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Access Wise County Virginia Genealogy

Access Wise County Virginia genealogy using this page. This guide provides you with information on available online ancestry records including birth, court, death, land, and marriage, as well as the history of the Wise County VA and the biography and genealogy of her people.

Access Meade County Kentucky Genealogy

Access Meade County Kentucky genealogy using this page. This guide provides you with information on available online ancestry records including birth, court, death, land, and marriage, etc., as well as the history of the Meade County KY and the biography and genealogy of her people. This is the most complete and accurate listing of online records for Meade County Kentucky.

Plainfield New Jersey Police Department Records, 1890-1948

The Plainfield, New Jersey Police Department records, spanning from 1890 to 1948, offer a unique window into the past, providing genealogists and historians alike with a bounty of information. These records, housed at the Plainfield Public Library, encompass a wide array of documents including arrest records, city court records, daily blotters, detective records, permit records, summons recordings, and general police logs. Despite the seemingly mundane nature of these documents, they are anything but. Each page, each entry, tells a story, contributing to the larger narrative of our shared history.

Pennsylvania Digital Archives

These databases comprise part of the Pennsylvania Digital Archives from the state government. We’ve only included those databases and documents which are most relevant to genealogists. All of them are free for you to use.

Hampshire County MA Inferior Court of Common Pleas Records, 1677-1837

These twenty-six folio volumes of records come from the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of Hampshire County MA which were held at Springfield and Northampton Massachusetts. These courts handled civil and minor criminal matter and the majority of volumes appear to be unindexed. Regardless, these records will prove to genealogists with ties to Hampshire County Massachusetts. The physical copies of these volumes are held at the Amherst Library at the University of Massachusetts. They have made them freely available in PDF format for download.

Moretown Vermont Annual Reports 1910-1957

These Moretown, Vermont town reports, published annually, serve as comprehensive repositories of crucial information about Moretown, Vermont. Their contents can differ, depending on the year of publication, largely due to evolving legal stipulations on what they must include. Starting in 1927, these reports provide vital statistical data for a particular year, such as records of births, deaths, and marriages. Note that the records may traverse across two different pages. Included in all reports are the financial details of the town and these often include payments made to individuals who performed services, such as teaching, janitorial, construction, road work, etc. Many…

Huntington Vermont Annual Reports 1904-1967

These Huntington, Vermont town reports, published annually, serve as comprehensive repositories of crucial information about Huntington, Vermont. Their contents can differ, depending on the year of publication, largely due to evolving legal stipulations on what they must include. Starting in 1927, these reports provide vital statistical data for a particular year, such as records of births, deaths, and marriages. Note that the records may traverse across two different pages. Included in all reports are the financial details of the town and these often include payments made to individuals who performed services, such as teaching, janitorial, construction, road work, etc. Many…

Hoagland High School Yearbooks 1937-1968

The Hoagland High School yearbooks were published as the Ship’s log, starting with 1937 and continuing until the school was consolidated with the Monroeville High School and the new Heritage High School was created to principally serve the children of Hoagland, Monroeville, and Poe. This was during the year 1968. If the title and year is linked, then the yearbook is currently online for free reading and download.

Woodrow Wilson High School Yearbooks, 1921-2001

The yearbooks of Wilson High School in Portsmouth, Virginia, were first called ‘The Student’, but were traditionally titled ‘The President’ since 1924. However, in 1994, this custom ceased, and since then, the yearbooks have been published under an array of different titles, updated annually. This free online collection is incomplete. Hopefully, additional volumes will eventually be scanned and added. These yearbooks were loaned by the Portsmouth Public Library to be scanned by the Library of Virginia.

Frederick College Yearbooks 1959-1968

Frederick College, previously situated in Portsmouth, Virginia, was a private co-educational college that ceased operations. Established with the support of the Fred W. Beazley Foundation (now known as the Beazley Foundation), the college originated in 1958 as a two-year institution located on the premises of a former munitions depot. In 1961, it transitioned into a four-year college. Various years have been digitized by both the Portsmouth Public Library in cooperation with The Library of Virginia, and the Allen County Public Library. Yet a complete collection still does not exist online, as we are missing scans for the years of 61…

Somerville High School Yearbooks 1892-2016

The Radiator which began publishing in the 1891-1892 school year, was initially published by the Somerville Latin and English High School on the third Wednesday of every month during the school year. It’s initial publications during those early years were more literary in style and it wasn’t until 1917 when the publication took on the appearance of a traditional yearbook in the form of The Revocanda with publication of The Radiator taking place separately. One year later, the name of the yearbook was changed to match that of the journal, The Radiator. Even in those early years consists in…

Calumet District Telephone Directories

The Merrillville Branch of the Lake County Public Library have placed online several telephone directories for the Calumet District that previously were only available on Microfilm. The communities represented are Dyer, East Chicago, Griffith, Hammond, Highland, Indiana Harbor, Munster, St. John, and West Hammond in Indiana and Burnham, Lansing, and Whiting in Illinois.. These 28 directories were published by the Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation of Chicago twice annually, and those digitized cover the years of 1909-1960.

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants

This article helps you access the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants for free. Following two simple steps, one to search, and the other to browse the actual microfilms, you can quickly find your ancestors Revolutionary War pension record, or Bounty-Land record and download the images. During 1800-1900 the United States issued more than 80,000 pensions and bounty-land-warrants to soldiers of the Revolutionary War, their spouse, or their children. Was your ancestor one of them?

1892-2008 Quincy High School Yearbooks – Golden Rod

The Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy Massachusetts has digitized their copies of the Quincy High School yearbooks for the years of 1892 through 2008 and placed them online for free reading and download. Their collection spans the years of 1892 through 2008 but does not contain a complete run of all volumes of the early journal which was printed monthly.

1931-2008 North Quincy High School Yearbooks – The Manet

1932 North Quincy High School Yearbook The Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy Massachusetts has digitized their copies of the North Quincy High School yearbooks for the years of 1931 through 2008 and placed them online for free reading and download. Their collection spans the years of 1931 through 2008 but does not contain a complete run of all volumes. The publication of a High School yearbook for the North Quincy High School started in 1928 and the first four volumes are also missing from the collection at the Thomas Crane Public Library. The early yearbooks (1928-1937) were largely comprised…

The William Wade Hinshaw index to Pennsylvania Quaker meeting records

These monthly meeting records were abstracted from the original Pennsylvania Quaker Monthly Meeting records in the 1930’s by William Wade Hinshaw of Washington, D. C. They are a transcription of the microfilmed records containing birth, death, burial, and marriage records, as well as meeting minutes, removals and certificates. After Hinshaw’s death, the unpublished material was deposited at the Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. This collection is known as the William Wade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records. The following record has been transcribed from a microfilm copy of this Index. As this copy is several generations removed from the…

Families of Ancient New Haven

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

1912-1943 Mississippi Death Index

Christopher Smothers, a college student, and professional genealogist who specializes in Deep South research, always wondered to himself why the Mississippi Death index for 1912-1943 was hidden at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History in Jackson Mississippi. Why wasn’t this more widely available? Fast forward a few years, and multiple conversations, and the cog wheels at the archives have finally relented to allow these weathered and cracked microfilms to be digitally re-scanned and released to the public. Props to Christopher for making this happen! With assistance from Reclaim the Records, who fronted the cost for the microfilm, and from…

Newtonville Massachusetts High School Yearbooks 1910-2012

The Newton Public Library has uploaded all of the Newton High School Yearbooks from 1910 through 2012 to InternetArchive. We provide quick links to each edition in chronological order below. Each link takes you to the volume for that year (some years had 2 volumes) enabling you to peruse and read the yearbook. If you want to download a copy there is a link at the top that enables you to do so for free.

The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674

This work contains the earliest Dutch Records that have been preserved of the territory included in the present City of New York, the earlier ones having long ago disappeared. These are “The Minutes of the Burgomasters and Schepens of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674,” but contain a very few entries preceding the former date. They are contained in six folio volumes of manuscript, in the Dutch language, as spoken and written in the middle of the seventeenth century; and are preserved in the Manuscript room of the City Library in the City Hall. Until the earlier part of this…

United States Bureau of Land Management Tract Books, 1800-c. 1955

3,907 land management tract books containing official records of the land status and transactions involving surveyed public lands arranged by state and then by township and range. These books indicate who obtained the land, and include a physical description of the tract and where the land is located. The type of transaction is also recorded such as cash entry, credit entry, homesteads, patents (deeds) granted by the Federal Government, and other conveyances of title such as Indian allotments, internal improvement grants (to states), military bounty land warrants, private land claims, railroad grants, school grants, and swamp grants. Additional items of…

Cambridge Massachusetts Directories 1848-1972

This collection comprises a total of 65 directories which cover the years of 1848-1972 (incomplete). This collection contains materials from the Cambridge Room, the Cambridge Public Library’s Archives and Special Collections. We have linked to the main page for each directory, enabling you to either browse the directory like a book, or download the whole manuscript to your computer, free of charge.

Sacramento California Police Mug Books 1864-1949

Mug Books of the past have been replaced by computer databases now, but back before the days of computers and databases, they served as an effective method for Police Departments to keep track of past criminals and wanted people. The Sacramento Police Department has generously provided these scanned images to for free access to everyone. If you are not aware if one of your ancestors may have been arrested for a crime, then I suggest you first search the newspaper records available online for free of Sacramento California, so that you have a year span to choose from. Unless…

The Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771

The Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771 contains the names and descriptions of taxable property of nearly 38,000 individuals who resided in 152 Massachusetts towns in 1771
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Pioneers of Chambers County Texas

“Texas Coastal Pioneers of Chambers County” by Varuna Hartmann Lawrence, published in 1952 by Royal Publishing Co., offers a genealogical history of the early settlers of Chambers County, Texas. This book details the cultural and spiritual development of the Gulf Coast region and includes sketches of many early families. Lawrence, a native of Chambers County, draws on her personal experiences and extensive knowledge of farm and ranch life to provide a rich historical narrative. Her work captures the transformation of the region, influenced by both agricultural practices and oil development. Through her writings, Lawrence preserves the legacy of the pioneering…

A History of Wayne County, Utah

“Rainbow Views: A History of Wayne County, Utah” offers an insightful journey through the history of Wayne County, compiled by Anne Snow. Published in 1953 by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Wayne County, this history explores various aspects of pioneer life and the development of the county. It covers the impact of early settlers, the evolution of industries such as cattle and sheep farming, dairying, and timber and lumbering, as well as the establishment of essential services like roads, schools, and medical facilities. The book also delves into the rich cultural heritage of the county, including its relations with…

History of Webster County Nebraska

“80 Years in Webster County: A Compilation of Webster County Chronicles” presents an extensive collection of articles that chronicle the history and life of Webster County, Nebraska, from its early days to the mid-20th century. Authored by Dr. Elmer Alonzo Thomas, this compilation draws from a series of writings initially published in the Red Cloud Commercial Advertiser and the Blue Hill Leader, the county’s prominent newspapers. The book, printed in 1953 by Tribune Graphic Arts in Hastings, Nebraska, spans 148 pages and includes illustrations, portraits, and maps, offering readers a vivid portrayal of the county’s evolution over eight decades.

Vanderburgh County Indiana Will Abstracts, 1821-1873

Abstracts of over 600 wills for Vanderburgh County, Indiana, extracted by Mrs. Arthur C. Bitterman. Book A was typed by Mrs. James A. Gentry, book B typed by Mrs. Marvin J. Huff, and published as one by the Vanderburgh Chapter of the DAR. Book A primarily covers wills written or filed within the time period of 1823-1849 and book B includes the years of 1849-1873. In both cases there are wills that fall outside those dates.

History of Piedmont California, 1853-1953

“Queen of the Hills” is a historical account that explores the rich and detailed history of Piedmont, a picturesque city located in Alameda County, California. Authored by Evelyn Craig Pattiani, this book delves into the city’s development from its early days through various significant periods, providing a chronicle of its growth and transformation.

Centennial History of Wise County, Texas, 1853-1953

The “Centennial History of Wise County 1853-1953” by Mary Cates Moore, published by The Story Book Press in Dallas, Texas, commemorates the hundred-year history of Wise County, Texas. This volume serves as a detailed record of the county’s development from its early settlement through various significant historical events, up to the mid-20th century.

Records of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1829-1894

This is a copy of a record book of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in Washington Township, Guernsey County, Ohio. The front portion of this manuscript contains the history of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, which we provide here, and biographies of their pastors up to 1953. Starting on page 18 you will find the Membership Record for the church beginning in 1829 and through January of 1894.

First Hundred Years – Newaygo County, Michigan, 1853-1953

The book “First Hundred Years Newaygo County, Michigan, 1853-1953,” published by the Newaygo County Centennial Committee, offers a comprehensive historical account of Newaygo County from its establishment to its centennial year. This factual and illustrative compilation provides insights into the county’s development over a century, documenting its evolution from the lumbering era to its status as a hub of industrial growth and scenic beauty.

Our heritage: Fayette County Ohio, 1803-1953

“Our Heritage: Fayette County Celebrates Ohio Sesquicentennial, 1803-1953” is a commemorative publication created by the Fayette County Sesquicentennial Committee in 1953 to mark the 150th anniversary of Ohio’s statehood. This 20-page booklet, produced in Washington Court House, Ohio, serves as both a historical record and a keepsake program for the celebration. The booklet covers a range of topics related to Fayette County’s history, including its early settlement, notable events, and contributions to Ohio’s development.

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 1853-1953

Published by the Harold R. Jones Co. in 1953, “Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio” provides an overview of this rapidly growing city in Summit County, Ohio. The booklet, prepared by the Cuyahoga Falls Chamber of Commerce, aims to serve as a practical guide for residents, providing essential information and fostering a sense of pride and community spirit. Through this publication, readers are encouraged to explore and appreciate the various facets of their city, making it not just a place to live, but a place to call home.

History of Harlan Indiana, 1853-1953

The “Harlan Centennial, 1853-1953,” compiled by the Harlan Community Association, offers a comprehensive reflection on the history and development of Harlan, Indiana. This commemorative book was published in 1953 to mark the 100th anniversary of Harlan’s founding. The centennial celebration was a significant community effort, with extensive participation from local residents and detailed planning by various committees. The book includes messages from key figures, a detailed program of the centennial events, and historical narratives highlighting Harlan’s growth, notable personalities, and community milestones.

History of Lawrenceburg Indiana, 1803-1953

“History of Lawrenceburg, Indiana: Sesquicentennial Edition” by Ray C. Johnson is a detailed historical account of Lawrenceburg published to coincide with its 150th anniversary in 1953. This 100-page book explores the city’s origins, development, and significant events like the late 19th-century floods. It covers a range of topics including the establishment of local institutions such as schools, financial entities, and the courthouse. The book also profiles influential figures and analyzes the architectural and social evolution of the city. Moreover, it features historical advertisements that provide additional insights into the era’s local businesses and societal norms. This well-organized volume remains a…

History of Shawano County Wisconsin, 1853-1953

The book “Shawano County, Wisconsin, Centurawno, 1853-1953” was compiled by the Shawano County Centennial Committee to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Shawano County, Wisconsin. Published in 1953, this volume captures the history and development of the county from its founding in 1853 through a century of growth and change.

Madison, Indiana: History and Highlights

“Madison, Indiana: History and Highlights” provides a detailed overview of Madison’s development since its establishment in 1808. As a strategic city beside the Ohio River, Madison flourished following its incorporation as a city in 1838. By the mid-19th century, it had become a significant commercial center, particularly noted for its pork-packing industry, only second to Chicago. Pioneering in rail connectivity and industrial diversification, Madison was home to varied enterprises like shipyards, starch factories, and iron foundries. Its cultural footprint included landmarks like Lanier Mansion and memorable events such as Jenny Lind’s concert in 1851. Madison now attracts over 150,000 visitors…

History of Williamsville Illinois, 1853-1953

The “Williamsville Centennial Souvenir Program, 1853-1953,” authored by Jane Brown Groves, is an historical record celebrating the first hundred years of Williamsville, Illinois. Published in 1953 by “Star” Printing Co. in Springfield, Illinois, this program is dedicated to Miss Jane B. Groves for her relentless dedication to compiling the historical data contained within. Her family had been integral to the development of Williamsville for over a century, contributing to its economic, social, political, religious, and educational spheres.

History of Bosque County, Texas, 1850-1954

“Bosque County, Texas,” authored by William C. Pool, is an historical account of Bosque County, Texas, spanning from its early settlement in 1850 through the mid-20th century. Published in 1954 by the San Marcos Record Press, this book builds on the only previously printed work on the county’s history—a pamphlet authored by Hugh J. and Calvin M. Cureton in 1904.

History of the Churches of Del Norte County CA

“A Century of Life and Faith in Del Norte County” by Don M. Chase, published by the Del Norte Triplicate in 1954, offers a detailed historical account of the religious life and institutions in Del Norte County, California. Covering the period from 1854 to 1954, this book explores the development of various denominations and churches within the county, emphasizing their foundations and growth over a century.

An Informal History of Osawatomie Kansas

“A Town Between Two Rivers” by Charles A. Knouse presents an informal history of the city’s founding, development, and significant events. This book, published as part of the Osage Valley Centennial in 1954, provides a comprehensive narrative based on documented history and personal accounts from residents. The narrative focuses solely on factual events, avoiding conclusions or opinions.

History of Lisbon Ohio, 1803-1953

“Historical Sketch Compiled for the Sesquicentennial Celebration of Lisbon, Ohio, July 18 to 26, 1953; 1803-1953” by Mary S. M. Firestone provides a detailed account of Lisbon, Ohio’s rich history in honor of its 150th anniversary. Published by the Buckeye Publishing Company in 1954, this 202-page book offers a comprehensive overview of the town’s development, from its early days to the mid-20th century.

History of the Olympic Peninsula

“The Last Wilderness” by Murray Cromwell Morgan, published in 1955 by Viking Press in New York, is a comprehensive historical account of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Spanning 275 pages, this book delves into the rich and tumultuous history of the region, offering insights into its pioneering days, the challenges of its lumber ports, and the establishment of Olympic National Park.
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