nannie Fields, Cherokee roll. No. 29735; full blood. The child was produced at the hearing January 17, 1911. The mother, when asked why she did not make application previously for this child, answered only, “I don’t know.”

41. Fisher, Ross Johnson

Born February 3, 1905: living January 7, 1911; male; three-fourths blood. Father: Johnson Fisher. Cherokee roll. No.12285; half blood. Mother: Maggie Youngbird Fisher. Cherokee roll, No. 12530. as Maggie Rabbit: full blood. Child produced at the hearing January 7, 1911. The parents of this child separated soon after its birth, and the mother stales she did not apply previously for enrollment of this child because she was told it was too late.

42 and 43. Flute, Thompson and Johnson

Twins, born September 30, 1903: living November 1910; male; seven- eighths blood. Father: Charley Glory. Cherokee roll, No. 19S64; three- fourths blood. Mother: Rachel Christie. Cherokee roll. No.20179; full blood. The children were produced at the hearing November -, 1910. The mother explains the fact of these children going under the name of Flute by saying that their father abandoned her and she gave the children to her sister. Nancy Flute, who is raising them. She further states that she never applied for their enrollment and that her brother- in-law, who is raising them, is a “Nighthawk,” opposed to enrollment, and would not apply for them.

44. Girty, Stan Field

Born May -, 1901; living Dec. 30, 1910: male; seven-eighths blood. Illegitimate child of Jennie Gertie, Cherokee roll. No. 30111: full blood. Reputed father: Robert B. Fields, Cherokee roll. No. 5931: three-fourths blood. The child was produced at the hearing December 30, 1910. The mother in her testimony, December 30, 1910, claims that she attempted to make application “to the Dawes Commission about three years ago.”

45. Gritts, Charles

Born November 14, 1905: died August 21, 1906; male: full blood. Father: Thomas Gritts. Cherokee roll. No. 25354: full blood. Mother: Agnes J. Gritts. Cherokee roll, No.25355; full blood. The father says he did not make application because he thought the child was born too late.

46. Guess, Nannie

Born May 10, 1905; living December 10, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Watie Guess, Cherokee roll. No. 18495; full blood. Mother: Addie Guess, Cherokee roll. No. 17974 as Addie Ratt; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 10, 1910. The only reason given for failure to make application previously for this child is the statement of the parents that they thought it was too late.

47. Hair, Samuel

Born February 2, 1903; living January 14. 1911; male: full blood. Father: Daniel Hair, Cherokee roll. No. 21401; full blood. Mother: Maude Hair, Cherokee roll, No. 26003; full blood. Child produced at the bearing January 14, 1911. The mother states that she left the matter of making application for this child to the father, who, however, died before taking any action.

48. Hawkins, George

Born March 3, 1903; living November 25, 1910; male; full blood.

49. Hawkins, Peggy

Born February 27, 1905; living November 25, 1010; female: full blood. Father: Josiah Hawkins. Cherokee roll, No. 18404; full blood. Mother: Eva Belle Hawkins, Cherokee roll. No. 38405; full blood. Children produced at the hearing November 25, 1910. The father states that no application was made because he did not know anything about it.

50. Henson, Enoch

Born May 30, 1905; living November 18, 1010; male; fifteen-sixteenths blood. Father: Richard Henson. Cherokee roll. No. 12185; seven-eighths blood. Mother: Caroline Welch Henson, Cherokee roll. No. 17784, as Caroline Welch: full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 18, 1010. No explanation of failure to make application.

51. Hicks, Lydia

Born September 17. 1905; living December 23, 1910; female: eleven- sixteenths blood. Father: George Hicks. Cherokee roll. No. 18692: seven- eighths blood. Mother: Ida Hicks. Cherokee roll. No. 18693: half blood. Child produced at the hearing December 23, 1910. The father, when asked why no previous application had been made for this child, replied: “I never did anything about it. I just let it run along.”

52. Hilderbrand, John E.

Born October 31, 1905: living December 28, 1910: male: one-eighth blood. Father: John H. Hilderbrand, jr., Cherokee roll, No. 20995; one- quarter blood. Mother: Laura Hilderbrand: noncitizen. The mother applied for enrollment of this child May 25, 1906. which application was denied for lack of evidence of marriage of parents. It is found, however, that a certified copy of a marriage license and certificate showing the marriage of John Hilderbrand and Laura Woods November 8. 1901, was then on file in the case of Nancy Louettie Hilderbrand. Cherokee roll. No. 26998, a sister of this child, John E. It appears, therefore, that the denial of the application in 1900 was a clear mistake.

53. Hooper, John

Born February 10, 1905; living November 12, 1910: male: full blood. Illegitimate child of Lizzie Frog, or Aisle Frog, Cherokee roll. No. 25(i54. full blood, the reputed father being Turkey Hooper, Cherokee roll. No. 26740; full blood, the stepfather of Lizzie Frog. The child was produced at the hearing November 12, 1910. The mother says no application was made because she knew nothing about the matter.

54. Houston, Jason

Born July 27, 1902; living November 10, 1910: male; full blood. Father: Isaac Houston, Cherokee roll. No. 21337: full blood. Mother: Annie Houston. Cherokee roll. No. 21338; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 16, 1910. It seems that this couple had two children, Jason, the applicant here, and Jesse, who was born February 23, 1905. In a former application these names became changed, and Jesse was enrolled when, as a matter of fact, the father thought he was applying for Jason. In any event, both these children seem entitled to enrollment.

55. Johnson, Joe

Born April 1, 1905: living November 16, 1910; male; full blood. Father: John Johnson. Cherokee roll. No. 21312: full blood. Mother: Lucy Johnson. Cherokee roll. No. 21313: full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 10, 1910. The father states that he made no prior application because he thought it was too late.

50. Johnson, Wilda

Born July 18, 1903; living December 10, 1910; female; full blood.

57. Johnson, Polly

Born September 6, 1905; living December 10, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Mike Johnson, Cherokee roll. No. 18434, as Mike Waterfalling. Waterfalling being the name of his stepfather, by whom application was made; full blood. Mother: Lucy Johnson, Cherokee roll. No. 16180, as Lucy Arnold; full blood. The children were produced at the hearing December 10, 1910. No explanation given of failure to make application for enrollment of these children.

58. Keener, Coleman

Born January 26, 1905; living November 17, 1910; male: full blood. Father: Charles Keener, Cherokee roll. No. 21271: full blood. Mother: Lucinda Keener. Cherokee roll. No. 21272; full blond. Child produced at the hearing November 17, 1910. The father claims he made application for enrollment of this child and was told he would be notified when the time came to consider such cases.

59. Keener, Hattie

Born August 22, 1901: living November 22, 1910: female: full blood. Illegitimate child of Polly Bigfeather. Cherokee roll. No. 18261: full blood. Reputed father: Joseph Keener. Cherokee roll, No. 16487; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 22, 1910. The mother, when asked if she or anyone else had made application for this child to be enrolled, replied: “I do not know. I don’t believe in it.”

60. Keener, Lucy

Born September 24. 1905: living November 22, 1910: female; full blood. Father: Johnson Keener. Cherokee roll. No. 21427; full blood. Mother: Sarah Keener. Cherokee roll. No. 21420: full blood. The child was produced at the hearing November 22, 1910. The parents belonged to the Nighthawk faction and were opposed to enrollment.

61. Keener, Sampson

Born October -. 1903: living November 22, 1910; male; full blood. Father: William Keener. Cherokee roll, No. 18467; full blood. Mother: Lizzie Keener, Cherokee roll, No. 1S468; full blood. The child was produced at the hearing November 22, 1910. The parents belonged to the Nighthawk faction and were opposed to enrollment.

62. Ketcher, Andrew

About 29 years of age and living November 16, 1910: male; half blood. This man is alleged to be the son of one More Ketcher, a full- blood Cherokee Indian, who died prior to enrollment, and a white woman, long since dead. This couple lived together only a short time. Andrew Ketcher, the applicant, is identified on Cherokee census roll of 1896 as No. 1942, being 15 years of age. Application for enrollment of Andrew was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes June 23, 1902. This application was finally “dismissed without prejudice” February 28, 1907, it being said in that decision that the Commission and the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes “have diligently sought information which would enable them to determine whether or not said applicant was living September 1, 1902; and if so whether or not he was entitled to enrollment on that date. No information had been obtained tending to show the status of said Andrew Ketcher on September 1, 1902.” The testimony then submitted showed that Andrew Ketcher had been convicted of some crime and sentenced to imprisonment. February 21, 1907, the warden of the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth advised the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes: “There is no record in this penitentiary of Andrew Ketcher. One Ellis Ketcher, No. 2105, was received here from Tahlequah, Ind. T., April 29, 1900, sentenced to five years for larceny. He was discharged June 16, 1903.” These dates correspond with those given in the testimony as to the time the applicant was sentenced to imprisonment and the time of his return to the Cherokee country. The proof that the applicant was living September 1, 1902, has been supplied. It is believed this man’s case should receive favorable consideration.

63. King, John

Born September 18, 1896; living January 17, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Charley King, Cherokee roll, No. 29679; full blood. Mother: Mary King, deceased and not enrolled, alleged to be full blood. This child was produced at the hearing January 17, 1911. The father testifies he did not apply for enrollment of himself or any of his family, but that a man named Dave Hair gave their names in and omitted John’s.

64. King, West

About 7 years old and living January 17, 1011; male; full blood. Father: James King, Cherokee roll, No. 20681; full blood. Mother: Dollie King, formerly Dollie or Dillie Wofford, full-blood Cherokee, who has not been identified on the final rolls. This boy is a grandson of Charley King, who testified that he was opposed to enrollment and did not give in the names of his family, and that no application was ever made for this boy, West King.

65. Knight, Peggie

Born March 4, 1906; living November 4, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Benjamin Knight, Cherokee roll, No. 19972; full blood. Mother: Arlie Knight, Cherokee roll. No. 19973; full blood. The child was produced at the hearing November 4. 1910. No application made for this child because the father was a Nighthawk and opposed to enrollment.

66. Leaf, Nancy

Born March 14, 1905; living December 22, 1910; female; seven-eighths blood. Father: Jim Leaf. Cherokee roll. No. 19562; three-fourths blood. Mother: Nellie Leaf, Cherokee roll, No. 20524, as Nellie Silk; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 22.1910. No previous application because the parents were Nighthawks.

67. Leaf, Sarah

Born September -, 1905; living January 17, 1911; female; full blood. Illegitimate child of Nancy Hair, Cherokee roll. No. 20083, as Nancy King, the reputed father being Cooie-Scoole Leaf. alleged to be a full-blood Cherokee, who has not been identified on the final rolls. The child was produced at the hearing January 7, 1911. This applicant is a granddaughter of Charley King. Cherokee roll, No. 29079, full blood, who testified that he was opposed to enrollment and did not give in the names of any of his family.

68. Lewis, Polly

Twenty years old and living January 18, 1911; female: full-blood. Illegitimate child of Eliza Wolfe, Cherokee roll, No. 32069, full blood, the father being one Joe Lewis, enrolled under the name of Joe Dirteater, Cherokee roll. No. 18871. full blood. The applicant was produced at the hearing January 18, 1911. The stepfather. Pickup Wolfe, with whom the applicant is living, testified that he did not make application for enrollment of himself and members of his family, and that he does not know who gave in their names. This child’s name was omitted.

69. Liver, John L.

Born April 1, 1905: living November 10, 1910; male: full blood. Father: Jackson Liver. Cherokee roll. No. 10028: full blood. Mother Betty Liver, Cherokee roll. No. 25649: full blood. The child was produced at the hearing November 10, 1910. The father explains that he did not make previous application because he was under the belief it was too late.

70. McCarter, Charlotte

Born March 16. 1901: living December 13, 1910; female; full blood.

71. McCarter, Sampson

Born October -, 1903; living December 13, 1910; male; full blood.

72. McCarter, Nancy

Born December 1, 1905; living December 13, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Clem McCarter, Cherokee roll, No. 18898; full blood. Mother: Susie McCarter, Cherokee roll, No. 18899; full blood. No explanation given for failure to make previous application for these children.

73. McCoy, Jack

Born February 26, 1904; living December 20, 1910; male; seven-eighths blood. Father: Alex McCoy, jr., Cherokee roll. No. 21117; full blood. Mother: Yahni McCoy, Cherokee roll, No. 21118; three-fourths blood. The child was produced at the hearing December 23, 1910. The father testified that he made no application for this child because he was told it was too late.

74. Martin, Hattie

Born January 15, 1905; living January 14, 1911; female, full blood. Father: John W. Martin, Cherokee roll, No. 12289; full blood. Mother: Lucy Martin, Cherokee roll, No. 20725, as Lucy Sequoyah; full blood. Child not produced at the hearing because she is a paralytic. The father, when asked why he had made no application for Hattie, replied, “The reason why I never made any application for the child was, there was a squabble about the too-late children, and I never made any application.”

75. Miller, Jennie

Born August 16, 1905; living December 19, 1910; female; half blood. Father: Tom Miller, noncitizen. Mother: Frances Johnson, Cherokee roll, No. 25099: full blood. The child was produced at the hearing December in 1910. The parents separated before the birth of the child, and no explanation is given for failure to make application for her enrollment

76. Mitchell, May

Born March 27, 1903; living December 22, 1910: female; one-eighth blood. Father: Thaddeus Mitchell, Cherokee roll, No. 2669; one-fourth blood. Mother: Betty Mitchell: noncitizen. The child was produced at the hearing December 22, 1910. The mother testifies that they made application for this child with their other children and were required to secure an affidavit from the attending physician; that they then sent an affidavit to him at Miami. Okla., with $1.25 to pay the expanses thereof, asking him to execute it and send it to the Dawes Commission; that the time for enrollment had expired before this affidavit was furnished.

77. Noisewater, French

Born October 28, 1005; living November 12, 1910: male; full blood. Father: John Noisewater, Cherokee roll. No. 28431; full blood. Mother: Jennie Noisewater, Cherokee roll. No. 19045; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 12, 1910. No explanation of failure to make application.

78. Oakball, Elias

Born September 18, 1903: living December 10, 1910: male; full blood. Father: White Oakball, Cherokee roll. No. 30673; full blood. Mother: Susan Oakball. Cherokee roll. No. 30674: full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 10, 1910. No previous application because parents are Nighthawks and do not believe in enrollment.

79. Palone, Nancy

Born August 4. 1904: living November 21, 1910: female: seven-eighths blood. Father: Andrew Palone. Cherokee roll. No. 25854: full blood Mother: Jenanna Pumpkin. Cherokee roll. No. 18880; three-fourths blood. Child produced at the hearing November 21, 1910. No previous application, the parents being Nighthawks and opposed to enrollment.

80. Pettit, Josie

About 18 years old and living January 13, 1911; female; full blood. Father: Charlie Guineahead, Cherokee roll. No. 19303; full blood. Mother: Jennie Guineahead, who died in 1895, alleged to be a full-blood Cherokee. The father of Josie is also dead, and there is no explanation for the failure to make application for her.

81. Phillips, Sinda

Born April 10, 1904; living December 27, 1910; female; full blood.

82. Phillips, Olie

Born March 2, 1906; died May 10, 1908; female; full blood. Father: Arch Phillips, Cherokee roll, No. 29124; full blood. Mother: Nancy Phillips, Cherokee roll, No. 29125; full blood. Sinda Phillips was produced at the hearing December 27,1910. This couple has seven children enrolled, and the father says no previous application was made for these two younger ones, because he did not know anything about it.

83. Potter, Walter

Born February 13, 1906; living January 19, 1911; male; one-eighth blood. Father: Albert Potter; noncitizen. Mother: Susie Potter, Cherokee roll, No. 20254, as Susie Silcox; one-fourth blood. Child produced at the hearing January 19, 1911. No explanation of failure to make application.

84. Porter, J. George

Born January 10, 1904; living December 19, 1910; male; half blood. Father: James M. Porter, Cherokee roll, No. 27247; full blood. Mother: Millie Porter, intermarried white; no enrolled. Child produced at the hearing December 19, 1910. The marriage is proven by the fact that another child of this couple is enrolled, Myrtle Porter, No. 27248. Both parents are dead, and no reason is given for failure to make application for this child.

85. Pumpkin, Ada

Born January 10, 1905; living January 5, 1911; female; seven-eighths blood. Father: Frank Pumpkin, Cherokee roll, No. 6275; full blood. Mother: Annie Pumpkin. Cherokee roll, No. 18881; three-fourths blood. Child produced at the hearing January 5, 1911. The father claims he attempted to make application, but “they could not find her name on the record and wouldn’t do nothing more about it.”

86. Rhodes, John

Born February 2, 1905; living November 15, 1910; male; three-eighths blood. Father: Jim Rhodes; noncitizen. Mother: Ella Rhodes, Cherokee roll. No. 23158, as Ella Cochran; three-fourths blood. Child produced at the hearing November 15, 1910. The mother states that she made no application because she did not know anything about it.

87. Sack, Welling

Born February 9, 1903; living December 9, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Jack Sack, Cherokee roll, No. 18186; full blood. Mother: Rachel Sack, Cherokee roll, No. 18187; full blood. No previous application because the father and grandparents, with whom the child is living, are Nighthawks and opposed to enrollment.

88. Sam, Katie

Born November 7, 1905; living December 28, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Watt Sam, Cherokee roll, No. 21162; full blood. Mother: Mary Sam, Cherokee roll, No. 21102, as Mary Proctor; full blood. Father testifies that he made no previous application because be never knew new borns were entitled to enrollment.

89. Sanders, Kenneth

Born October 2, 1902; living January 2, 1907; male; three-eighths blood. Father: William E. Sanders, Cherokee roll, No. 11977; one- fourth blood. Mother: Etta J. Sanders, Cherokee roll, No. 11978; half blood. Application for enrollment of Kenneth Sanders was presented to the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes December 6, 1906, who refused to receive or consider the same because presented after the time fixed for receiving applications by the act of April 26, 1906. In the testimony heard by the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes January 2, 1907, the birth of this child and the fact that he was living at the date of the testimony were fully established. A notary public and witness at that hearing testified that an affidavit as to the birth of this child was executed before him May 9, 1906, as shown by his record, and that he mailed said application to the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes at Muskogee on the same day.

90. Scraper, Nancy

Born September 23, 1903; living December 10, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Ned Scraper. Cherokee roll. No. 29088: full blood. Mother: Susie Scraper, Cherokee roll. No. 29089: full blood. Child produced sit the hearing December 16, 1910. Father testifies that he filled out a paper to apply for enrollment and gave it to a notary public at Stillwell to fix up for him, but never heard anything more about it.

91. Shade, Striker

Born February 20. 1903: living January 7, 1911: male; full blood. Father: Bushyhead Shade. Cherokee roll, No. 20731: full blood. Mother: Ollie Shade. Cherokee roll. No. 20732: full blood. Child produced at the hearing. No explanation given of failure to make previous application.

92. Sixkiller, Harvey

Born April 25. 1903; living December 19, 1910: male; full blood. Father: Gafford Sixkiller. Cherokee roll. No. 19245: full blood. Mother: Susie Sixkiller. Cherokee roll. No. 19246; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 19, 1910. The only explanation the father gives for failure to make application at tho proper time for this child is that he simply neglected it.

93. Snell, Emma

Born May 9, 1903: living January 19, 1011; female: full blood. Father: Joshua Snell. Cherokee roll. No. 19776, as Joshua Snail: full blood. Mother: Lydia Snell. Cherokee roll, No. 19757, as Lydia Snail; full blood. The only statement as to previous application is that of the father January 19, 1911, that he wrote to the Dawes Commission “about a year ago” but received no answer. The mother was called on to give testimony, but positively refused, saying she was opposed to enrollment

94. Sourjohn, Charlie

Born November 1, 1904: living December 28, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Albert Sourjohn. Cherokee roll. No. 21038: full blood. Mother: Oo-lu-ja Sourjohn. Cherokee roll. No. 21039, as Ooliyey Sourjohn: full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 28, 1910. The father states that he did not make application for this child, because he knew nothing about it.

95. Spade, Lacey

Born September 12. 1902; living November 4, 1910; female; full blood. Father: James Spade, Cherokee roll. No. 27063: full blood. Mother: Jennie Spade. Cherokee roll. No. 27034: full blood. The parents understood that an interpreter of the Commission to the Five Tribes had enrolled this child.

90. Spaniard, Myrtle May

Born August 29. 1905: living December 27, 1910; female; seven-eighths blood. Father: Jack Spaniard. Cherokee roll. No. 18064; three-fourths blood. Mother: Eliza Spaniard. Cherokee roll No. 21204, as Eliza Crapo; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 27, 1910. Respecting a previous application, the father says. ” I just neglected it.”

97. Speaker, Sunday, or Peter

Sixty years of age; living November 30, 1910: male; full blood. It seems that application was made for this man June 30, 1902, and dismissed December 27, 1905, for lack of information. This man is a ful1-blood Cherokee and is known as Sunday Speaker. Speaker Sunday, and Peter Speaker. It seems that he is also known in Cherokee as Gad-wa-si, the translation being Sunday: and also as Da-ca-na, the translation being Speaker. This Indian was clearly entitled to enrollment, and only failed to secure it because of his ignorance and inattention.

98. Suake, Swimmer

Born September 22, 1904: living November 15, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Swimmer Suake, deceased. Cherokee roll No. 20812: full blood. Mother: Katie Suake. Cherokee roll. No. 20813: full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 15. 1910. The father is dead, and no explanation is offered for failure to make application for this child.

99. Sullateskee, Lizzie Milo

Born June 7, 1904; died August 20. 1907; female: half blood. Father: Milo Brady; noncitizen; white. Mother: Charlotte Sullateskee, Cherokee roll No. 18549, now Charlotte Wall; full blood. The mother, when asked why she had not made application for the enrollment of Lizzie, answered: “I don’t know.” She further states that Brady, the father, deserted her when the child was born.

100. Swimmer, Grace

Born September 5, 3904; living January 19, 1911; female; full blood.

101. Swimmer, Lincoln

Born January 10, 1906; died November 12, 1909: male; full blood. Father: Thomas Swimmer, Cherokee roll No. 20328; full blood. Mother: Charlotte Swimmer, Cherokee roll No. 20322, as Charlotte Turtle; full blood. Both children produced at the hearing January 19, 1911. In explanation of failure to make application previously, the father says “I just couldn’t get to it.”

102. Tadpole, Betsy

Born March 17, 1903; living January 5, 1911; full blood.

103. Tadpole, Lizzie

Born May S. 1905; living January 5, 1911: female; full blood. Father: Tiger Tadpole. Cherokee roll. No. 02

Tehee, Charles. See Catcher.

104. Tehee, Eliza

Born March 4, 1905: living December 17, 1910; female: full blood. Illegitimate child of Mary Tehee. Cherokee roll. No. 20349, full blood, the father being unknown. No explanation of failure to make application for this child.

105. Thompson, Rebecca

Born January 3, 1900; living December 13, 1910; female: full blood. Father: William Thompson. Cherokee roll. No. 9017; full blood. Mother: Eva Thompson, Cherokee roll. No. 25918; full blood. The father and mother, who are Nighthawks, refused to give any information concerning this child, and the recommendation here is based upon the testimony of Thomas P. Roach, official Cherokee interpreter at the Union Agency. The child was seen December 13, 1910, and appeared to be of the age and blood claimed.

106. Tinoowie, John

Born September 9, 1903; living November 26, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Ooyatuck Tinoowie. Cherokee roll No. 19619; full blood. Mother: Nannie Tinoowie. Cherokee roll No. 19620; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 20, 1910. In explanation of the failure to make application for this child it is said that the deceased father was a full blood who did not believe in enrollment, and that the mother knew nothing about it.

107. Toney, Lala

Born August 7. 1903: living November 2, 1910: female: full blood. Father: John Toney, Cherokee roll, No. 18750; full blood. Mother: Jennie Toney. Cherokee roll No. 18751; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 2, 1910. The mother stated that the father of the child, now deceased, was a member of the Nighthawk Band and opposed to allotment.

108. Turtle, Wesley

About 6 years old and living December 30, 1910; male; full blood. Father: William Turtle. Cherokee roll No. 20787; full blood. Mother: Sallie Turtle. Cherokee roll, No. 20788: full blood. This couple and four children were arbitrarily enrolled, and the father now refuses to give any information concerning this child. The recommendation here is based on the testimony of a neighbor and the appearance of the child. This couple has also a younger child. Young Turtle, who apparently, however, was born after March 4, 1906.

109. Vann, Ice

Born October 29, 1905: living November 12, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Noname Vann, Cherokee roll, No. 18999; full blood. Mother: Sina Vann, Cherokee roll, No. 25037; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 12, 1910. No explanation given of the failure to make application for this child.

110. Vann, Lillie

Born March 7, 1904; living January 24, 1911; female; full blood. Father: Jesse Vann, Cherokee roll No. 27178; full blood. Mother: Nancy Barker, formerly Nancy Vann, enrolled as Diana Holt, Cherokee roll, No. 30685: full blood. Child produced at the hearing January 24, 1911. No explanation of the failure to apply for this child, though it is shown that the parents are separated.

111. Vann, Maggie

Born February 4, 1903; living December 23, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Taylor Vann, Cherokee roll, No. 19516, as George Washington; full blood. Mother: Kizzie Vann, Cherokee roll, No. 19536, as Kizzie Houseberg: full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 23, 1910. The father while at the Dwight Mission School was given the name George Washington and arbitrarily enrolled under that name. He was a Nighthawk and opposed to enrollment. This is the only explanation of failure to apply for the child.

112. Vann, Thomas, Jr.

Born January 12, 1906; living January 7, 1911; male: full blood. Father: Tom Vann, Cherokee roll, No. 32572; full blood. Mother: Ida Vann, Cherokee roll, No. 12531, as Ida Rabbit; full blood. The child was produced at the hearing January 7, 1911. No reason is given for failure to make application for this child.

113. Waterfallen, John

Born December 3, 1903; living November 16, 1910; male, full blood. Father: James Waterfallen, Cherokee roll, No. 25970; full blood. Mother: Wilda Waterfallen, Cherokee roll, No. 18816, as Lydia Johnson; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 16, 1910. No prior application made by the father, because he was a Nighthawk.

114. Waters, Anderson

Born October 1, 1904; living December 28, 1910; full blood; male. Father: Joe Waters. Cherokee roll No. 29118: full blood. Mother: Hattie Waters. Cherokee roll No. 29119; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 28, 1910. The father claims he made application for enrollment of this child and was told it was too late.

115. Welch, Bessie

Born January 30, 1006; living November 18, 1910; female: fifteen- sixteenths blood. Father: John Welch, Cherokee roll, No. 21291; full blood. Mother: Maggie Whitekiller, Cherokee roll, No. 16538; seven- eighths blood. Child produced at the hearing November 18,1910. It seems that John Welch and his wife Nancy separated at one time and he lived for a while with Maggie Whitekiller, the result of that cohabitation being the child Bessie. In explanation of failure to make application for this child the father says: “Jesse Wofford came around and said he would attend to it, but I guess he didn’t.”

116. Welch, Simon

Born February 4, 1904; living November 18, 1910: male; full blood Father: John Welch, Cherokee roll. No. 21391; full blood. Mother: Nancy Welch, Cherokee roll. No. 21392; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 18, 1910. The only explanation of failure to make application is the statement of the father November 18, 1910: “Jesse Wofford came around and said he would attend to it, but I guess he didn’t.”

117. West, Sallie Ellen

Born September 12. 1905: living January 14, 1911: female; one-fourth blood. Father: William D. West, Cherokee roll, No. 7109; one-fourth blood. Mother: Leona C. West, Cherokee roll, No. 7110; one-fourth blood. Child produced at the hearing January 14, 1911. No reason given for failure to make application.

118. Wilkerson, Allen

Bora February 21, 1903; died October 27, 1906; male; one-eighth blood. Father: Leonard Wilkerson, Cherokee roll No. 17613; one-fourth blood. Mother: Lydie Wilkerson; noncitizen. A certified copy of record of marriage shows that it occurred November 26, 1903. No explanation of failure to make application.

119. Wolfe, Dick

Born April 7, 1903; living January IS, 1911; male; full blood.

120. Wolfe, Dave

Born February 28, 1905; living January 18, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Pickup Wolfe, Cherokee roll. No. 30679; full blood. Mother: Eliza Wolfe, Cherokee roll, No. 32069: full blood. The children were produced at the hearing January 18, 1911. The father testified that he did not make application for himself and family and that he does not know who gave the names to the commission.

121. Woodall, Tom

Born January 13, 1905; living November 16, 1910; male; twenty-one thirty-seconds blood. Father: James Woodall, Cherokee roll, No. 8346; five-sixteenths blood. Mother: Katie Woodall, Cherokee roll, No. 16515, as Katie Crawford; full blood. Child produced at the hearing November 36, 1930. The only explanation of failure to make application is the statement of the mother that she thought it was too late.

122. Wright, Edgar Ervin

Born February 18, 1903; living February 1, 1911; male; one-eighth blood.

123. Wright, William S.

Born December 20, 1905; living February 1, 1911; male; one-eighth blood. Father: William G. Wright, Cherokee roll, No. 3720; one-fourth blood. Mother: Lena L. Wright; noncitizen. The father claims that he executed papers for enrollment of these children and supposed they had had been sent to the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. A search of the records of that office fails to disclose any such application.

124. Yaholah, Charlotte

Born May 22, 1905; living December 23, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Dave Yaholah, Cherokee roll, No. 20517; full blood. Mother: Lydia Yaholah, Cherokee roll, No. 20518; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 23, 1910. No explanation of failure to make application for enrollment of this child.

120. Young, Rufus

Born March 10, 1903; living December 23, 1910; male; full blood. Illegitimate child of Sallie Yellowbird, Cherokee roll, No. 19512; full blood. Father: Jack Young, Cherokee roll, No. 17888; male; full blood. Child produced at the hearing December 25, 1910. The mother states that no application was made for this child “because I didn’t understand anything about it.”

Cherokee Freedmen

1. Hill, Alma

Born August 17, 1895; living January 9, 1911; female. Father: George Hill; not enrolled. Mother: Amanda Hill, Cherokee freedman roll, No. 4330. This woman has three other children on the roll, and it appears that the name of Alma was omitted by oversight when application was made for this family.

2. Lake, Pearlie

Born May 30, 1905; living January 12, 1911; female. Father: Mitchell Lane; not enrolled. Mother: Ada Rowe, Cherokee freedman roll, No. 2004, afterwards Lane, now Martin. Child produced at the hearing January 12, 1911. The mother claims that she made application for enrollment of the child, but none appears of record.

Cherokee, History,

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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