History of Williamsville Illinois, 1853-1953

The “Williamsville Centennial Souvenir Program, 1853-1953,” authored by Jane Brown Groves, is an historical record celebrating the first hundred years of Williamsville, Illinois. Published in 1953 by “Star” Printing Co. in Springfield, Illinois, this program is dedicated to Miss Jane B. Groves for her relentless dedication to compiling the historical data contained within. Her family had been integral to the development of Williamsville for over a century, contributing to its economic, social, political, religious, and educational spheres.

The program meticulously chronicles the significant events, developments, and figures that shaped Williamsville from its founding in 1853, when the Town of Benton was platted, through its growth and evolution into a thriving community. It provides an account of the town’s early days, including the establishment of key infrastructure such as the Chicago & Mississippi Railroad, the first post office, and the first school.

By documenting events year by year, the program highlights the pivotal moments in Williamsville’s history, such as the establishment of various businesses, the impact of national events like the Civil War and Lincoln’s presidency, and the town’s responses to natural disasters and economic changes. This historical souvenir program serves as both a tribute to the town’s past and a valuable resource for understanding the rich heritage of Williamsville and its people.

Table of Contents

  1. Centennial Program, p. 3
  2. Our First Hundred Years, by Jane Brown Groves, p. 9
  3. Methodist Church, p. 20
  4. The Williamsville Christian Church, p. 21


Groves, Jane Brown, Williamsville Centennial Souvenir Program, 1853-1953, Springfield, Illinois : “Star” Printing Co., 1953.

Centennial, History,


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